If a mask mandate is a good idea, then why would anyone need to offer to buy votes?

From Twitter, I had someone send this to me this AM, remarking that it seems a little too close to quid pro quo:

If a mask rule is such a good idea, then why would anyone need to offer to buy the vote of City Council members to get it passed ?

(You can get most people to use them by educating, btw, instead of dedicating Law Enforcement to being the mask police.)

51 thoughts on “If a mask mandate is a good idea, then why would anyone need to offer to buy votes?”

  1. A mask mandate is not a good idea. Unless you believe medical professionals and epidemiologists. And I do.

    Who do you believe?

    1. Elk,

      Do you believe the Medical professionals and epidemiologists and studies that say masks don’t work?

      Do you need a link to the NEJM study that says masks don’t work?

      1. Oct. 29th, 2020 NEJM:

        “Ultimately, combating the pandemic will involve driving down both transmission rates and severity of disease. Increasing evidence suggests that population-wide facial masking might benefit both components of the response.”

        That is the last I have seen from them, Realist.

          1. Brendan must be making some noise so he can run for AG.

            Or get appointed to something fancy by Biden.

    2. Masks increase viral and bacterial load at the point of entry.

      To be used properly, they should not be constantly adjusted and touched, and should be disposed of in biohazard containers regularly.

      Public mask mandates are really a sign of submission and control, while used properly by professionals they can increase safety.

      For widespread use as per .. masks are a placebo face diaper for terrified souls.

  2. So Jeff is saying the citizens of Sioux Falls need a parent?


    You are free to go live in China if you need a parent.

  3. Well said, Pat.

    A good idea’s time comes.

    If an idea of foisted upon the people, that’s fascism.

    They need the power of the Presidency to pull this off. Much of this is pre-planned to coincide with an election that is not really in question.


    Also, please spread the word about maidengate.com

  4. Do we have a right to spread VD? Or do we have a responsibility to protect others?

    Some of you are still mingling with the knowledge that you may have COVID. I don’t see a great deal of difference. But COVID kills.

    1. Do you know you have VD? If so and you do things to spread it, you are probably guilty of assault. BTW, we are learning more and more about COVID. Wearing a mask is like wearing a lucky charm to ward off evil spirits. You feel like you are doing something, but it is not doing anything. We are finding it is not the death sentence people were saying it was last Spring. We are also finding that areas that have mask mandates have had increases in the disease. Fortunately and interestingly, one week after the election we hear one of the companies with a vaccine has found it to be 90% effective.

  5. Everybody who wants to wear a mask is free to wear one.
    Anybody who does not want to be around people who are not wearing masks is free to stay away from them.
    Everybody who thinks their employer is not doing enough to keep them safe is free to quit that job and find another one.

    The one thing nobody can do by themselves is get paid for doing nothing, If you want to qualify for unemployment benefits, you need government to shut your employer down for you.
    All the howling about how the state and local governments aren’t doing enough to protect people is coming from the people who want to get paid for doing nothing.
    Once you figure that out, there’s no reason you shouldn’t remind them they are also free to leave the state.

    1. “Anybody who does not want to be around people who are not wearing masks is free to stay away from them.”

      It’s not like an employee can just up and walk away from an unmasked customer – not if they want to keep their job at any rate. And with half the country shut down, an actual steady, paying job can be tough to come by.

      Just put a damn mask on.

  6. Those of us who care about others, wear masks!!! S & N Dakota have the highest COVID positive numbers in the US per capita, increased by those not caring about the heath of others by not wearing masks. Masks are to protect others from our viruses. Two days prior to feeling ill with COVID, viruses are being exuded. 20% of COVID positive people are asymptomatic.Many are unknowingly spreading COVID by not keeping those viruses to themselves in a mask.
    For decades, Surgeons, Anesthesiologist, Nurses have worn masks for hours at a time in surgery and now while working with COVID positive patients to prevent their viruses, contaminants, etc. from being transmitted to the patient. Their masks are changed or sanitized regularly as the general public is advised to do as well. Those not caring enough for others to wear a mask are now killing our health care professionals as well with the additional cases coming in to their hospitals. Monument Health in RC is full to capacity with COVID patients. People are waiting for a bed to open to be admitted, when it is so easy to wear a mask & diminish the number of those suffering.
    It so easy to care for others by wearing a mask. Don’t pretend to turn this into a political matter, it’s life or death regardless of your affiliation. If you want to play that game, when the daily death stats are shown on the nightly news, rather than listing counties and ages of the dead, why not list them as Rep, Dem, Ind. Add to that list those now home with devastating lingering side effects.
    For those of us who call ourselves Christians, let’s spread that love for others by wearing masks.

