Johnson Supports “American Energy Independence from Russia Act”


Johnson Supports “American Energy Independence from Russia Act”

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) cosponsored the American Energy Independence from Russia Act which immediately approves the Keystone XL Pipeline, resumes permitting of energy and mineral development on Federal lands and waters, and boosts natural gas production in the U.S. The bill would also require President Biden to develop an energy security plan within 30 days to offset any disruption of Russian imports.

“President Biden has the opportunity to right wrongs and undo the damage his administration has done to America’s energy independence,” said Johnson. “On the first day of his term, President Biden cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline – the American Energy Independence from Russia Act will bring this back. The events happening in Ukraine and Russia’s unwarranted aggression is a reminder to us all: America shouldn’t rely on foreign adversaries for oil and gas.”

“Putin and Russia’s economy are dependent upon dominating energy production and exporting to other nations. He gains power by doing so, and it’s what funds his military and aggressive behavior,” said Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers. “To counter Putin, our bill flips the switch to promote American energy jobs, production, and exports. America must shut down Putin’s war chest and stop bloodshed in Ukraine, and this legislation is a vital step in achieving those goals.”

The Keystone XL Pipeline would have imported 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Canada into the United States, compared to the 595,000 barrels of crude oil the United States subsequently began to import daily from Russia at the end of 2020. Additionally, Johnson cosponsored H.Res. 940 which calls on President Biden to take immediate action to provide allies of the United States with an affordable and secure supply of energy to strengthen global energy security.

In February 2021, following President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline, Johnson hosted a roundtable in Philip with more than 20 South Dakota business owners and community members impacted by the Executive Order.

The American Energy Independence from Russia Act was introduced by Energy & Commerce Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-5).


4 thoughts on “Johnson Supports “American Energy Independence from Russia Act””

  1. Otherwise known as the Bring Back What Trump Was Already Doing Before Biden Canceled It Plan

  2. Meanwhile, Russia accounts for 3.5% of imported oil, and that percentage magically grew to that level under dear leader 45. Hmmm.

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