NAACP calls on community leaders & law enforcement to condemn and prepare for Doeden PAC event

The NAACP sent a press release out today encouraging community leaders and law enforcement to prepare for acts of hate that may arise from the Mark Robinson event being put on in Sioux Falls by former congressional explorer Toby Doeden’s PAC on Tuesday:

This decision, backed by Dakota First Action PAC—a group known for sponsoring hateful and racist legislation—represents a troubling escalation of intolerance in our communities.

The infiltration of hate into our public spaces is not an isolated incident but a glaring indication of a larger, systemic issue. We are witnessing a rise in hate crimes across South Dakota, and welcoming figures who espouse such harmful ideologies only serves to exacerbate this climate of fear and division.


Law Enforcement: Take a proactive stance against any acts of hate that arise from this event. Security measures must be reviewed to ensure that hate is not allowed to flourish in our public spaces.

Elected Officials: Publicly condemn this visit and the ideologies it promotes.”

Boy.. “Dakota First Action PAC—a group known for sponsoring hateful and racist legislation..” I wonder what on earth caused them to have that opinion about Toby Doeden’s PAC?

I guess now the question is who will show up and be associated with this event that the Sioux Falls NAACP is now condemning?

Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “NAACP calls on community leaders & law enforcement to condemn and prepare for Doeden PAC event”

  1. Haters gonna hate – and apparently rally. This is exactly what America and South Dakota should be afraid of and be vigilant against. The people that support and attend this are the antitheses of what America means. Read that: not patriots

    Toby, don’t bring me out of retirement. Please

  2. What next? Toby Doeden will include the book Mein Kampf to all attendees signed by himself and the speakers of the event?

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