Jamie Smith for Governor intro video. The Vanilla Democrat.

The website for Jamie Smith for Governor is up at www.smithforgov.org, where the Democrat’s candidate for Governor has posted an intro video for his campaign:

I did find it interesting today where he said he would not support an income tax among other statement this morning:

I get the distinct impression that Smith is going to deliberately avoid talking about some of the issues that highlight and define the differences between Republicans and Democrats in this state, and is going to portray himself as much of a vanilla Democrat as possible.

25 thoughts on “Jamie Smith for Governor intro video. The Vanilla Democrat.”

  1. Expect Billie Sutton 2.0 campaign. Moderate Democrat, we all need to work together, put SD first, etc. It won’t work but it’s really the only playbook they’ve got.

    1. If you mean it won’t work because all the Noep has to do is mention over and over that he’s a “radical leftist” or some other label she effectively hung on Mr. Sutton, then I suppose you’re correct. That’s all it will take to win the votes of enough Rs to beat him. What’s interesting is that Mr. Sutton came very close to beating her. Were it not for Lincoln County, Noep would not be flying all over the country at South Dakota expense.

      1. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

        If, if, if, the favorite words of losing candidates.

  2. And this isn’t really good or bad, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen an announcement video where you can see the candidate’s breath while he is talking! Pretty evident this candidacy came together quickly.

    1. Yeah, weird flex for the SDGOP. Governor is credibly accused of nepotism and exerting improper influence, AG is being investigated for impeach for manslaughter (which he was at fault for), senate leadership show up to work intoxicated, house leadership crumbles under their own incompetence in redistricting process.

      Yeah, God forbid a vanilla, reasonable adult should enter the picture and make them look bad.

  3. Why do you have to start name calling already – a vanilla Democrat? Just like the Noem campaign’s attacks already this morning…doesn’t anyone have common decency anymore? It’s so beneath what South Dakotans actually represent. Her campaign needs to do better and so should you. Please. And, yes, I’m a registered Republican…. Just so sick of the negativity

    1. It’s not name calling. It’s pointing out that he’s being intentionally bland and ill-defined.

      vanilla adjective
      Definition of vanilla (Entry 2 of 2)
      1: flavored with vanilla
      2: lacking distinction : PLAIN, ORDINARY, CONVENTIONAL

      Looking at his website, it seems that this was all hastily put together, and you don’t know what he stands for. I suspect it is on purpose.

      If you consider an observation of his blandness as an attack, you should probably turn off your tv, and cancel your Internet. As a candidate for office, it’s our JOB to judge his fitness and appropriateness as to whether he should be Governor or not.

      1. Personally, I’m a big fan of vanilla. Also chocolate. Enjoy the occasional soft-serve swirl. Strawberry is not my jam.

  4. Legalizing Recreational Marijuana and keeping taxes low contradict each other. It’s a money loser for states when all the costs are factored. Yep Those pushing it will boast about all this money in sales and tax revenue but are very careful to never ever mentions costs.

    He just lost Democrat votes already in his speech. Might as well say we rebranded ourselves from the failing South Dakota Democratic Party which required more work to build then what we were motived to do. We are now South Dakota Drugs and Poverty Industry Advocates with our lead advocate being Jamie Smith for Governor.

    Nice recently published articles about the woes in Oregon. Buyers remorse.


    1. Did you read your own link? The problem is, of course, prohibition.

      “The problem, cannabis advocates say, is not that legalization has failed. Rather it’s that the country hasn’t legalized enough. Until many more states — and the federal government — decide to legalize cannabis, those advocates say, the illicit weed problem is going to continue, even in legal states. The patchwork of still-illegal states — including some of the country’s most populous — creates too-tempting a market for illicit growers.”

      1. Of course I read it. They are always full of excuses and moving the goal posts. Problem is the back market locally targets the legal and regulated pot shops and growners too. It undercuts them in price, has no limits on how much it can sell, can sell to minors, no rules or regs and will ALWAYS be cheaper. Heavy, chronic, daily THC users are well known to seek out the cheapest THC wheather their source is legal or not and the black market will always be cheaper bringing with it and increase of crime some being violent.

        1. Yes, just like that thriving black market for alcohol. The moonshine I get on the street is way cheaper than at the liquor store.

  5. 70% supported medical marijuana and 55% or so legalizing all marijuana. There are not a ton of issues where the Dem candidate can be in the majority but that’s clearly one of them. I’d expect we’ll hear him talk about that one alot.

      1. Cannabis isn’t necessarily left wing, it’s a personal freedom issue too which republicans are supposed to be about.

  6. I’m impressed that in 1hr he put together more of a campaign than Taffy Howard or Steve Haugaard.

      1. Nice try. With all the out of state money flooding in to pass this with deceptive and false advertising campaign plus the ballot South Dakotans had no idea what they were voting on. Potheads just want legal cover for their drug. Abuses and unlawful activity will result. Then you have those who will profit from addiction. They don’t care.

        1. Ok Fred. “Constituents are just too dumb”. We’ll see what shakes out in Nov 22. I think you’ll be disappointed.

  7. Prediction: Jamie Smith, nice guy, broken political party with nearly zero party infrastructure, for pot (Liability) will get maximum 30% of the vote in the general election.

    Hubbel will get conspiracy, pot and anti-vaxx/noem enthusiast votes 1%.

    “America’s Governor” will easily cruise to re-election and be set up to run in 2024.

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