From Twitter, incoming Majority Leader Scott Odenbach is spending his time not addressing constituent concerns, but arguing with Oscar the Grouch over what C stands for.
C is for control. C is for communism.
— Scott Odenbach (@ScottOdenbach) December 7, 2024
That’s silly. Everyone knows C is for cookie.
And that’s good enough for me.
Communists are his friends along with his right wing buddies. That’s why they want to defund Ukraine to the benefit of the Russian commies.
S is for Sociopath.
C is for Control Freak.
O is for Oligarchy.
T is for Tyrannical.
T is for……..shall I keep going? I can do his last name, too.
The only ones looking to control are the new “patriot” powers, that be, the new Odenbach-Oligarchy establishment.
Keep South Dakota small! If you hold us small in population, economic growth, and technological advancement, we’re far easier to control.
They’ll call it “traditional conservative values” all it is, is anti progress toward prosperity, through doubled down fear mongering.
A tactic they took straight from the liberal playbook, those they claim to be “saving” us from.
the saddest part about all of this, is that anyone who didn’t watch only fox news channel and its clones for news, already knows that the communist governments of the world have degenerated into straightforward oligarchies, run by unapologetic self-enriching kleptocrat oligarchs.
the democrats have learned that if you spend decades calling people you don’t like “the new hitler,” pretty soon hitler shows up and nobody cares anymore. republicans might be wishing the iron curtain back into existence, even while they’re buddy buddy with putin.
All I can say, is Hang on to your Hats Folks. This session is going to be a real s@#$ show to the detriment of our state. Npthing like putting us back a few hundred years.
Scott would know that c is for control.
So by that example, Scott is in a position of “control” as Majority Leader. Always knew he was a communist.
Heaven help us hang in there for two years and with any sense at all we will send these radicals packing.
I like cookies, I’m willing to bet Grudznick likes cookies. What’s wrong with cookies?!
So much Freedom in SD!
we all know that is sarcasm….
Next governor of SD?
Hope he’s got long skis