If the “Health Freedom” group can’t get this right.. I wonder what else they’re incorrect on. Childhood vaccinations, perhaps?

Just saw this voter guide that was put out by the “Health Freedom” group during the election dated October 12th.

And I had to do a double take, because they didn’t do a very good job on actually noting who was running.

In District 1, they endorsed “Logan Manhart.”  The problem with that is that Logan Manhart hasn’t been in the race since June 8th. He was replaced with Joe Donnell shortly thereafter. (Somebody might want to let them know that Joe won. )

And in District 28B, they endorsed Thomas Brunner.  While I’m sure Tom appreciates the vote of confidence, he lost in the June primary, and Neal Pinnow was actually the candidate for 28B. He won pretty handily, BTW.

It just brings up a good point. If the research they do is that sloppy, and they can’t get basic information right.. I wonder what else they’re incorrect on?

Childhood vaccinations, perhaps?

4 thoughts on “If the “Health Freedom” group can’t get this right.. I wonder what else they’re incorrect on. Childhood vaccinations, perhaps?”

  1. My answer is no.

    It is possible to be incorrect on one issue, and correct on another.

    Side note: Party platforms can be designed with this intention in mind to prevent critical mass of people questioning status quo of power through alignment to the issues resonating with we the people’s common sense.

  2. Are these anti-vaxxers still claiming vaccines are making them magnetic and metal is clinging to their bodies?

    How about the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation where their vaccines have micro-chips that track and can induce mind control? Curious how they are getting their signals 5G? John Dale help us out here bud.

    The other Bill & Melinda Gates foundation conspiracy is that their vaccines are sterilizing populations.

    Well all those medical freedom anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theory enthusiasts led to a DFL trifecta in Minnesota. Not good! Send them all to South Dakota and have them join the Health Freedom Group?

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