Interim update – September/October from State Rep. Chris Kassin, District 17 House

Interim update from State Rep. Chris Kassin, District 17 House

I shared earlier this summer that legislators take the opportunity outside of session to learn more about how projects supported by taxpayer funds are working to serve South Dakota. In September, the Joint Committee on Appropriations (JCA) completed a tour of several East River projects. I appreciate the opportunity to see first-hand how decisions in Pierre impact our communities across the state. As legislators, our responsibility is to ensure that the hard-earned tax dollars of our citizens are invested wisely. We do not take this duty lightly.

Several places we spent time visiting don’t always receive a lot of fanfare or grab headlines. Instead, they do an excellent job of helping directly improve the quality of life for our state’s children, including Children’s Home Society of South DakotaSouth Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and McCrossan Boys Ranch.

When considering what role the government should play in the lives of our citizens, it’s essential to consider the care for our state’s most vulnerable populations – especially our children. The organizations that step in to fill these gaps sometimes receive little attention for various reasons. Still, their work for our children is vital and merits our appreciation and support.

Some examples we visited during the tour include a mutually beneficial partnership created between Northern State University and the South Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired that provided a new home for the SDSBVI on the NSU campus. The state also relies on private organizations to help provide services by awarding grants and contracts. Organizations like McCrossan Boys Ranch and Children’s Home Society support at-risk children and provide the support and resources that can be a lifeline.

As I’ve highlighted before, due to our state’s excellent economic conditions, this past session, we made meaningful progress in supporting organizations such as McCrossan, Children’s Home, and other community support providers like SESDAC in Vermillion by following through on the state’s commitment to fund Medicaid at 100% of methodology. This fulfills our state’s obligations and enables these organizations to continue their life-changing work.

My children were a key reason and inspiration for me to serve in the legislation. Preserving the quality of life we enjoy in South Dakota, and ensuring the opportunity to grow and thrive for our children is the best investment in our future. I’m grateful for private organizations such as Children’s Home Society and McCrossan for helping preserve hope for these young people.

Another critical focus of the East River tour included reviewing the pressing need of our penitentiary system. The issue of how to best manage our corrections system’s needs has been an essential and multi-faceted conversation at the regional and state levels. There are pressing concerns that must be addressed. These are multi-year discussions with a variety of stakeholders. On-site visits provide an essential source of information and perspective much more meaningful than relying solely on testimony during sessions.

These visits to the various organizations and agencies by the JCA are part of our commitment to diligently address today’s pressing needs while maintaining a forward-looking perspective. Our ultimate goal is to keep South Dakota a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

We had so many great conversations with people covering various issues. The issue that connects them is the difference they are trying to make for their communities.

As our focus now turns to the 2024 legislative session, any ideas, thoughts, or concerns can be the foundation for future legislation. Please know that I’m listening. My email address is [email protected], or you can always call/text me at (605) 670-9698.

Thank you again for the opportunity to represent you.

One thought on “Interim update – September/October from State Rep. Chris Kassin, District 17 House”

  1. I have the privilege of being Rep. Chris’s seat mate as well as serving on JCA with him. I have found him to be very attentive and aware of what is best for our great State. He has a great future as a Legislator.

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