Minnehaha GOP offering Digital Training for candidates and campaigns

While I’m sitting here at Disney, where I just arrived, The Minnehaha County Republican Party just sent out a notice inviting people to attend a digital seminar on July 30. 

Please check out the flyer about an RSVP if it could be useful for you.

The Minnehaha County has out-of-state talent coming in to help do digital training. They’re hearing this to young GOPers looking to make their content matter. 

2 thoughts on “Minnehaha GOP offering Digital Training for candidates and campaigns”

  1. Wow! This is great and another way to support candidates and campaigns! Good job Minnehaha County GOP!

    Now what do the SD Democrats have? vile postings and tweets from some angry as hell and crazy pothead from New Mexico, new petitions and the push to legalize marijuana. Sad state of affairs………very sad 🙁

  2. Wow! It’s good to see the GOP is finally catching up with 20th century innovation. Imagine how dangerous they’ll be once they enter the 21st century. Makes me shiver.

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