From Jon Ellis at the Argus Leader:
Which was why Mickelson was in Aberdeen last week. Only, the Brown County
Republicans went ahead and announced Mickelson as a candidate, even though there has been no announcement. From the group’s invite:
“Thursday, June 9th, Mark Mickelson will be our guest speaker at the Reagan Lunch in Mavericks. Mark will be running for the SD Governor spot in 2018. He would like to introduce himself to you on Thursday.”
It was a good turnout, according to one person at the lunch. About 50 people attended, and Mickelson gave a bio speech that talked about his background, his roots etc.
“I think he was well received,” said the person I spoke to.
No surprise. Nice guy, but clearly the pick of the Pierre establishment with a proven record of voting for massive tax increases. It will be fun to watch him try to run as a “conservative”
It’s hard to say either are not establishment.
He won’t be the establishment choice, because Stace Nelson already has the favor of Stan Adelstein and the cash to go with it.
Does he favor Medicaid expansion?
If Mr. Nelson takes on Mr. Mickelson in the Governorship it will be a fun race indeed. Two big men with bigger egos clashing. But Stace has that sumo-master thing going for him.
My money is on Stace running for the House seat if Noem runs for Gov
Third place Stace would become fourth place Stace in that race.
I think a lot of people are looking to Michels right now because Jackley and Mickelson are so blah.
It is wide open for a conservative to enter the race!
Between Jackley, Mickelson and Huether the establishment has it’s candidates. I don’t know if I’d put Noem in that category or not. She doesn’t seem connected to state issues right now so it’s hard to judge. If Medicaid expansion comes during a special session and she is silent then I would say that she isn’t running and that she is taking a pass on her civic responsibility to voice her opinion as a citizen of SD. Yes or no. She should say if the federal government will follow through with funding.
Stace would be a candidate that cannot win. He just can’t. He needs to understand that he is very influential with 10-15% of the party but he’s not the guy who’s going to win because his basement is his ceiling.
Right now I believe this race is wide open. Michels should run, Corey Brown should run. Mike Huether should run. Billie Sutton should run. Elizabeth May should consider running. Bill Napoli should consider running.
Are you posting from a dispensary in Denver?
Dana Fergusen is so much better than cynical Ellis.
He gives a moving speech about keeping young people in the state.
The devil is in the details.
The details might include everything like free college, Medicaid expansion, and a state of the art video gaming system in every parent’s basement.
I want to hear the details.
Mickelson does not favor medicaid expansion.
I would have to hear this from his own lips with a promise to never, ever, ever, and why he wouldn’t. I still am not sure I’d believe it, as I never would have believed Daugaard would favor Medicaid expansion.
Until he’s governor.
Just like Daugaard.
Then the big hospitals come in and tell him they want it and he realizes they gave him lots of money for election and just like that no one wants to be the bad guy and say no.
Stace is the alternative.
If you like scorched earth.
And can live with having 10-15% of the vote. There are people who agree with Stace that could get a much higher percent. SD voters don’t reward unhinged behavior. I like Stace and often agree with him. He however doesn’t have any tact and is his own worst enemy when it comes to winning statewide elections.
Jackley is the guy you want if you want the Rounds alternative.
Mickelson is the guy you want if you want the Daugaard/Mickelson/Thune alternative.
Michels is the guy if you want a continuation of the Daugaard administration.
Stace is the guy if you want to lose elections but feel superior.
Corey Brown is the guy if you want to get things done.
Kristi Noem is the… Wait she’s a woman.
Maybe SD needs a woman.