I’m sure they’ll get right on that, Cole.

Minnehaha County Commission candidate Cole Heisey is convinced that it must be supporters of his former or current opponents who bent a couple of his yard signs, and *gasp* took one off the stand, and laid it on the ground next to it.   And as he declares to the Gods of wire and coroplast – Cole will be pursuing camera footage and pressing charges!

Is he sure it is supporters of past or current opponents? And not a roving pack of women who don’t care for Cole’s opinions on how monogamy is outdated?

I’m sure local police and the Minnehaha County State’s Attorney will put maximum effort and resources into those sign-bending vandals. And they shall rue the day!

8 thoughts on “I’m sure they’ll get right on that, Cole.”

  1. It probably doesn’t help that on Sept 20, AFTER the reports had surfaced about Mark Robinson, Cole sent out an email promoting Doeden’s gala with Robinson’s face plastered across graphic as the featured speaker.

  2. Hey Cole, Don’t blame the Dems. People don’t like NAZIS, their supporters and enablers.

  3. That’s 2 different angles on the bent sign, and the other sign can just be put back on the stand. Pretty sure that’s about 1, maybe 2 minutes tops to fix, despite all the pearl clutching.

  4. Oh no! A couple of signs were bent. That happens a thousand times a week in Sioux Falls. Even when it’s not windy.

  5. I wouldn’t be surprised if the SF PD would take on this case. They seem to be doing anything they can to avoid the serious work. I hear weekly of people disappearing or being shot there. However, the linear media won’t report on it since it’s elections season, all we hear about on KELO is how a first grade glass raised $23 to feed goats at the zoo.

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