Noem Safeguards Accountability and Transparency with Support of Trade Promotion Authority

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Noem Safeguards Accountability and Transparency with Support of Trade Promotion Authority

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today joined colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill, which would set the rules for trade negotiations and lay out congressional objectives as to what a good trade deal looks like for America.

“With Trade Promotion Authority in place, the American people would be guaranteed a seat at the negotiating table,” said Noem, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over such issues.  “95 percent of the world’s consumers live outside our borders, so America limits its growth if we can’t reach those folks on a level playing field.  TPA does not lock us into any trade agreement that gives Americans access to these markets, but it does set the rules as to how the administration can go about such negotiations. At its core, TPA guarantees a more transparent process where the administration can be held accountable to the American people for meeting the trade objectives set by Congress.”

With passage in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Trade Promotion Authority bill will be sent to the U.S. Senate for its approval before hitting the President’s desk.  You can find more information on the authorities granted to Congress and the general public by TPA here.

“With TPA, Congress is telling the administration:  If a trade agreement is to get the privilege of an up-or-down vote in Congress, you must follow our rules and instructions, consult us, and remember that we have the last say,” explained Noem.  “But it’s also important to remember that TPA in no way obligates Congress to approve the Trans Pacific Partnership or any other trade agreement.   If this administration violates the parameters we’ve set, Congress can revoke TPA.  And if he follows the parameters and we still don’t like the agreement, Congress has the power to vote it down.”


One thought on “Noem Safeguards Accountability and Transparency with Support of Trade Promotion Authority”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS KRISTY— once again, you have demonstrated that you are working harder to pass Obama’s agenda than to advance conservative legislation..

    You shot your mouth off duing two elections promising to roll back and defund such Liberal entitlement monstrosities such as Obama Care, but when the rubber met the road you fell in line with Boehner and refused to take any action. Talk is cheap. So are you.

    I guess it doesn’t take much to impress a cow-girl cheerleader from Watertown does it?

    You need a spine transplant. YOU are a DISGRACE.

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