Only 10 No Votes for Boehner for Speaker. What do you think?

According to the newspaper “The Hill,” currently, only 10 Republicans have specifically noted that they’re going to vote against John Boehner to be Speaker of the House, with Louie Gohmert of Texas announcing a run against the Speaker, as well as Ted Yoho.

One candidate below notes they’re supporting Daniel Webster. Like Yoho, both coming from Florida..

A small but growing number of Republicans say they will vote Tuesday to deny John Boehner a third term as Speaker of the House.

But ousting a sitting Speaker is a difficult feat, and a group of a dozen defectors failed two years ago to depose Boehner, the powerful Ohio Republican.

Because the House GOP expanded its majority in the midterm elections, 29 Republicans would need to vote against Boehner to force a second ballot. Even then, it’s improbable that Boehner would relinquish the gavel and step aside without a drawn-out fight.

The Hill is keeping a running list on Republicans who are opposing Boehner. Here is where the count stands. Please send updates/feedback to


Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) — Freshman who knocked off House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) had said he’d support Boehner, but flipped this week.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.)* — Disapproved of how the $1.1 trillion spending bill was handled last month.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)* — Outspoken Boehner critic says he’ll run for Speaker. Gohmert is friends with Fox News host Sean Hannity, who has called for Boehner’s ouster.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.)

Rep.-elect Gary Palmer (R-Ala.) — Stated on the campaign trail that he wouldn’t back Boehner for Speaker. However, Palmer later said he regretted that pledge “to a certain extent” because it might threaten his ability to secure preferred committee assignments. Still, Palmer said he told Boehner he would need to keep his word.

Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.)* — Maverick lawmaker says he’ll back Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Fla.) for Speaker.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) — Hard-line opponent of immigration reform backed Boehner two years ago. Since then, Boehner reportedly called King an “asshole” behind closed doors. Boehner ripped his GOP colleague after King made his controversial “canteloupe” remarks regarding DREAMers.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)*

Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) — Stutzman lost whip race to Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.). Bridenstine says he’s been told Stutzman will oppose Boehner.

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.)* — Challenging Boehner for Speaker.

Read this, and who is saying yes all here.

Not a very big list of “No votes.”  Certainly not enough to oust Boehner.

My opinion is that he was pretty good ally to South Dakota in terms of actively supporting the farm bill.   So, what do you think? Has Boehner done a good job? Or does he need to be replaced?

30 thoughts on “Only 10 No Votes for Boehner for Speaker. What do you think?”

  1. They are missing numerous people like Justin Amamsh (MI), Mark Sanford (SC), Mia Love (UT), and about 6 others that have all said no. Boehner is a conman nothing more nothing less lets get someone else and we all know Noem doesn’t have the courage to step up to the plate and say no. These are a few people that have said no and there are many more I would say that are willing to say NO. Even if they vote for a different establishment GOP member which might also might be looking to jump a few spots on the ladder.

  2. Are you kidding me?! Boehner is bad for America. Get him the heck out of the role of speaker. He is the reason we are in the mess we are in. He did not oppose Obama’s spending plans for 2015, instead he helped whip the votes to get it passed by teaming up with Pelosi and Obama. He is no friend to the conservative party. Noem would be wise to vote against him tomorrow.

    The only reason why Boehner wasn’t removed 2 years ago is because no other republican stood up to replace him. Now we have 2 maybe 3 much better conservative republicans to take him on. So this will be interesting tomorrow. I will be watching how our rep votes.

  3. more like this is the last chance to cash in on the tea party’s hatred of boehner before he actually racks up an impressive list of accomplishments working with a like-minded senate for a change. the time to whack boehner was two years ago, and nobody wanted his job then, no sir.

  4. Honestly?

    Boehner oversees the GOP securing their largest House majority since the Hoover Administration so they try to overthrow him?

    Boehner develops a strategy to pass bill after Republican bill that the Senate ignores so that GOP Senate candidates can run on the dysfunction of the Dem-controlled Senate. Then the GOP takes the Senate and they want to kick him out?

    People get pissed at Boehner because they can’t do anything about the President. He’s a simple punching bag for their frustration with the fact we can’t get everything we want. The truth is Boehner has done the best he can with the hand he’s been dealt. No other Member of Congress would have been able to accomplish any better results.

    1. And I’m sure Boehner was integral to the landslide last November. Look at the lack of spine and what he has not supported. Why did they vote on the budget before the new class (elected by the people) came in? Boehner hasn’t shown leadership, and we need someone like Gohmert in there to show some testicular fortitude.

  5. It’s time for Boehner to go, if Kristi Noem has any self respect she will vote for another Republican like Gohmert… Kristi I hope you do the right thing.

    1. when she votes for boehner you’ll need to put on your big-person pants and deal with it

      1. So what you are saying is that someone who wants Kristi to vote against Boehner isn’t wearing their “big-person” pants, meaning that they are being childish. What a great opinion in support of the establishment.

