Incoming Majority Leader Senator John Thune sets aggressive work agenda for 2025 with 10 straight weeks of work, Border Security and Tax Cuts at top of agenda

Incoming Majority Leader & South Dakota Senator John Thune is setting an aggressive work schedule for the opening weeks of the US Senate in an attempt to get things done that have fallen by the wayside under the Biden Administration:

President-elect Donald Trump won’t succeed in his agenda, get his Cabinet nominees confirmed, secure the border, or extend tax cuts if the Senate shows up for work only 102 days next year, as it did this year. Luckily for Trump, Sen. John Thune (R-SD), the incoming majority leader, has set an aggressive schedule for 2025 that will almost double the upper chamber’s number of working days. 


Last week, during a Senate Republican retreat at the Library of Congress, Thune introduced a Senate schedule that would have senators working on the Senate floor five days a week, including 179 total days in session, and would start the year with before the first recess in March. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had the Senate in for only 150 days during President Joe Biden’s first term.

Thune also outlined a plan for two filibuster-proof reconciliation bills next year, the first addressing border security and the second extending the Trump tax cuts.

Read the entire story here.

Border security and extending tax cuts? Sounds good to me!  Keep up the good work Senator Thune!

6 thoughts on “Incoming Majority Leader Senator John Thune sets aggressive work agenda for 2025 with 10 straight weeks of work, Border Security and Tax Cuts at top of agenda”

  1. They should be in session even more but it is a good start. Now the House needs to be in session as much as the Senate.

    1. 10 straight weeks of work. Oh my goodness.

      I think Trump and most Americans think if they left town on recess we’d get things done a lot faster.

  2. These lawmakers should get paid hourly, just like the rest of us, and no bribes. Government has gotten out of control, I hope they can all still survive working a few hours a day, and for more than 100 days a year!

    1. Do you seriously not think that legislators are only working when on the floor in the capitol? If Senators only stayed in DC, they would be considered “out of touch” with their constituents. They cannot win…

      1. I certainly know that legislators do not “work” for the majority of the time they claim. Let us first define “work,” which, if one were to count “fundraising” as “work” for constituents, then maybe they can fill the full-time category. Closely knowing a staffer who was integral with scheduling, most of the time is spent fundraising. Depending on committee assignments, workload will also vary. Someone who is not on any committees, like MTG, I’m not sure what they do, spend more time on Twitter? I would have a very hard time believing there is a solid 40+ hours of work per week. They have a dream job.

        It is time to wake up, these celebrity “law makers” don’t even make laws anymore, the lobbyist write them all.

  3. We will see, the establishment republicans have control of the senate, many who were never Trumpers,. Will their resentment of the republican base, which is clearly in Trumps corner, make them block Trumps agenda??

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