Is she sure she wants an answer to that? Lora Hubbel wants to know WHY.

From Facebook:

Lora Hubbel wants to know WHY I have a specific opinion that she’s utterly unfit to serve in public office in any capacity? That’s a loaded question.

Is she asking about just the last year or so, or in general?  Either one could be a pretty long list.


If we’re looking… My favorite from the last 12 months..

46 thoughts on “Is she sure she wants an answer to that? Lora Hubbel wants to know WHY.”

  1. Sometimes when people ask the question it gives the opportunity to remind people of all her antics

    1. Jumping from party to party and Indy
    2. Countless postings about crazy conspiracy theories
    3. Constantly playing the victim when she fails…it was not Pat or anyone elses failure she did not get the signatures…that is the candidates responsibility and if Marty, Kristi, Dusty, Shantel or Tapio did not get the signatures…it would be their fault…but somehow they all seem to have done it…and maybe even Mr. Lafleur

  2. Might it be that she “burns bridges” at the drop of a hat? No regard for others before her own self-interests. Or is it that she has a side kick who is as unstable or more than she is which equates to all sorts of chaos on daily basis…

  3. I feel like for her, having a rational thought is like catching butterflies. Sometimes she gets one and its kind of nice and reassuring. But most of the time these days she can’t even find the damn butterfly and ends up stepping on it then blaming the neighbor’s cat.

  4. You should at least name 3 good reasons if you’re going to share this around, don’t want to be a bully or a troll now eh?

  5. Laura’s a harmless cook with no real influence. Pat’s a mean spirited jerk. I don’t care for either of them.

  6. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Robert Kennedy
    Read more at:

  7. Though Laura is atypical in many ways, I give her credit for trying to make a difference. How many people don’t give a damn, aren’t even registered to vote or even aware of the news of the day? At least she puts herself out there in the public square.

    1. I like the good Dr. Deutsch. Opposite of Dr. Jack Kavorkian. I do believe in natural death.

  8. I’m sure Troy Heinert and other Native Americans sure appreciate Lora’s attacks.

  9. Looks like those pushing medical marijuana maybe sorcerers:

    The root meaning of this group of Greek words is ‘druggist’ ‘poisoner’ or, ‘giver of potions’. These particular ‘sorcerers’ were persons able to prepare and dispense potions. But why did they dispense these potions? Was it in order to give relief from illness?

    Absolutely not! It was in order to stimulate hallucinations or visions! We must understand that it was long part of pagan religious practice to administer potions, or drugs, which would encourage hallucinations! There is, of course, a direct parallel here to modern illicit drug taking. But these original ‘pharmacists’ were involved in the black arts and in demonology; the basic idea was that taking certain potions could bring one into contact with the spirit world, and that this was to be desired. But the fact that the modern English word ‘pharmacy’ happens to be derived from ‘pharmakeia’ frankly proves absolutely nothing! Do people visit doctors in order to be given drugs which will bring them into contact with the spirit world? Of course not!!

    Providing to the sick the components of marijuana that relieve pain, would be medical. Having them smoke pot and producing hallucinations perhaps does fit into the category of sorcery.

  10. Pat, You have NEVER interviewed me – you have hand picked a few of my FB posts to make me look bad and then never let me respond to defend myself! It is tantamount to tying my hands while beating me up…..stop acting like a toddler. We are in an opium crisis and legal drugs are part of the problem. I addressed this from Biblical point of view. Pharmacia does mean Sorcery and it warns against giving yourself over to drugs (serving the creation rather than the creator)…why do you continue to ridicule me about this?

    1. Lora, aside from the fact you block me on Facebook, call me names, and utterly and continuously bear false witness against me, I’m not sure why you think that obligates me to give you a forum to “Lora-explain” your own statements.

      But please, keep talking about sorcery. I’m sure it’s a path to election victory.

      (In the meantime readers, for those interested in donating:

      26581 East Shore Place
      Hartford, SD 57033 )

        1. Tara, Are you running for Mayor of Mitchell again and working for Lora too? Is Lora tag teaming with you on your run in Mitchell?

  11. Well Pat. there you go, Lora will hit back. She’s not going to lay down and cry. She’s going to fight until she dies.

  12. Pat, knock it off. You know better than that. Lora is a very out spoken WOMAN! She is kind of like a chick dude.

  13. She is the modern day Nurse Ratchet. Louise Fletcher was my college roommates God Mother who won an Oscar.

  14. Lora.
    Pat may not know you but I know you and you are the definition of bully. There is no filter on your wild accusations.

    Pat and I are at odd most days too, and my posts sit in moderation and get blocked. But that’s because I say what I think and sometimes I step on his toes. It is his blog, not mine. He’s a Party boy in a not-so-wide GOP tent. Those of us who don’t always fit inside can expect to get wet.

    You playing the victim here is tells me you are running out of friends and don’t like the taste of your own medicine. I will definitely be sending a campaign check to Rep. Steinhauer and activating my District 9 contacts against you, and for him.

    I’d encourage people all over the state who have wearied of Lora Hubbel over the years to turn your dislike of her into some dollars against her….

    26581 East Shore Place
    Hartford, SD 57033

  15. She can’t be controlled. She is a maverick, and that’s what you guys can’t handle.

    1. Tara you are clueless…Lora fails over and over again….but yet you defend her…

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