Okay, it’s all about the swag. #Dream15 

Whether it’s a Republican convention, a comic Convention, or the AFP Defending the Dream summit, there’s one booth everybody makes a beeline for. The booth with the commemorative bag full of swag.

Let’s not kid ourselves, it’s not the Academy Awards. Nobody’s getting a flat screen television or jewels from Cartier. Possibly because we’re all fairly conservative at these things.

However, it’s a good representation of the groups that are in attendance at the convention.

There are things from the NRA, Heritage Action, Young America’s Foundation, The Center for Competitive Politics, OpportunityLives.com, The Tax Foundation, and of course AFP.

Now, when I get home, a lot of this will be divided up among my children as spoils from my trip. Yes, just like pirates.

My younger children aren’t necessarily going to be fighting over the items based on where the item is coming from. I don’t anticipate my 10-year-old will say “I want the NRA bumper sticker!” with my seven-year-old saying “give me the AFP water bottle.” 

But my daughter in high school? I can see her asking for the Americans for Prosperity swag bag to use for her books.  And she knows It will annoy the liberals in her high school, while promoting a message of freedom and the American Dream.  

And if that’s what she gets out of it, I’m glad to allow her the spoils of my trip.

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