The Hubbelcraft has apparently left the Republican mothership once again, and dropped on an alien planet. I’m guessing the Hubbel rule is going to be invoked again, and she’s going to be removed from that precinct committeewoman seat. Again.
I’m guessing she’s running for PUC for “not the Republican Party” this time out.
How many times can she leave the party, come back, leave, come back again, just to leave, before the party says, pick a side and stay there?
Is there a federal or state law that limits the number of times an individual can switch parties?
As many times as she wants.
The Constitution party believes that the United States is a Christian state founded on the basis of the Bible and that jurisprudence should be restored to what the party claims is its “Biblical foundations—- Sounds like all conservatives should join..
Maybe she just really likes going to state party conventions. She was a delegate at the GOP convention. Now she’s going to the Constitution party convention. When’s the Libertarian convention? Maybe she’ll go to that one too.
As many times as he wants….This is America!
Why would she run for PUC against Chris Nelson?
Why else would she abandon the GOP (again) before the Const. Party convention?
Because they represent their club instead of the people.
Inquiring minds want to know. Does this make her the poster child of the RINOs?
RINO==Republican in Name Only….she doesn’t even meet that definition. 🙂
Poster child of the anti-establishment.
Has the Hubblecraft run as a Libertarian yet? What’s next Green Party? Constitutional Party has all the conspiracy theories. Reading their facebook and pages are like like reading the National Enquirer.
So she’s just like Trump a RINOs.