    1. It is my experience people who claim personal moral superiority and those who disagree with them are of suspect morality are to be ignored for a host of reasons.

      Judy, after reading your smug, condescending opening assertion only you and your other mask wearers care, I quit reading the remainder of your post.

      1. Judy sounds like the few teachers my son has spoken about who shame him because his parents told him he will not be wearing a mask for 7-8hrs a day. It’s disgusting what some people will say/do to feel superior.

        We’re all in this #Together… until we’re not.

        1. Hardly any students are wearing a mask at my child’s school. Haven’t heard anything about teachers shaming a child. How old is your kid?

        2. If you are concerned I’d contact the teacher to see if there is a misunderstanding. Then follow up with an administrator. I know my teachers shamed some students into learning and showing up on time. The dastardly educators.

          1. I know, right? One of the top teaching strategies recommended by educational professionals is to shame students.

            1. My previous comment was made in jest. Shaming is not a strategy touted by any teacher I’ve ever met and I don’t condone it. I personally had amazing teachers that help foster a love of learning and held us accountable. Some people may confuse teachers pushing students to learn, do their work, and show up on time as shaming them. As a parent, I would contact the teachers and administration to clear up any misunderstandings and correct any wrongdoings.

        3. When we stop listening to scientists and doctors who study infectious diseases, and then pretend to think we know better than they do.

          Yes, that’s problematic for society. Wendall Hoffman, the head of infectious diseases at Sanford, and yes- Dr. Fauci both recommend wearing masks.

          But a parent, there’s a real expert on infectious diseases we should listen to – but MY RIGHTS…

          Let alone the impacts of possibly infecting other people. We have rights only until they infringe on the rights of other people. That’s why we can’t yell bomb on a plane or fire in a movie theater?

          1. Maybe that parent found other doctors, scientists and epidemiologist who did not recommend putting a mask on a young healthy child for the entire school day.

            We do have rights and that’s why not all students wear a mask to school.

      2. Can’t wait to hear you speak about abortion on this chain then Troy – it’s that same type of moral superiority that you spout off about regularly. And I quit reading about four words in as well. Aren’t all lives important to you Troy? Womb to tomb – or is it only while they’re in the womb?

        From the dictionary:
        Morals: a person’s standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.

    2. Judy – What a smug comment!! Those who care wear a mask.

      I don’t know if you are paying attention but, our next-door neighbors in “The Peoples Republic of Minnesotastan” have a statewide mask mandate, and it’s not doing squat. Apparently, they don’t “care enough’. Your probably the same person that uses the argument “if you care about Grandma you will do this” people. You don’t know anything about what others do and do not care about. Maybe some of us are secure in our walk with Christ and believe God will protect us and others. Maybe some of us don’t feel the need to wear a Face diaper that does NOT work to show Virtue Signal our submission to the masses. For the record, Doctors wear masks to stop ‘bacteria” not Viruses as a Virus is too small to be stoped by a face mask. THIS IS A VIRUS!!! Its .5 to 1 micron and it goes through a mask easily so what the HECK is a cloth mask going to do. I guess we just dont care about people

  7. Isn’t offering to pay an elected official to vote a certain way a straight-up bribe?

    What’s the difference in this and a developer offering money to a council member for a rezoning change?

    1. One would think that it is an openly state bribe.

      I wonder what the consequences are for that?

  8. Good post Pat, I totally agree, . . . (You can get most people to use them by educating, btw, instead of dedicating Law Enforcement to being the mask police.) That can be applied as well to other government mandates that are supposed to keep us healthy. If it is really good for you, education is the key, not mandates.

    1. Good point. In the interest of transparency, he should post a menu with price points and extras. Maybe a Value Menu too. Are there upgrades?

  9. in addition to mask mandates, why not a curfew? Massachusetts now has a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am, because those seven hours a night are when the virus is most contagious. Businesses must close at 9:30 and nobody is allowed to have gatherings of more than 10 people in their homes, and such gatherings must also end by 9:30. .

    If you are caught with more than ten people in your home you can be fined $500 for each extra person. And no guests in your house after 9:30 pm.

