More hot gossip on legislation that’s coming. CDC paranoia and spiking the medical marijuana program

As you might have noticed, there hasn’t been a lot of legislative measures posted from individual legislators for the 2025 session just yet. But I’m hearing they’re an active bunch, and will be bringing all sorts of bills to keep me busy writing about them.

One such bill currently seeking sponsors is Representative Aaron Aylward‘s measure to prohibit directives from the CDC and World Health Organization, because.. well… :

Our former Libertarian Party State Chair Aylward actually wants to make it a criminal act at the level of a DUI offense if state officials try to enforce a regulation from the US Center for Disease Control, or the World Health Organization?  So, what happens if the legislature adopts a practice that they recommend? Would all legislators be facing the long arm of the law? This is stupid.

While I don’t have my hands on a copy of the bill, I’m told by insiders that incoming State Rep. Travis Ismay is supposedly bringing legislation to completely repeal South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana program, since that’s his axe to grind, completely wiping away 4 years of legislation, implementation and fine tuning of the law which we’ve hardly heard a peep about.  And nevermind that it would likely trigger another referred law ballot measure.

I have no doubt there is so much more coming that we can hardly imagine it.  The legislative session starts next week, so just remember:

16 thoughts on “More hot gossip on legislation that’s coming. CDC paranoia and spiking the medical marijuana program”

  1. Incoming SD House Representative Logan Manhart stated in a Hub City Radio candidate in 2024 interview he favored repealing Recreational Marijuana sold and marketed as Medical Marijuana also. Good for him!

  2. I hope Ismay has learned to type and spell if he’s going to try to actually draft legislation regarding medical marijuana. His ridiculous attempt at a ballot measure made him a running joke. But that’s his only real platform, so I’m sure he’ll spend considerable energy trying to get it done. Never mind the will of the people or hundreds of other bills that will need attention. His district is going to be so proud of him.

  3. As Representative Travis Ismay would say “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”
    ― Sun-Tzu, The Art of War

    1. Please stop being ridiculous. As Ismay would actually say “we ain’t allowing no federally BAND substance in our state.” Then tries to leave by pushing on the pull door.

    1. You shouldn’t. That bill makes you look ignorant, with no foresight or understanding of the unintended consequences of legislation. Please think your proposals through from different perspectives before submitting something as poorly drafted as this. Honestly, it reads as though an intern prepared it.

    2. Imagine being so dumb you think you can prevent a Federal Agency from doing its job. You’re no different than the Sanctuary City supporters. Jackass.

        1. Please substitute CDC with FBI, SEC, Dept. Of Ag, etc in your cockamamie, half-baked, anti federalist, diatribe.

        2. Sure. “No elected OR appointed official OR employee of this state.” When you have an OR in there, it separates the phrase surrounding it into distinctive phrases. They can, and will be looked at individually by a court. So under your bill, no one federally elected, no one state elected, no one federally appointed, and no one state appointed can enforce these things. It does in fact prohibit federally elected and federally appointed people from doing their jobs. This will never make it out of committee. At least not without someone with an IQ higher than warm making substantial changes.

          1. Are the voters in Aaron Aylward’s district aware of bills like this he is spending his time trying to pass in the legislature? Cannot imagine how he is getting re-elected. Another Dumpster Fire PAC endorsed candidate.

            1. People in SD will support anything with an (R) next to it. The national media keeps driving this divide, I even see it now with the CA wildfires, its the dems fault (sarcasm)!

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