Much like the RL21 anti-ethanol pipeline opponents, the Initiated Measure 29 opponents are on tv pushing a message that we’re all going to die if South Dakota votes to further legalize marijuana. …even though we’re all still here as the state, counties and municipalities has managed to do a pretty good job in putting the framework in place and regulating medical cannabis use.
Here’s their doomer & gloomer for the boomer commercial against 29:
You can all go duck & cover now.
Well, it’s not as gloomy as they suggest, but it would be a serious detriment to our society and culture. It would make our downtown like Denver’s, increase drugged driving, add to our drug abuse problems and increase hospital admissions for anxiety and psychosis. There are no benefits for the individual or our society.
We literally can’t be the “freest” state while adult use cannabis is extremely illegal.
“Doomer & gloomer for the boomer” may be the most perfect articulation of this tactic I have ever heard!
10 points!
Seems like the no side on most if not all seven ballot issues is inventing silly arguments. Especially the anti-grocery tax removal folks. Let’s stick to rational arguments folks.
Trump now supports legalization of recreational marijuana. What more do you need to know?
It is coming. GOP can’t resist the tax money. Legalizing it is bad thing. But it coming. All about more tax money the politicians can’t wait to get their sticky fingers on
I guess I was wrong that they wouldn’t go hard at this issue.
In 5 minutes I could have a fifth of whiskey at a very reasonable price. Also pretty Amazing.
“The kids are fine, but they’re going to have a hangover.” — Mr. Edwards (Little House on the Prairy after saving two children from a blizzard and letting them drink whiskey to stay warm in a make-shift snow house he built).
Super interesting!
If you’re like me, you lament that the theme song’s drums went from standard 4/4 rock to swing in the 3rd season before the globalists took over the script writing (pandemic/quarantine episode, also the anti-family pro-college episode preventing little Mary from starting her family with John under the premise that intellectual pursuits are unattainable by farmers).
Melania comes out in favor of abortion rights. Donald Trump criticized early abortion bans and supported marijuana legalization. But the issues are ON THE BALLOT in many states this year. Thanks to them, the liberal position should be expected to pass pretty much everywhere.
They undercut the position of most Republicans on marijuana. Then, on abortion, they’ve made the overturning of Roe… kind of pointless.
We hear from candidates and legislators how South Dakota is at the edge of a major tax revenue shortfalls coming with increased spending needs for our counties, roads and mental health. IM29 will make our fiscal challenges much more severe since costs exceed revenue by quite a bit.
Sure! IM29 will be a job creator with those jobs being to deal with and clean up the mess of THC full legalization and commercialization. Great way to increase the size of government and create more government dependency.
The only winners in this are the very small minority that will be the legal addiction profiteers but by far the largest winner will be the black market addiction profiteers. Meanwhile everyday South Dakotans get sold out once again.
You might want to read a dictionary because, the black market by definition of a black market, is already here.
You sound like that numbskull Woods that during the SDPB debate argued that the passing of amendment G would bring in black market abortions.
Absolutely the black market is already here but will be supercharged by a fully legalized and commercialized THC market. Legal addiction profiteers spend the money to grow their market share and the black market get’s a free ride undercutting those legal and regulated businesses that have all the overhead of a legitimate business.
Heavy chronic daily THC users will always seek out the cheapest THC whether their source is legal or not and the black market will always be cheaper plus they can sell to minors too plus not be limited to quantity or potency if stricter regulations are imposed by the state.
It is not uncommon for legal THC addiction profiteers to get caught selling contaminated or backdooring product either. Keep in mind that it is also not uncommon for this industry to avoid, resist or ignore regulations driven by greed. They are well known for shady practices.
Why do you hate freedom?
Actually, it is extremely rare for a licensed dispensary to sell MJ on the black market or to avoid/ignore regulations. It is one of the most regulated industries in the country and the documentation from seed to sale is insane. You completely made that argument up without any facts to back it. Seems on par with the billboard folks.
No, it’s actually true. Take the state of NY for example:
Just once I’d like some of you intellectual midgets to prove your claims.
NY has had many issues with their roll out. Other states wanted to avoid the problems NY infamously has had. All these states that pursued this public policy bunder all claimed their rollout would be better and they all failed with many issues that remained.
And no proof of any of your claims. Empty rhetoric from an empty brain.
Triggered with being challenged regarding on this super high potency drug? Consistent insults which is a common behavior associated with addiction.
You’re suddenly switching the issue from claiming that Marijuana legalization efforts in other states have completely failed to ranting about a complete nonsequetor rant?
Ah yes one might call that a desperate attempt to employ a whattaboutism. Common when losing a debate and a sure sign of an under developed frontal lobe (or just being dumb)
No proof for your bullshit, and you just double down on even more ridiculous claims. Maybe you are Catherine Woods.
Does it matter?
I heard that you may have killed a girl in 1993. I don’t know of it is true, and it probably isn’t, but someone should look into it. I gotta wonder why you havent denied it yet?
You see how easy it is for people to just make shit up? You probably don’t like it, right? So, stop making shit up.
Respectfully, more people will die of alcoholism while those ads are running than anybody will from cannabis ever.
It is a gateway drug especially given the deeply entrenched myths that are associated with this high potency drug all supported by the addiction profiteers being part of Big Tobacco 2.0. Those myths make it very difficult for those to recognize they have a substance abuse issue with THC and especially difficult for them to remain in recovery.
Speaking of myths, you’ve bought the gateway drug myth hook line and sinker. Your mental deficiencies and lack of critical thinking must make you especially susceptible to simple slogans.
With the rise of THC potency this is outdated.
When predicting behavioral trends, no it isn’t. It’s the same reason why studies on alcoholism do not differentiate between liquor and beer consumption, they focus just on the consumption of alcohol, not the percentage of alcohol within each drink.
This is why alcoholics are clinically divided into liquor alcoholics and beer alcoholics. You’re an idiot.
Let’s hope you are able to get the help you need my friend.
Psychosis Incorporated via IM29