Meade County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner tomorrow night.

Meade County GOP is holding a Lincoln Day Dinner tomorrow night in Sturgis – 5PM Social Hour and 6PM Dinner at the Sturgis Armory, featuring Kitty Werthmann, who has long represented the SD Eagle Forum in Pierre during the legislative session.

4 thoughts on “Meade County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner tomorrow night.”

  1. Is Dusty going to be there? It would be good for him to explain his votes against Trump’s wall.

  2. Excellent choice for a speaker. Kitty is one of a kind and one of the last of a dying generation. It won’t be long until there are no eyewitnesses left in this world to tell about the Nazi’s first hand. I hope they had a good crowd.

    1. I agree, learning about a historical event from someone who experienced it first hand can have a tremendous impact on one’s understanding of said event.

      I once heard a black man, who was raised in AL under the Jim Crow laws, say the civil rights movement destroyed the black communities. It was Amazing!!

      YT: Jesse Lee Peterson, specifically – Was Segregation “Racist”? Did Blacks Really Want Integration? (EXCERPT, Church July 9)

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