11 thoughts on “Jeb Bush’s first commercial of the 2016 election”

  1. Hillary has a boat anchor shackled to her and is sinking fast, Bernie lives in a socialist pipedream and is will not get elected. Jeb has a long way to go. It’s still up in the air who among the GOP will emerge.

  2. If he continues this format across a bunch of issues, I think it is effective and will “build brand.” If he jumps around, I think it will be of minimal effect. At this stage, it is about creating a lasting impression in voters mind.

    I’m going to write a piece if I get time about the fluidity of this race and past races. People in primaries will change their mind back and forth over the course of a campaign. The goal should be to create an impression that sticks with voters so as they change their mind or their candidate drops out, they move to Bush.

  3. As each week passes, I am less and less worried about the Bush name. Bush will be tough if he gets some more of that rust off his campaign and debate style. Hillary is sinking fast, Biden is a joke, and Sanders is a laughable disaster. Trump is even polling well against them. That being said, the GOP nomination is wide open.

    1. The last two GOP candidates lost – they were both the establishment picks. This time around it would behoove the GOP to choose a nominee who is NOT establishment. And thus the surge of Trump, Carson, and Fiorina. People are fed up with politics as usual, i.e. establishment. No party should think it has it “in the bag” when it comes to who will win the presidency; but many people don’t know the issues and only vote for who promises them the most freebies.

    2. hey whats up, what should i get hillary for a congratulations present when she wins the election next year? is it too soon to buy one? should i pick something that goes with orange?

      1. I give Hillary 3 to 1 odds at beating Bernie to the convention, but I admit my statistical model is heavily skewed by actuaries.

  4. Sounds good, but….he still supports Common Core, still is soft on illegal immigration, and worst of all is establishment. The country needs a change, and I don’t think Bush is it.

  5. Bingo. Can’t loose 90% of Hispanic vote, many of whom are GOP. Loose 90% of Hispanic vote and there will never be another GOP president. You have to be where the people are that you want to represent.

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