New anti-abortion ballot group NoGforSD hosting event with Dusty Johnson tonight in Sioux Falls

A new ballot measure group has become active and is hosting an event tonight in Sioux Falls with Congressman Dusty Johnson.

The group “NoGforSD,” is having their event at the Minnehaha Country Club at 7PM with Dusty, who is scheduled to speak from 7:15 to 7:22 as a special guest and is not soliciting funds for the group (that’s very specific..):

The group also has a commercial ready to roll according to their website:

Interestingly, the group is completely separate from the Life Defense Fund.

I’ve heard rumors that they believe the campaign is within the margin of error, so they believe it to be winnable, and their goal is to make it happen. (Maybe without some of the baggage of the LDF.)

Stay tuned, and we’ll find out more as we get closer to the election.

13 thoughts on “New anti-abortion ballot group NoGforSD hosting event with Dusty Johnson tonight in Sioux Falls”

  1. “Completely separate” except for using mostly the same branding, same slogan, and host Sara Unruh is friends with Leslee Unruh on facebook, who runs Life Defense Fund.

    All a funny coincidence I bet!

  2. When a campaign is bragging that they are within the margin of error… they are obviously behind in their own polling. Meaning that they are likely losing by more than a few points in objective polls.

  3. Let’s unite not divide. These groups need to get over themselves and work together. Let’s hope they are. A house divided cannot stand.

  4. Wow no surprise. Dusty out working and out hustling the establishment Pro-Life groups and showing them how to campaign.

  5. Pat, are you always this snarky? Your drug of choice of getting high off of rumors and ill will towards others is really unhealthy for the soul. If both campaigns have the same goal of defeating abortion through birth (are you for it?), then good for them. You’d rather hate on some who irritates you (jealousy?) than save women and children. PS If you delete this, it proves the point.

  6. SDRTL blew all their money on primary races in an effort to get rid of incumbents who didn’t support Hansen for speaker. Then they gave the rest of their money to the LDF to go tilting at windmills with it. For years the same people have filed lawsuits, spent thousands of dollars, and Planned Parenthood uses every attempt as fodder for another fundraising campaign. Planned Parenthood has raked in a lot of money off these useless lawsuits.

    Neither SDRTL or the LDF set aside enough money for an aggressive ad campaign which would discourage women from seeking abortions as a way to solve their problems.
    Now there is this ad campaign which targets parents with the threat of their daughters having abortions without their permission, as if getting parental permission makes abortion ok.

    That doesn’t address the civil rights issue of the unborn child’s right to life. Now is the time to bring the public around to the idea that abortion is as morally repugnant as slavery or genocide, so that even if the amendment passes, more people will be repulsed by the idea of killing an innocent person..

  7. Thank you to the folks bringing another Pro-life group to the table. SDRTL became corrupt and blatantly used their corrupt power in front of the eyes of the Republican Party. They thought real Republicans would look away when they misused that money in the primaries???

    “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    There is a different place to send your Pro-Life donations to. PO Box 1535. That is where I am sending mine. I care about life, and not about who wins a leadership election.

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