Marsy’s Law Task Force to Convene Today

jackleyheader2 Marty JackleyMarsy’s Law Task Force to Convene Today

PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General Marty Jackley announces the Marsy’s Law Task Force will convene today via conference call at 11:00 a.m. (CST).

The following have agreed to serve on the Task Force:

Bob Wilcox, Executive Director South Dakota Association of County Officials
Yvonne Taylor, Executive Director South Dakota Municipal League
Ashley McDonald, Department of Corrections
Lee Axdahl, Department of Public Safety
Jenna Howell, Department of Public Safety
Chris White, Brown County Chief Deputy States Attorney
Aaron McGowan, Minnehaha County States Attorney
Mike Moore, Beadle County States Attorney
Krista Heeren-Graber, SD Network Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault
Matt Konenkamp, Office of the Governor
Susy Starr- SD Unified Judicial System
Staci Ackerman, Executive Director SD Sheriffs’ Association
Jason Glodt, Marsy’s Law Sponsor
Jeff Gromer, Warden Minnehaha County Jail
Marshall Lovrien, Defense Attorney
Lindsey Riter-Rapp, Defense Attorney
Matt Burns, Sioux Falls Police Chief
Dave Krull, Brandon Police Chief
Pat Rotert, Spearfish Police Chief
Mike Milstead, Minnehaha County Sheriff
Jim Vlahakis, Yankton County Sheriff
Dave Bordewyk, Executive Director SD Newspaper Association
Mike Shaw, Private Attorney Insurance Industry
Margo Julius, SD Trial Lawyers Association
Dick Tiezen, Private Attorney Insurance Industry


35 thoughts on “Marsy’s Law Task Force to Convene Today”

  1. I don’t think he should have appointed his campaign manager to this task force. Jason Glodt needs to decide if he wants to work for his wealthy out of state Marsy’s Law employer or be AG Jackley’s campaign manager. Ethically I don’t believe he should be doing both.

  2. Too little, too late. Marty’s refusal to join the SD legal community in opposition to this measure, and his subsequent relationship with Glodt, will be his undoing. This is a major mistake, and Noem is going to destroy him for it.

  3. Marty needs to distance himself from this guy. Marty doesn’t need this distraction. His full attention should be on running for Governor not worrying about his campaign manager making him look bad.

  4. Glodt is one of the best advisors in South Dakota politics so why is he dragging Marty through this? He knows better. Is it all about money for him now. He used to be for the cause.

    1. He’s all about making money. Google Marsy’s Law it’s being pushed with out of state California money and is unconstiutional.

  5. Is the Brookings meet and greet still taking place? People are saying he can’t hold the event there because if IM22.

  6. I agree that AG Jackley should have joined the State BAR Association and opposed Marsy’s Law. We voted unanimously against this and asked Marty to join us. If he would have stood against this with us it could have saved our state what I believe is going to be millions of tax dollars. This new law is unnecessary and not going to improve public safety.

  7. Glodt serving on this board would be a violation of the Governors new State Board of Internal Controls.

  8. Wow Marty appointed his campaign manager and a bunch of his political donors to a task force. Does he even have a moral compass…the facts don’t lie there is a problem with corruption in South Dakota and you know it’s bad when it’s the Attorney General doing it.

  9. How can Jackley think this is acceptable behavior. The dealings of the Attorney General have to be of a higher standard as the state’s top cop. He has really been making a lot of bad decisions over the last two years.

  10. Glodt has tarnished Marty’s reputation and should step down as his campaign manager the longer he’s there the more damage he does.

  11. Was Jason Glodt working for AG Jackley prior to him writing the ballot measure opinion? If so there is a definite conflict of interest and should be reviewed by the state bar.

  12. Jason Glodt should choose between Marsy’s Law or running Marty’s campaign it’s already become a distraction for Marty. If Glodt can’t make that choice maybe Marty should do it for him.

  13. Marty is lossing a great deal support over this debacle. I can’t vote for a guy who is this deceitful.

  14. Glodt pushed this issue with $2 million from a liberal California donor. He’s a money grubbing political hack. That’s going to cost our state millions each year. This guy is not a principled conservative republican and if Marty doesn’t fire him the voters will fire Marty.

  15. Kristi is going to easily win the primary against this clown. Marty’s is chained to an anchor and Glodts going to drag him to the bottom.

  16. I’m happy Marty showed his true colors so early this will make it much easier for the primary voters to pick ANYONE ELSE!

  17. Jackley needs to drop this guy. The 2018 race hasn’t started yet and he’s already on a sh!t storm.

  18. State law requires a 48 hour notice for this meeting and Jackley didn’t post a notice. I guess the laws of SD don’t apply to the Attorney General.

  19. Since the rules don’t apply
    Marty Capone
    Jesse James Jackley
    Jackley the Ripper
    Jackley Dahmer
    Marty Gotti
    Marty Luciano
    Marty Escobar

  20. Attorney General Jackley should have waited to announce his run for Governor. He has a target on his back and his every move is scritinized. Michels could announce at any time with a clean slate.

  21. Awful lot of fools on here don’t seem to understand Jackley’s job is to enforce the law, not provide a bias either way. Glodt’s presence on a task force to implement is a smart move, he is familiar with it. Back off and let Marty do his job.

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