John Thune’s July 2022 FEC Quarterly Report: $1M Raised, $343k Spent, and a massive $17M Cash on hand

John Thune FEC Report 2022 July Quarterly by Pat Powers on Scribd

US Senator John Thune rolled through the June Primary with a massive head of steam, and continues his momentum with his post-primary report, noting that between 5/19/22 and 6/30/22, he raised over a million dollars against only 343k of expense, leaving him with cash on hand at the end of this abbreviated reporting period of $16,889,094.52.

Compared to his Democrat opponent, who at the end of the same reporting period noted contributions of $60,523.59 and spending more than he took in with $73,490.89 going out of his account, leaving him $31k in the bank (after a loan of $20,000).

Doesn’t seem like the Democrat is moving in anything resembling the right direction.

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