Marty Jackley campaign pushing forward in appeal for convention delegates

Hot out of my e-mail box, the Marty Jackley for Attorney General Campaign is pushing forward to ask past supporters to register as convention delegates as he notes Jason Ravnsborg is working on the same:

Hello (NAME),

Marty’s campaign for Attorney General continues to go extremely well. He continues to call and meet with delegates every day. Last week Governor Noem endorsed Marty and he now has endorsements from 64 Sheriffs and 60 State’s Attorneys.

BUT WE CANNOT BECOME COMPLACENT… Marty needs your help. He can’t win if his supporters do not sign up to be a precinct committeeman or woman so they can be voting delegates at the Republican State Convention in Watertown on June 25th.

While he hasn’t officially announced his campaign for re-election, the current Attorney General is campaigning very hard for re-election. As the press has reported, he continues to call and recruit people to run for precinct committee positions so they can vote at the State Convention.

There are nearly 900 precincts in South Dakota and Republicans can elect one committeeman and one committeewoman for each precinct. If only one person files the required form to be a committeeman or woman, they win by default. If more than one person files to be a committeeman or woman, there will be an election and the winner will become a voting delegate. As a result, it is imperative that Marty’s supporters actually file the required form to be a committeeman or woman by the March 29th filing deadline.

Click here to find out what precinct you are registered to vote in.

Click here to see who, if anyone, has filed to be a candidate for precinct committeeman or woman in your precinct. The list includes all candidates for office so you will need to scroll to the end of the list to see candidates for precinct committeeman or woman.

Click here to print a precinct committee person form. You can mail or hand deliver the form to your county auditor.

If someone has already filed in your precinct and you don’t know if they are a Jackley supporter, call me at 605-280-7767 or email me at [email protected] and I will let you know.

Do not delay- file today!


14 thoughts on “Marty Jackley campaign pushing forward in appeal for convention delegates”

  1. Marty is already aware that he has my support. Although I like Ravnsborg personally, I am disappointed with him in both his professional and personal capacities. Marty is the best man for the job.

    1. and you think Marty who just cross endorsed Noem is going to hold her accountable with all her mounting scandals? PLEASE

      1. It’s not the AG’s job to be enemies with the governor. It’s to enforce the laws. Ravnsborg can’t do that or she would be under investigation.

        The fact that you wantan AG who has an axe to grind should scare everyone from ravnsborg. Revenge investigations are disqualifing.

  2. In a political world where anything can happen, I find it more than wise of Marty and his team to be proactive in their coalition-building. Not to mention the side effect of growing grassroots in the SDGOP!

  3. They should have done this a month ago but I’m glad they are doing it now. We should ask ourselves, though, if this is really the best system for selecting the nominee for AG – who can signup more if their friends to go the convention.

      1. Most people who go to convention are there for the party and not ravnsborg. Ravnsborg won in 2018 because he was better than Fitzgerald and Russell. He’s not better than Jackley.

        I have yet to see the party choose the weakest candidate option at a convention.

        The SDGOP should denounce Ravnborg as unelectable at this point.

  4. It really irks me that these candidates urge people to become precinct committee men and women without mentioning the job description:

    “Under the supervision of the county chairman, they have the complete responsibility to conduct the political campaign in their precinct, such as compiling and updating voter lists, contacting voters, registering non-voters; and general voter contact activities.”

    Whether the candidate who recruited them to seek the position is the nominee, they will still be expected to carry water for all the other elephants running in their precinct for the general election.

  5. I voted for Jason Ravnsborg last time and I like him but he needs to bow out this election.

    Marty Jackley would be a challenging candidate for him even without the accident. With the accident it is impossible for him to win in the fall and that’s what delegates will be looking at.

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