Legislative Committee Assignments for 2019

House and Senate Leadership have set the committees for next week’s legislative sessions, and the South Dakota Legislative Research council has managed to display it in the most user unfriendly manner they could for those who wish to view all the data in one glance.

So, for those of us who want to view the assignments in their entirety, I’ve compiled it below:


Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources:

Chairs: Cammack, Gary
Vice-Chair: Youngberg, Jordan
Senators: Blare, Rocky (R); Cammack, Gary (R); Ewing, Bob (R); Foster, Red Dawn (D); Heinert, Troy (D); Klumb, Joshua (R); Otten, Ernie (R); Soholt, Deb (R); Youngberg, Jordan (R)

Senate Commerce and Energy:

Chairs: Stalzer, Jim
Vice-Chair: Schoenbeck, Lee
Senators: Curd, R. Blake (R); Kennedy, Craig (D); Monroe, Jeff (R); Nelson, Stace (R); Novstrup, Al (R); Schoenbeck, Lee (R); Stalzer, Jim (R)

Senate Committee on Appropriations:

Chairs: Wiik, John
Vice-Chair: Cronin, Justin
Senators: Cronin, Justin (R); Greenfield, Brock (R); Kolbeck, Jack (R); Maher, Ryan (R); Nesiba, Reynold (D); Partridge, Jeff (R); Sutton, Margaret (R); White, Jim (R); Wiik, John (R)

Senate Education:

Chairs: Solano, Alan
Vice-Chair: Curd, R. Blake
Senators: Bolin, Jim (R); Curd, R. Blake (R); Heinert, Troy (D); Jensen, Phil (R); Smith, V. J. (R); Solano, Alan (R); Steinhauer, Wayne (R)

Senate Government Operations and Audit:

Chairs: Maher, Ryan
Vice-Chair: Cronin, Justin
Senators: Cronin, Justin (R); Maher, Ryan (R); Rusch, Arthur (R); Wiik, John (R); Wismer, Susan (D)

Senate Health and Human Services:

Chairs: Soholt, Deb
Vice-Chair: Steinhauer, Wayne
Senators: DiSanto, Lynne (R); Foster, Red Dawn (D); Jensen, Phil (R); Rusch, Arthur (R); Soholt, Deb (R); Solano, Alan (R); Steinhauer, Wayne (R)

Senate Judiciary:

Chairs: Russell, Lance
Vice-Chair: Rusch, Arthur
Senators: DiSanto, Lynne (R); Kennedy, Craig (D); Nelson, Stace (R); Rusch, Arthur (R); Russell, Lance (R); Schoenbeck, Lee (R); Stalzer, Jim (R)

Senate Legislative Procedure:

Chairs: Greenfield, Brock
Vice-Chair: Kolbeck, Jack
Senators: Bolin, Jim (R); Greenfield, Brock (R); Kolbeck, Jack (R); Langer, Kris (R); Nesiba, Reynold (D); Novstrup, Al (R); Schoenbeck, Lee (R)

Senate Local Government:

Chairs: Jensen, Phil
Vice-Chair: DiSanto, Lynne
Senators: Cammack, Gary (R); DiSanto, Lynne (R); Ewing, Bob (R); Jensen, Phil (R); Novstrup, Al (R); Steinhauer, Wayne (R); Wismer, Susan (D)

Senate Retirement Laws:

Chairs: White, Jim
Vice-Chair: Bolin, Jim
Senators: Bolin, Jim (R); Nesiba, Reynold (D); Smith, V. J. (R); White, Jim (R); Wismer, Susan (D)

Senate State Affairs:

Chairs: Ewing, Bob
Vice-Chair: Klumb, Joshua
Senators: Bolin, Jim (R); Ewing, Bob (R); Greenfield, Brock (R); Heinert, Troy (D); Kennedy, Craig (D); Klumb, Joshua (R); Langer, Kris (R); Novstrup, Al (R); Youngberg, Jordan (R)

Senate Taxation:

Chairs: Monroe, Jeff
Vice-Chair: Smith, V. J.
Senators: Cammack, Gary (R); Monroe, Jeff (R); Otten, Ernie (R); Russell, Lance (R); Smith, V. J. (R); Stalzer, Jim (R); Wismer, Susan (D)

Senate Transportation:

Chairs: Otten, Ernie
Vice-Chair: Blare, Rocky
Senators: Blare, Rocky (R); Foster, Red Dawn (D); Monroe, Jeff (R); Otten, Ernie (R); Russell, Lance (R); Soholt, Deb (R); Solano, Alan (R)



House Ag & Natural Resources:

Chairs: Brunner, Thomas
Vice-Chair: Lake, John
Brunner, Thomas (R); Chase, Roger (R); Finck, Caleb (R); Glanzer, Bob (R); Lake, John (R); Lesmeister, Oren (D); Livermont, Steve (R); Marty, Sam (R); Mulally, Tina (R); Otten, Herman (R); Peterson, Kent (R); Pourier, Peri (D); Randolph, Tony (R)

House Commerce and Energy:

Chairs: Rounds, Tim
Vice-Chair: Gosch, Spencer
Beal, Arch (R); Gosch, Spencer (R); Johnson, Chris (R); Lake, John (R); McCleerey, Steven (D); Miskimins, Paul (R); Perry, Carl (R); Rounds, Tim (R); Sullivan, Kelly (D); Weis, Kaleb (R); Willadsen, Mark (R); Zikmund, Larry (R); Vacant

House Appropriations:

Chairs: Karr, Chris
Vice-Chair: Hunhoff, Jean
Bartels, Hugh (R); Gross, Randy (R); Howard, Taffy (R); Hunhoff, Jean (R); Karr, Chris (R); Koth, Lance (R); Peterson, Sue (R); Post, Doug (R); Saba, Michael (D)

House Education:

Chairs: Greenfield, Lana
Vice-Chair: Glanzer, Bob
Brunner, Thomas (R); Deutsch, Fred (R); Glanzer, Bob (R); Greenfield, Lana (R); Healy, Erin (D); Johns, Timothy (R); Latterell, Isaac (R); Marty, Sam (R); Olson, Jess (R); Randolph, Tony (R); Rasmussen, Nancy (R); Reimer, Rebecca (R); Ring, Ray (D); Steele, Manny (R); Wiese, Marli (R)

House Government Operations & Audit:

Chairs: Peterson, Sue
Vice-Chair: Haugaard, Steven
Bordeaux, Shawn (D); Haugaard, Steven (R); Karr, Chris (R); Latterell, Isaac (R); Peterson, Sue (R)

House Health and Human Services:
Chairs: Jensen, Kevin
Vice-Chair: Wiese, Marli
Borglum, Scyller (R); Deutsch, Fred (R); Frye-Mueller, Julie (R); Healy, Erin (D); Jensen, Kevin (R); Miskimins, Paul (R); Perry, Carl (R); Rounds, Tim (R); Smith, Jamie (D); St. John, Tamara (R); Wiese, Marli (R); Vacant; Vacant

House Judiciary:

Chairs: Hansen, Jon
Vice-Chair: Johns, Timothy
Barthel, Doug (R); Borglum, Scyller (R); Cwach, Ryan (D); Diedrich, Michael (R); Hansen, Jon (R); Johns, Timothy (R); Latterell, Isaac (R); Pischke, Tom (R); Pourier, Peri (D); Rasmussen, Nancy (R); St. John, Tamara (R); Vacant; Vacant

House Legislative Procedure:

Chairs: Haugaard, Steven
Vice-Chair: Gosch, Spencer
Beal, Arch (R); Diedrich, Michael (R); Gosch, Spencer (R); Hansen, Jon (R); Haugaard, Steven (R); Qualm, Lee (R); Smith, Jamie (D)

House Local Government:

Chairs: Otten, Herman
Vice-Chair: York, Nancy
Barthel, Doug (R); Chaffee, Kirk (R); Cwach, Ryan (D); Frye-Mueller, Julie (R); Greenfield, Lana (R); Mulally, Tina (R); Otten, Herman (R); Reed, Tim (R); Reimer, Rebecca (R); Schoenfish, Kyle (R); Sullivan, Kelly (D); York, Nancy (R); Vacant

House Retirement Laws:

Chairs: Zikmund, Larry
Vice-Chair: Rounds, Tim
Duba, Linda (D); McCleerey, Steven (D); Perry, Carl (R); Rounds, Tim (R); Zikmund, Larry (R)

House State Affairs:

Chairs: Qualm, Lee
Vice-Chair: Beal, Arch
Anderson, David (R); Beal, Arch (R); Dennert, Drew (R); Diedrich, Michael (R); Goodwin, Tim (R); Gosch, Spencer (R); Hansen, Jon (R); Haugaard, Steven (R); Jensen, Kevin (R); McCleerey, Steven (D); Peterson, Kent (R); Qualm, Lee (R); Smith, Jamie (D)

House Taxation:

Chairs: Willadsen, Mark
Vice-Chair: Dennert, Drew
Chaffee, Kirk (R); Dennert, Drew (R); Duba, Linda (D); Duvall, Mary (R); Johnson, Chris (R); Johnson, David (R); Mills, John (R); Olson, Jess (R); Pischke, Tom (R); Reed, Tim (R); Ring, Ray (D); Schoenfish, Kyle (R); Willadsen, Mark (R); Vacant; Vacant

House Transportation:

Chairs: Mills, John
Vice-Chair: Anderson, David
Anderson, David (R); Bordeaux, Shawn (D); Chase, Roger (R); Duvall, Mary (R); Finck, Caleb (R); Goodwin, Tim (R); Johnson, David (R); Lesmeister, Oren (D); Livermont, Steve (R); Mills, John (R); Steele, Manny (R); Weis, Kaleb (R); Zikmund, Larry (R)

Anticipate that there will be a little shifting in the house as they assign people to committees based on the vacancies that were recently filled.

7 thoughts on “Legislative Committee Assignments for 2019”

  1. Brock is on approps and pro temp—someone look after him so he doesn’t run himself down…that is a lot of work being leader and on approps…kudos to him

  2. I agree with Brian.

    While the other committees often have the red meat that generates headlines and controversy, Appropriations is where the real work of impacting government and the citizenry happens.

  3. and I’m curious how Sen. Greenfield, whom I love, can be on State Affairs and Approps. Normally those on Approps aren’t on any other “regularly-meeting standing committee” !

  4. Looks like 2 of the more uninformed appropriators from last session have been promoted to Chairs of the Committee… should be interesting to watch. Especially, with a skeleton LRC Fiscal Staff and new Chief Fiscal Analyst in Tami Darnall.

      1. On the House side I would have promoted Hugh Bartels, if I’m gonna pick a 2nd term legislator as chair. He has shown a clear understanding of the process. Also, if you’re gonna have a 2nd term legislator as the chair, you probably shouldn’t appoint a bunch of 1st term legislators to the committee.

        On the Senate side I would have appointed Partridge or Cronin. Obviously Partridge running against Greenfield for Pro Tem. kind of through out the opportunity for him chairing the committee. Greenfield probably didn’t want a strong personalitied chairmen for Approps. which makes sense.

        Unfortunately the Appropriations Committee tends to operate in a bubble separate from the rest of the legislature, so a big part of the last few weeks of the session is catching the rest of the legislature up with what has taken place throughout the session. These chairs lack the knowledge and the experience to inform the legislature and will in turn lean on 2nd floor (BFM and Governor) to make some of the big decisions.

        1. I don’t have much of an opinion as to who was chosen in the House, but I am very confident of Wiik as chair in the Senate. He is a 3rd termer, and was chosen by long-time Appropriator Tidemann to be his vice-chairman last term, in order to groom him for this spot. He is very knowledgeable and capable, and head and shoulders above the other two you mentioned as far as temperament and demeanor.

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