    And all of this in a state where they have had a mask mandate with a fine of $200 in place for months. In spite of that, cases are up 278% and hospitalizations have gone up 145% since Labor Day.
    What does that tell you about mask mandates?
    What it tells me is that first they make you wear masks. Then they close up the businesses. And then they start telling you what you can do in your own home with your own friends and extended family, and your neighbors are told to rat you out to the police.

    Wearing masks might be a good thing, but mandating them is a line which should not be crossed.

  10. I applaud him for doing so. Have you ever thought maybe he is supporting the voice of our medical professionals in S Dakota? During a public health emergency, we should be advised and listen to the experts in our state. Kristi Noem needs to keep her political and divisive rhetoric out of this. But, she just can’t help herself, can she? It’s incredibly disappointing to exploit the citizens of S Dakota and their health for her own political gain. She can travel the country for Donald Trump. Yet, couldn’t meet and listen to the Surgeon General of the United States yesterday? 2022 can’t come soon enough.

    1. So he should make his arguments; not bribe public officials.

      Should we just put their votes up for bid? Maybe somebody will outbid him to vote no.

    2. More than the media, no profession has suffered a breach in credibility than the medical profession. They used fear to scare us to take action not supported by the science. They declared COVID the pre-eminent public health issue such that consideration of other public health challenges got absolutely no consideration. And, they spoke to us like children (“We’re the experts. Sit down and don’t worry your pretty little head).

      Unless I can personally assess the credibility of the “medical expert,” there ramblings are worth nothing to me.

  11. Education efforts would work better if leaders in the SD GOP hadn’t spent months crapping on science because they didn’t want to hear it.

    1. Everything the Governor said was based on science, it was delivered without hyperbole, and it was factual.

      It was the medical community and others who kept shrieking and fear not based on science (using a known to be faulty model over and over is not science). The lack of effectiveness is 100% on those who tried to scare us.

  12. The medical community has launched MaskUpSodak to encourage South Dakotans to mask up and follow the CDC guidelines….. their messaging indicates they dare not seeking a government mandate.


    The state’s three major health systems and more than two dozen other organizations are partnering to promote masks as a prevention measure against COVID-19.

    The phrase “Mask Up SoDak” is unveiled as South Dakota sets a record for COVID hospitalizations.

    Dr. Benjamin Aaker is the president of the South Dakota State Medical Association. He speaks on behalf of 37 organizations supporting the #MaskUpSoDak campaign to renew public dedication to COVID-19 prevention measures. That list of organizations includes the Sanford, Avera, and Monument Health systems, the South Dakota Municipal League, the School Administrators of South Dakota and the state Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

    In March and April, the South Dakota State Medical Association urged Governor Kristi Noem to close non-essential businesses and issue a shelter-in-place order. In July, the organization advised all public schools to require face masks in the new school year. None of those requests came to fruition.

    Dr. Aaker explains this movement stops short of requesting government intervention.

    “We are not here asking for a governmental mask mandate. We appreciate the governor’s call to action for personal responsibility in helping to slow the spread of COVID-19. This group supports keeping South Dakota open, and the safest way to do that is to practice good hand hygiene, social distancing, and wearing masks.”

    Dr. Aaker did not address questions about how the Governor’s frequent appearances without a mask might impact this campaign.

    Dr. Aaker adds this movement is part of an ongoing effort from the state’s healthcare professionals.

    “We’ve been saying we need to mask up, we need to do handwashing, we need to have the social distancing, and if you’re sick stay home. We’ve been saying that and saying that and we’ve been trying to get it out to the public as much as possible,” he says. “And this is a great avenue, to be able to have this press conference, to do this, to get the message out to the public. And we hope they’ll take that message to heart.”

    1. if the experts cared about other people they would tell everybody to take vitamins C&D, zinc, and low dose aspirin every day. Vitamin C and zinc boosts the immune system. D modulates the immune response, and aspirin is an anticoagulant which can help prevent the blood clots the virus causes.

      I think it’s really interesting they aren’t telling us that. They just want everybody to wear masks, which don’t protect the wearer, just everybody around the wearer. They want us to protect THEM, not ourselves. The people telling us to wear masks aren’t telling us how to protect ourselves.
      It’s creepy.

      1. Please… as this virus came tidal waving across the world, medical experts tried to put in their two cents about what they could anticipate working or at least slow the initial wave. We thought it would hit harder, sooner. It didn’t. No one had a crystal ball.

        Supplements have no replicated scientific data. Supplements aren’t approved by the FDA. To advise people In blanket fashion to use said supplements without research – that’s dangerous. Are you selling said supplements? Typically those who push them so hard, are selling them.

