15 thoughts on “Life imitates art?”

  1. Eleanor Roosevelt once said “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”
    This blog has no credibility if the posts are just trashing individuals. I do not agree with the positions Mr. Nelson takes but let’s debate the ideas & not stupe to the Democrats political strategy of trashing the opponents. So how many great minds are out there or is SD full of small minds?

    1. You are correct, JimV. I see too many Republicans trashing each other when they should be trashing the leftwing policies. Unless one is a democrat in republican clothes. Like some in Pierre.

        1. What IDEAS has Stace Nelson got signed into law NONE

          Lets focus on Chislic and women in the non-existent militia…

          Instead he stands with Rick Weiland and Democats throughout the session only attacking Republicans.

          He is a joke

          1. ………..and going to the liberal blog…where he posts publicly but he doesn’t have the courage to do that here….

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