        People who don’t support Boehner can be thoughtful, intelligent, contributing members of society who have give the issue careful consideration, so to try to paint them as being childish is, in itself, childish and intolerant-in other words, acting like a Democrat.

  6. Unless they no’s get to 30 votes this is purely a symbolic vote because he wins.

    If more than 25, the symbolism is effective as it tells Boehner and Company it was a shot across the bough.

    If less than 15, the symbolism is they have deep support in the caucus.

    If 15-25, just noise. Less than 10% of the caucus. The other 90% will just shake their head thinking “pick fights where it makes a difference. Symbolism is doesn’t change policy.”

    Additionally, if the amount is less than 15, those members have just been marginalized, which will be a shame.

      1. Thanks for the explanation, Pat. Was wondering why I was having trouble with my post.

    1. actually she could quickly and intelligently prove that a vote for boehner is warranted, since she has seen him work every day she’s been a congress member. not that any of you boehner-dumpers would care or sit still and listen to reason.

        1. it doesn’t matter what my explaination is, i’m not voting on boehner. representative noem is going to cast a vote, and whatever way she votes will tell you what you need to know and she will discuss it at her next press conference i’m sure.

      1. Just because we don’t sit with Boehner for days on end doesn’t mean that we can’t see what he has done and how he has voted. Yes, I would like to dump Boehner, and I am a registered voter, so my opinion should count as well.

        Let’s see-I’ll call you a Boehner-buttkisser; how does that sound?

        1. recognizing someone’s hard work in adverse conditions is ‘butt kissing?’ and blaming boehner himself for the adversity he had to face and deal with for many years is somehow just and noble? many many of us disagree with you, and only a few of the many of us are bothering to take the time to tell you so. when boehner’s the speaker again, elected to that post by the people who know him best in spite of the grandstanders who want him whacked, deal with it.

  7. New poll shows 60% of republican voters want Boehner replaced. Take note who votes and how. The real conservatives will vote against Boehner. The puppets will vote for Boehner.

    1. agreed. that is not what that gallup poll said at all. this story was posted and debated a week ago.

  8. The prior Congress voted on the continuing resolution and the omnibus bill because failure to do so would have resulted in a shut down of the government as I believe the last continuing resolution expired on December 15. The new Congress took office today.

    And, to give context, the need for a continuing resolution was because the prior Congress (mostly the Senate) didn’t pass departmental budgets for this current year (which started on November 1).

    Personally, (vs. a budget shutdown that we would lose as we were still in the Senate minority and faced an Obama veto), I think what was done was good strategically. The sins (failure of the Senate to do their job) of the past are behind us.

    This next year, McConnell and Boehner can (and should) allow the GOP majorities in both Houses do the hard work via committee work to pass budgets for each department which begin the process of shrinking government as the system is designed to work. If Obama wants to veto and shutdown government, the people will have two clear contrasting storylines to judge. When you had the additional complication of the Senate just stonewalling, it was harder to communicate a coherent GOP storyline the full body politic could understand and judge.

  9. Mick Mulvaney, Raul Labrador, Jim Jordan, Mia Love, Tom Emmer..all a bunch of RINOs? Or understood that there’s no real alternative to Boehner. They all voted for Boehner.

    Wanting new leadership is one thing. Having an alternative that has the ability to lead all 246 Member of the GOP Caucus is another. Nobody, other than maybe Paul Ryan, has the ability to get enough support to be Speaker besides Boehner.

  10. FOX – Speaker John Boehner quashed an insurgent challenge from conservatives to win a third term at the helm of the House on Tuesday, as he joined Mitch McConnell in presiding over the first Republican-controlled Congress in nearly a decade.

    Boehner was elected speaker with 216 votes, slightly more than the majority needed to clinch the post. Three conservative lawmakers — Reps. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas,; Ted Yoho, R-Fla.; and Daniel Webster, R-Fla. — were put forward as challengers, and more than a dozen Republicans defected to support them and others. Democrats mostly voted for California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader.

  11. I thought this quote from an article in National Journal was pertinent to this discussion:

    “One can be a committed liberal in the Democratic Party or an equally committed conservative in the Republican Party and still have, or not have, a streak of pragmatism—a willingness, at the end of the negotiating process, to end up with a deal. Sure, a legislator will want to win as many points as possible, but the goal for pragmatists is always to reach an agreement, not allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good. As obvious as that may seem to many, to others, compromise means surrender, suggesting a lack of character and moral fiber. It is that view that is anathema to the legislative and democratic process, and it’s distressingly frequent of late.”

    I don’t believe Noem is a pragmatist, but she’s also not a “hell no conservative”. She’s somewhere in the middle and I think that is a very good thing. When our state has only one Representative we need to someone who represents our values (mostly conservative) and has the ability to get things done. Some of the Members that vote no on everything (including on Boehner for Speaker) never accomplish anything for their districts. They make a lot of noise but are mostly afterthoughts when it comes to crafting legislation. I’d rather have someone who is both a conservative and also governs. Thankfully we have that in Noem (same goes for Thune in the Senate; not sure about Rounds yet)

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