Lincoln County Republican Party board thinks it is going to tell legislators how to vote

I guess these are the times we live in, as the new group in charge of the Lincoln County GOP believes it can tell their legislators how they are supposed to vote. (Isn’t that cute?)

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
To: Lincoln County Republicans LCR <>
Subject: South Dakota Prison

Dear legislator, 

My name is Wayne Miller and I am the Lincoln County Republican Party board chairman.  I am writing to share the Lincoln County Republican Party board position on the proposed prison relocation and expansion project.   

Our board is OPPOSED to a relocation and investment in a new facility.  In short, but not fully comprehensive, the existing prison has many years of useful life left as a result of not only the well-maintained property but also the still very young expansions and upgrades.  Likewise, the current operation has many of the upgrades that are built into new facilities to make them state of the art for safety and security.   

We vigorously advise AGAINST this project.  To relocate and/or rebuild is not advantageous to the state of South Dakota penal incarceration, does nothing to improve operations and illustrates ill-advised and wasteful spending.   

We have elected you to make decisions wisely and administer tax dollars appropriately.  Please REJECT this project and use our resources to determine how we can use the existing facility to its maximum potential. 

OBO Wayne Miller, Chairman, Amy Harms, Vice Chairman, Michelle Jensen, Secretary, Seth Moser, Treasurer, Manny and Barb Steele Committee.


Wayne Miller
Lincoln County

Central Committee
Executive Board Chairman

When the Lincoln County Republican Party board chairman actually has to start out his letter telling the legislators that he’s Lincoln County Republican Party board chairman, I’m not sure how effective that executive board of 7 or 8 is going to be in imposing their will on the people who were elected by several thousand registered voters who could care less that this person is Lincoln County Republican Party board chairman.

I’m not sure if Lincoln County legislators should just shake their heads or chuckle as they try to tell them how to vote.

8 thoughts on “Lincoln County Republican Party board thinks it is going to tell legislators how to vote”

  1. New Map of all the wacky county GOP executive boards. Getting involved in policy and impose their view as the only view any Republican can have. If you dare to point out an opposing view or make any case for economic development you’re called a democrat and they do whatever they can to make your personal and professional life impossible hard. It’s so sad.

    If that county commissioner recall bill passes I have no doubt it will be used as a threat. Do what I say or I’ll turn in recall petitions.

  2. This prison aside, it seems like people are trying to restore party bosses and machine politics, rather than having legislators listen to the people. Very concerning.

  3. The county party board also sent in Wendy Hogan in to fill the District 6 representative position. This was done without checking with the entire county party. She is part of the 17% and does not represent normal hardworking residents. At least 2 other quality applicants have come forward. They will represent all voters.

    The prison will be built.

  4. My favorite part about Lincoln County not liking the prison is looking at the district rep votes over the last three years where they all were Aye votes. Kevin Jensen shows up acting all tough asking “Why can the state break ground?”, and committee is like “Well this bill you voted Aye for, and this bill you voted Aye for, say it can be done. Then Lincoln County will vote them back in because “the dems are bad”. LOL Enjoy your new prison!

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