Legislators receive Ravnsborg accident materials, caution decision on further action “months” away

The South Dakota House of Representatives has been provided a hard drive full of material related to the State’s investigation of last September’s traffic accident involving the Attorney General, and cautions that it will take months to review the material:

Gosch said Thursday that his staff in Pierre received the hard drive late Wednesday and that he hadn’t had a chance to see what it contains. He’ll have to sort through files that contain nearly 1,300 photos, cellphone data extraction reports, roughly 10 hours of video and audio of interviews, more than 1,500 pages of investigative reports and a crime scene map that requires special software to view.

“We’re still evaluating what the process is going to look like,” he said, adding that lawmakers would “allow an ample amount of time and an ample amount of due process.”


“It’s so difficult to know how long it would take to sort through all that evidence,” said Republican state Rep. Jon Hansen, who is a member of the legislative leadership.

Read it all here.

If the legislature decides to move forward, this may be something that has to go beyond next winter’s legislative session as they try to make a case for impeachment beyond the traffic offenses the Attorney General pled no contest to.

28 thoughts on “Legislators receive Ravnsborg accident materials, caution decision on further action “months” away”

  1. It sounds like a mountain of materials to go through and if at the end of it the best the prosecutors could find was a few misdemeanors…..how are the non-lawyers going to find more?

    1. The autopsy report cites 190 nanograms per milliliter of Lorazepam in Boever’s system, and I’m hearing that the right side of Ravnsborg’s car may have been only a couple of feet outside the edge line. Judging from the damage to the front of the hood, that would appear to place Boever on or very near the edge line.

      If Boever’s own negligence contributed to the crash, a wrongful death lawsuit probably wouldn’t be the open-and-shut case some have suggested it would be.

      1. On or very near the edge still puts Jason outside his lane of travel. Joe’s family will win. You guys are trying really hard to blame the victim and that really isn’t surprising.

        1. There’s only one of me, and if Boever was abusing Lorazepam and on or very near the edge line, then he’s at least partly to blame for the collision, and one could argue that Ravnsborg is a victim of Boever’s negligence.

          1. A basic google search show recommended dosage is 2mg-10mg, and 2 mg equates to 20 nanograms per milliliter. Information also states that a person may build up tolerance to the drug.

            In case you (3:02) aren’t great at math, 10 mg would be 100 nanograms, and 190 nanograms that you say are in the report are less than double the recommended rate.

            Before I saw this and heard the reports, I heard things like he had taken 10-30 times the recommended dose. Not even remotely true. The smear campaign is disgusting and desperate. This is another reason Ravnsborg needs to go.

            1. It states 2-3 grams per day which = 20 ng. 20 / 190 = just about 10 times the limit. Joe was 10 times over the recommended limit. That puts him very imparred. The more plausible outcome is Joe was not with it, stumbling somewhat into the road,

              1. A nanogram is a billionth of a gram and a millionth of a milligram, and neither of the previous two commenters seems to have a clue what he’s talking about.

          2. On further thought, I think it more likely that Ravnsborg has discontinued retention of the crisis response firm.
            Since the conclusion of the trial, the MO and language of posts from those “individuals” purporting to support Ravnsborg has changed. In addition, the tactic is no longer one of professional and carefully crafted image support for Ravnsborg. Rather the tactic has migrated to slander and smearing of the victim.
            Desparate. Despicable.

            1. Vastly exceeding the recommended dosage of an anti-anxiety psychotropic can be extremely dangerous, especially if anxiety is what keeps a person away from the edge line of a rural highway when a vehicle approaches.

              I’m definitely not a professional image-crafter, and I’ve never met Ravnsborg. If you’re looking for desperate, despicable slander and smearing, you might want to check a mirror.

  2. I’m not so jazzed-up to string the guy up (proverbially).

    But I know that a lot of folks are looking for blood on this.

    Let’s solve the vaccine thing, 5G problem (need insurance and a public safety study), and tech jobs for young people (programming jobs currently going to India) before lift this heavy thing.

    1. I couldn’t agree more.

      When the marijuana decision ever comes that will be the big issue along with vaxxing/anti-vaxxing issues the legislature will have plenty to deal with and this is simply not an impeachable event.

    2. There is no vaccine thing, or 5G thing. Btw, which leadership slot are you in to set the legislative agenda?

  3. I don’t understand something, Noem stated she spent 10 hrs when she first got everything going through all these reports and videos?


    Clearly, she didn’t go through it at all is my guess.

    Nemo: “I spent about 10 hours on Monday reviewing the entire case and the videos and what was included during the investigation before the charges were filed.”

  4. it sounds like Noem is more annoyed by Ravnsborg’s behavior after the accident than the accident itself.
    I guess he was supposed to don sackcloth and ashes and walk through the streets flagellating himself to show sufficient remorse.

    His failure to show up at court so the family could throw rotten tomatoes at him on the courthouse steps, in front of TV cameras, was especially egregious..He owed them that opportunity. The viewers want to see hysterics. We were robbed!

    There hasn’t been anything so terrible since Marty Jackley failed to exhume the perpetrators of the Gear Up and EB-5 scandals and have public hangings with the corpses. When the public screams for blood, the politicians need to deliver..

    1. “When the public screams for blood, the politicians need to deliver.”

      The full comment above (@9:33) is clever and funny and ranks among the best I’ve ever read.


  5. Here’s the reality: not a single legislator currently serving has ever done this before. Maybe a few of the lawyer-legislators understand the process, but no one. no one, has any practical expereince. Almost none of us understand the process. Almost none of us understand what would be required of us. And just becasue some impulsive fresh-faced kid from Pierre introduces impeachment papers, doesn’t mean squat for most of us. If this issue comes before us, it will be a lenghty, arduous process. No question it will require study. If I have to make a decision, I can’t say what I will do, but I will do my duty. No one should look for a quick answer, and certainly not during regular Session.

      1. He or she is probably thinking “I don’t get paid enough to do this.”

        If we want a full-time legislature we need to pay them so they can quit their other jobs and have all these “special sessions” which people are calling for.

        Or we could just resign ourselves to having legislators who are either very young and still live with their parents, or very old and well past their expiration dates. That’ll work.

        1. Ha good one. Thankfully they aren’t all like the above. It’s not all resolutions and introducing the 8th grade class from XYZ middle school.

    1. That impulsive, gresh faced kid is a graduate of one the best law schools in the country and understands process better than most.

        1. “… liberal Ivey- (sic) league school.”
          When did the University of Virginia join the”Ivey-league”?

          Are you defending Ravnsborg? Or slothful legislators, seemingly uninterested in performing duties of the office for which they campaigned?
          I want to properly attribute the ignorance.

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