        Stop being so critical of doctors and nurses. They are the ones awake all day/night, elbow and waist deep in COVID as our healthcare systems are drowning in this pandemic. No one told them how to do this – but they are doing the BEST They can in this political and aggressive negative culture.

        Love your neighbor. Appreciate those on the front lines. Talk with your personal doctor about what YOU can do. And stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.

        1. Dr. Fauci says he takes vitamin D and C supplements and that they can lessen ‘your susceptibility to infection’

          1. “Sept 4., Fauci said in clinical studies most “so-called” immune-boosting supplements didn’t really help people unless they had some sort of a deficiency. If fact, a lot of these herbs “either do nothing, or, if you take too much of them, they harm you,”

            “Overall, the best way to boost your immune system is to get good sleep and exercise, Fauci said. “Those are the things that are so much better than a bunch of herbs that really have never really been shown to do that,”

            Listen to your personal doctor please.

            1. Dr. Fauci says he takes vitamin D and C supplements and that they can lessen ‘your susceptibility to infection’

                1. “I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.” But that’s not all: Dr. Fauci also recommended another vitamin. “The other vitamin that people take is vitamin C because it’s a good antioxidant, so if people want to take a gram or so of vitamin C, that would be fine,” he said.

                  If you copy, paste and search the interview with Fauci will appear. I hope this helps your “friend”.

                  1. I get it. “Fauci said” and you want to take these vitamins. Still, one doctor hinting that it might work does not qualify as good medical knowledge. Typically, good medical knowledge comes from researched and replicated data. Vitamins cannot be given in a blanket fashion. There are individuals who would not benefit and it could be harmful. Especially the aspirin that you recommended. That is dangerous.

                    Back to your previous statement – “it’s creepy” that doctors aren’t promoting these measures to everyone. I will say, its creepy, that you have so little trust and are promoting something that obviously you have little knowledge about. Aspirin to everyone? That would fill the hospital up even more during this pandemic.

                    I talked with an ER physician two nights ago at 3 am. She said she was tired, it was hour 19 into her shift. However, she then said “my profession is a service profession and I am happy to do what’s right for patients no matter what the pressure and stress of this is”. That’s the medical community that you obviously aren’t seeing and it’s not creepy.

                    1. I’m not the @615 comment. I only sighted Fauci because most ppl think he is some kind of medical God since China let the virus spread.

                      You may want to talk w/your ER friend. I think the CDC does not recommend staying up for 19hrs while working w/sick ppl. Malpractice?

        2. The first news coming out of the pandemic was that the number one comorbidity found on autopsies of the victims was vitamin D deficiency. Mortality rates were noted to be lower in countries where Vitamin D is required to be added to things like margarine and milk, too. Lockdowns, keeping everybody indoors and out of the sun, made it worse. Dark skinned people living at northern latitudes have been particularly hard hit. The politicians blamed that on systemic racism in healthcare delivery, and closed the parks and beaches.

          Next we heard about the blood clots, causing strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary emboli. Staying hydrated and taking blood thinners are helpful.

          The experts have known these things for months but are more interested in lockdowns and mask mandates. The question we should all be asking is “why?”

  13. From the post above…. (You can get most people to use them by educating, btw, instead of dedicating Law Enforcement to being the mask police.)

    OK. If Kristi Noem and the rest of our leaders were really doing that, consistently, there might not be a need for a mandate. Instead, she pushes her freedom from responsibility mantra.

    New studies are showing the physical and mental complications of COVID may be quite severe for many survivors. Please, folks… take precautions. The vaccine may be here in a few months.

    1. What’s elk going to do when he finds out some people will not be taking the vaccine? We’ll get to hear how horrible everyone one is and there’s blood on Kristi Noem’s hands because she won’t be forcing SDakotans to get it!!!

  14. Haven’t heard anything about teachers shaming a child.

    Here are a few comments from SF teachers…

    “As a teacher, reckless people put MY life and the lives of other students at risk because they’re selfish. People have NO idea how bad cases are in schools. It’s been hidden VERY well. One high school has nearly 60 cases. One has 20+ staff out. Some of my classes have 5-6 students a day because that many kids are gone either close contact (because of the mask refusal), family member has it or they themselves have it.”

    “I went off on one of my classes of juniors last week because they made a comment about if/when we go back online that they still would hangout.”

    “They don’t get it. I saw kids sharing a water bottle the other day and lost my crap on them! They looked at me like I was crazy.”

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