Lora Hubbel falsely claims 3-day school week on table in e-mail blast to Sioux Falls Realtors

Last evening, Sioux Falls Realtors had an e-mail blast sent to them from Sioux Falls School Board candidate Lora Hubbel, who was making an appeal to them for their support in Tuesday’s election. Unfortunately, it contained a whopper that had no basis in fact:

Hubbel claims that the Sioux Falls School Board is considering going to “a 3-day school week?”

What’s the problem with that statement? For starters, it’s utterly false.  Sioux Falls has never looked at a 4-day school week, much less a 3-day one. But thats the claim in Hubbel’s screed. One that lacks a political disclaimer, I might add.

Telling the truth has never been Lora’s strong point. And if she’s willing to make an utterly false claim of this nature, you have to ask yourself, what other fibs is she willing to tell?

21 thoughts on “Lora Hubbel falsely claims 3-day school week on table in e-mail blast to Sioux Falls Realtors”

  1. Correction: There is no consideration of a 3 day school week…but there has been discussion on a 4 day school week…(I meant 3 day weekend)

    About this website
    Nearly a quarter of S.D. school districts adopt four-day calendar
    34 school districts, or nearly 23 percent of the 149 statewide are maintaining a four-day school week in the current academic year.
    3Tonchi Pavich-Weaver and 2 others
    1 Comment

  2. took my post down Pat. There was a big article in the Argus Leader last week on 4 day weeks.

  3. Sorry Pat, you didn’t take the Argus post down. Thanks buddy, my mistake.

  4. If Hubbel made a retraction and corrected the mistake so should the media/blog outlets. One might see it as the honest thing to do.

    1. Will Lora support letting all school kids correct mistakes on their tests and issue retractions too?

      1. Students are already allowed to correct mistakes, they are given several retake options if their test scores are too low. I know because we have a child who attends public school and we disagree with teachers who allow this option.

        1. My daughter’s pencil has an eraser on it. I assume for correcting mistakes, but she doesn’t go to school in SF

    2. She made no retraction. She tried to spin her mistake, and blasted another e-mail out to Realtors to claim she didn’t mean 3-day week. She’s now Lora-splaining that what she really tried to say was a three day week…. end. And she includes a link, allegedly to an article in support of her position.

      The problem with that is that the article she cites expressly notes that “Sioux Falls maintains the traditional five-day school week.” And utters nothing to support her claim that “they want to … go to a 3-day school week.” (Or even a 3-day weekend, as Lora is sputtering).

      Even after fumbling a correction, what she said is a flat out lie in her race.

      And she still is lacking a proper disclaimer.

      1. So, her second email is correcting the mistake. Lora is as human as everyone, and out of a couple hundred emails a month, she’s bound to make mistakes. Maybe SF should consider a 3 day weekend, many SD schools already do it.

        1. Not to be rude, but did you read what I wrote?

          They have not been discussing any change to the school week in the Sioux Falls School District, despite what Lora is claiming.

          1. Not to be rude, but did you read what I wrote?

            Maybe they SHOULD consider a change to the school week, but then I know that would be a burden on parents who use public school as a daycare.

            1. The post is not about what they should or should not consider. It’s about the truthfulness of Lora’s statement.

              And Lora failed the test.

  5. Every SD school that does four day weeks should return the money for the fifth day to the state, which should then be returned to the taxpayers. Don’t give me the dog-and-pony show that its the same number of hours compressed in four days.

    If the SF school distinct only goes to 3 day weeks, it should only get paid 3/5 of the money.

    Americans for Prosperity, let’s get this on the agenda!

  6. This is to put some perspective on the four day week. Most of the weeks in a school year have four or less days in them already. Supposedly if a week has a Monday off, the school is supposed to be in session on Friday. I do not know if that is the actual practice. Switching to a four day week does not really change that many weeks in a year. In addition, teachers are still required to be there on those days. The days are also used to allow students to come in for help or make up assignments. The biggest savings come from lunch expenses, custodial expenses, bus expenses and heating expenses.

  7. So, ole crazy Lora told a lie and you people have a hissi-fit——– Your “glorious leader” (idiot) has told you 10.00 lies or misleading statements………..That is a real whopper bit of hypocrisy……………….as usual..

    1. — That would be 10.000 lies——- Let us say it is only 5.000, why no whining about “glorious leader” (idiot) ?

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