January 6 committee leaks SSN’s of Governor Kristi Noem, 1st Gentleman Bryon Noem, and other family members

From Twitter comes a tremendous breach of privacy, as the committee investigating the January 6th insurrection has, intentionally or not, possibly leaked the Social Security Numbers of Governor Kristi Noem, First Gentleman Bryon Noem, and several other Noem Family members in the course of releasing documents:

This is in relation to a release of information as detailed here on Fox News:

The Washington Post reported Friday that the leaked Social Security information was included in a spreadsheet buried within the “massive cache” of records from the committee’s work. Social Security numbers belonging to at least three members of Trump’s cabinet, a few Republican governors, and several Trump associates were reportedly compromised. The data was part of the White House visitor logs published by the committee.

While many Social Security numbers in the logs were redacted, the Post reported that around 1,900 of them were not. The Government Publishing Office (GPO), which was responsible for publishing the file, does not appear to have notified any of the individuals whose private information was released, the report said.

Read the story here.

13 thoughts on “January 6 committee leaks SSN’s of Governor Kristi Noem, 1st Gentleman Bryon Noem, and other family members”

    1. Why don’t you provide proof that it was done or purpose or go join John and Mike in the tinfoil hat world of election deniers.

        1. Are you seriously asking someone to prove a negative? Google “proving a negative” to get insight into why it is dumb.

          1. OK smart guy…prove that they took all the security measures necessary that were available to protect her identification, i.e. computer security, document control, need to know, who is responsible for this sensitive information, information policies, etc…specifically list what was done.

      1. Are you saying John Thune and Mike Rounds are election deniers? What a wild statement. Could not be further from the truth.

  1. My wife and I visited the White House during the Trump years. Have to confess I’m wondering if we were part of the release. Ugh.

    (December 2020 visitors.. Whew! I was there in the summer. But that’s still utterly unacceptable. – PP)

    1. Well Mr Powers…I would venture a guess that since you run a conservative blog you are already on the radar screen.

  2. The social security number withstanding, it speaks to our level of IT competency as a country when the leak of such a readily obtainable ID by thousands is thought to be a threat to the Governor of a state.

  3. And some in our S.D Republican Party still sold on begging the Federal Govt for grants, monetary funds, and just cause they think they owe us the money.

    As a precinct member, we are more than just a Trump faction, we are Americans, there are many people speaking up against corruption, abuse, and all the over dramatization of politics, it is time to take a stand…

    We need honesty, transparency, strong working relationships, but as you all call the precinct people the so called “extreme side of the party” you are also acting as extremists from the opposite side, not willing to compromise, negociate, and talk about our differences…

    Most of the Precinct persons are just like myself are very passionate about the State…

    1. Do you mean like trump sending out millions in ‘refunds’ adding trillions to the deficit? A trump faction speaking against corruption, abuse, and all the over dramatization of politics? Where have you been with Jan 6, stolen classified documents, no audits, no taxes paid to name a few. Pull your head out of your …

      1. “stolen classified documents, no audits, no taxes paid to name a few.”

        If you have been paying attention to the new lately, where are you with mumblin-stumblin Joe on these issues?

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