Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction.
Anyone else get the e-mail blast today from No on 21 alliance member group Dakota Rural Action?

Dakota Rural Action has long been a member of the No on Referred Law 21 alliance of enemies of ethanol & energy production. And they had to file pre-election paperwork, which they did in the last day or so. You can read it here:
Dakota Rural Action Ballot Committee by Pat Powers on Scribd
Why do we care about this? It’s called “follow the money.” Because this is one of the most interesting paper-trails I’ve seen.

So this group takes in $35k from a group called South Dakota Rural Voters. What can we tell you about this group? Well, they filed a report too. And here’s where it gets interesting:
Sd Rural Voters by Pat Powers on Scribd

So, the anti-pipeline group takes $25k from the “New World Foundation” in Washington DC, and $10,000 from the “Jane Fonda Climate PAC,” who immediately turns it over to the ballot committee running No on 21 ads and text blasts.
What can we tell you about them? The New World Foundation is a pro-labor union environmentalist group, led by a former director for the AFL-CIO, and includes among it’s board members people from the Obama Administration.
The Jane Fonda Climate Pac? As you might expect:

I’ve spent my life fighting for what I believe in. When I was 32, President Nixon had me arrested. 50 years later I was arrested five times for protesting the government’s inaction on climate change. It’s no secret that I have a history of ruffling feathers in Washington. Today, support for climate action is unprecedented. The public is voting with the climate in mind, but the people we elect are not.
It is for that reason that I started Jane Fonda Climate PAC, which is laser-focused on one goal:Do what it takes to defeat fossil fuel supporters and elect climate champions at all levels of government. I believe this is the most important thing I will do in my lifetime.
Read the words of Jane Fonda here.
The group fighting the Summit Carbon Pipeline is actually having it’s advertising efforts funded in part by Jane Fonda.
So all these “allegedly conservative” legislators protesting against ethanol and the pipeline they need to keep ag processing competitive in South Dakota? They are doing so at the bidding of Jane Fonda.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That might be the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time.
And a good example that politics are a circle. And you might be so far right, that you’re actually left.
The people fighting the pipeline are useful idiots. 90% are Republicans getting bamboozled by environmental groups that want to end production agriculture. On the other side is an agriculture investment group that invests in crop production, ethanol plants, wheat mills and other agricultural industries, but they are the bad guys? Are the farmers in SD that stupid?
True South Dakota Farmers are not that stupid! If you look at a lot of those fighting the project, they are nothing more than Hobby Farmers…Radke as an example, look into how much ground they own…less than 100 acres & they both have jobs away from home. Amanda & others are using this fight to make more money selling books, tshirts & getting speaking deals. Summit Carbon is working with favorable landowners & getting a route thru this state. There are smart Farmers in SD & supporting the project. They just aren’t as loud as the Radicals. The opossition wouldn’t get any attention without their lies. They have people believing they are using no outside funds and that they are fighting Eminent Domain. We see where their funds are coming from…Now show is where RL21 has anything to do with Eminent Domain! Not going to find it…it’s not in there!
The environmental lobby is playing the freedom caucus like a fiddle
You can’t make this up. These people got duped and should feel really stupid about now.
But Amanda Radke said this is what the green new deal wanted.
And API is running ads supporting the pipeline. The green new deal scam claim is a great scare tactic, but it is also a big lie.
Healthy servings of Crow to be served up at the Radke household this pheasant season.
I can’t understand why people foolishly listen to her! She’s nothing more than a liar & hypocrite. She knows nothing about SD Farmers…she just plays one on her speaking tour
Ms. Fonda is very pretty.
Ms. Fonda is a traitor
No, traitors are Trump and his minions. I’ve never seen Jane try to overthrow her government and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.
Good to know. I haven’t seen Trump do that either.
Funny, Trump is already gaslighting to do it again.
He didn’t bacstab POWs in Vietnam. Hard to forget that.
Yeah, he just backstabber every military member by dodging the draft. That is so much better.
well at least Trump registered for the draft; she never even heard of it. During the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Harris said she couldn’t think of any law that told men what to do with their bodies!
No, he just trashed the service of John McCain, who underwent torture rather than leave his brothers.
Yes Fonda is a traitor, maybe you were not around during the Vietnam war.
Ted Turner would not be bamboozled by the new green deal like those in South Dakota who are insaner than most.
That is what they say about Ms. Noem. 🙂
Man I hope this gets out everywhere. Shows how easily the intellectually challenged candidates that are screaming about the carbon pipeline can be duped.
There is a lot of bad faith to go around in this issue.
Looks like Noem’s and Thune’s donor list, just the other side.
stace nelson and gordon howie used to run into this problem all the time. not surprising.
Mr. Howie, the original overgodder and the insanest of them all, was wrapped so far right his head was up the arse of the left. Plus, he owed grudznick money and did not pay it back for a long time. It took years of lambasting him on the out-of-state name-caller blog to shame him into paying.
also not surprising.
Hmmm. A bipartisan coalition forms to fight for landowner rights and against corporatist interests and all you can b*tch about is that one donor is Jane Fonda’s PAC?? You’re just showing that you’re as bought and paid for by special interests as lapdogs like Dusty. The people of South Dakota are fed up with the concentration of power with those weak enough to sell their souls to the highest bidder. We’ll take the help from those who are interested in fighting the good fight and return power to “we the people.”
Must be Katie. The hypocrisy is rampant with you and your group. You shrieked about people taking campaign contributions from people out of state or even out of district, but somehow that same logic shouldn’t apply to you. Now an out of state pro labor union group and an actual left wing climate group supports your cause and you want everyone to look away. Just a couple of months ago the people supporting the project (and energy, and the ag producers, and lowering property taxes) were all part of the “green new deal” according to you and the rest of the intellectually challenged. Useful idiots is acting this group a bit too much credit.
Politics makes strange bedfellows.
if people would get their heads screwed on straight they would realize this is a transportation infrastructure issue.
The CO2 will be transported by truck, rail, or pipe. Pick one.
They all have problems.
If you are truly losing your mind with fear of a CO2 spill, there are things you can do, (other than screaming at people at public meetings about how the sky is falling,) like sell your property and move, or put your house up on stilts, move bedrooms to the second floor, and buy an electric car.
Think of it as living in a flood zone: in the event of a disaster, be prepared to move to higher ground or evacuate. CO2 has a molecular weight of 44 so it is heavier than air (28.96) oxygen (32) or CO (28.01) It sinks. In the event of a pipeline rupture, it will sink and spread out across the ground like water.
With all the safety measures and automatic shut-offs required to be built-in to the pipelines, that would have to be a failure of an epic proportion. The evacuation radius is generally a quarter of a mile or less, and then only until the gas dissipates. The safety argument may be one of the opposition’s most disingenuous.
Trace the money from the other side now too, please!
One look at what Radke shared on her page today tells you how far their lies will go! Claiming their funds come in $10 & $20 donations & No big Funding! At what point will people do some thinking on their own and stop believing the lies??