Morning Consult: South Dakota Republican US Senators Thune (#4) and Rounds (#6) among most popular in nation

Senator John Thune and Senator Mike Rounds have always been well liked in South Dakota. And in one of the most recent polls taken on the topic, both remain in the top ten of the most popular US Senators in the entire country:

Thune is tracking in the top 5 as the #4 most popular Senator in the nation, and Rounds comes tailing by only a whisker, within the margin of error at #6. Which goes to show you that they’re doing something right as the standard bearers for South Dakota in Washington.

For more details:

For Morning Consult’s state-level survey data, weights are applied to each state separately based on age, gender, education, race, homeownership, marital status, presidential voting history and — for a subset of states — race by education as well as an age-by-gender interaction.

Margins of error for responses from all voters in each state range from +/-1 to +/-6 percentage points.

For more detailed information, you can download the 50-state data set for senator approval ratings here.

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