In her first media outing, the new Democrat ED is already sounding hilariously silly, as if she’s only partway through her “Hooked on Talking Points” reading program:
South Dakota Republicans threw a presidential debate watch party to see who has what it takes for the GOP to take back the White House in 2016.
“I think it’s very exciting. I think we have a very strong Republican field, and I’m looking forward to seeing more debates,” Roetman said.
Watch Out GOP. I’ve memorized “extreme.”
The executive director of the South Dakota Democratic Party is not quite convinced.
Suzanne Jones Pranger said “I think the candidates have presented themselves in this Republican primary have taken very extreme positions, and the Democratic Party is absolutely fine with those candidates taking those extreme positions because it’s only going to help the Democratic Party.”
her remarks were extremely lacking in facts, but chock full of campaigneology.
Oh dear, Democrats call Republicans names and say it will help their party. Well, they need all the help they can get.
Read that quote from her again. It’s not even a sentence. If PP posted it correctly, it’s just a mess with poor use of words or words missing.
Be kind. She has a USD Law Degree.
Good thing the Dems hired a communications director. He started the same day as she did. Maybe they’ll talk and work things out.