Minnehaha County discusses opt out to raise cash. ….And about those elected official’s salaries.

Minnehaha County has come complaints about having enough money to spend, particularly that they feel the state needs to provide more money to counties.

At the same time they’re discussing giving themselves a raise:

The Minnehaha County Commission is slated to vote yes on opting out of property tax limits in order to continue funding public safety efforts.

“I think it’s clear we’re going to need to opt out,” said Commissioner Jeff Barth.

The commission met on Wednesday morning to discuss the proposed $6.5 million opt-out, along with funding for ambulance services and new positions in several county offices.


The commission also discussed increasing elected officials’ salaries by 3.5 percent and deliberated over which new position requests should be honored. The commission decided not to fund new positions in the county treasurer’s office, the human services office or the equalization office.

Read the entire story here.

One thought on “Minnehaha County discusses opt out to raise cash. ….And about those elected official’s salaries.”

  1. From the article:

    ‘”Unfortunately, most of our money tends to go into the public safety realm,’ said commission Chairwoman Jean Bender.”

    SB70 strikes again. Ironic that Minnehaha County supported it. When small counties complained that this would happen because the state just hand-waved away the extra costs it would impose on the counties, Minnehaha County reps just pooh-poohed those objections.

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