Brandon Man Indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance

jackley-logo Marty JackleyBrandon Man Indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance

PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today that Wayne Jerry Ellingson, 41, Brandon, has been indicted by a Minnehaha County Grand Jury. Ellingson was indicted on one count of possession of a controlled substance, fentanyl, class 5 felony, punishable by up to 5 years in the state penitentiary and/or $10,000 fine.

Ellingson is presumed innocent until such time as proven guilty.

This case is being investigated by the Brandon Police Department and the Division of Criminal Investigation and being prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office.

Editor:  I read this, and was kind of going “meh,” until I googled this gentleman’s name….  And then I understood why the AG is in the middle of prosecuting it. 

Hawks burning through cash faster than it comes in. $35K raised, $38K spent, about $114k cash on hand.

While Paula Hawks was busy hanging out with “Abortion Barbie” Wendy Davis this week, her staff was filing a FEC report that has her burning through her cash faster than it comes in – an apocalyptic sign for a campaign that hasn’t even started in earnest.

Hawks Pre Primary FEC

Taking in $35,484 in a period in which Noem took in nearly three times the amount at 106,000, the Democrat challenger to Congresswoman Kristi Noem doesn’t have the luxury that Noem does – 1.6 million in the bank. And while Noem still managed to bank about $9,000, Hawks is spending more than comes in ($37,812) and eating into her campaign kitty, reducing her cash on hand to $113,705.

To put it in election terms… That’s about one statewide mailing.

What did Hawks spend her campaign cash on?

Some went for rent. She spent about $600 at Ad arts for signs. And then salaries. In fact, $23,578 appears to have gone for salaries during this period, not leaving much for actual campaigning.


And she had her hair done, with $117.06 going to “Vanessens Hair Design.” You know, that probably wasn’t the best buy. If she’d gone with the flow-bee, she would have managed to save a few bucks.

Even with the “Super Mini-Vac” version at 114.90, she could have saved at least a few dollars. And had it on hand any time she needed it.

It’s a thought for a campaign on a tight budget.

Minnehaha Co Lincoln Day Dinner tickets almost gone!

From my mailbox:

Minnehaha Dinner flyer

The Minnehaha Republican Party is excited to have Kris Paronto as our special guest speaker for the Minnehaha County Republican Party. Kris Paronto fought to save over 20 lives for 13 hours during the terrorist attack in Benghazi. Detailed in the book and movie 13 Hours in Benghazi this is the harrowing first hand account of what really happened.

Once ticket sales are closed there will be no more available.

Emcee: Mark Mickelson
Speakers: Senator John Thune, Senator Mike Rounds, Representative Kristi Noem, PUC Commissioner Chris Nelson.
Tuesday May 31st at the Ramkota Exhibit Hall. Get tix now!

6 PM Social – 7 PM Dinner

Eventbrite tickets here

General Admission tickets $55.
Personalized pre-order books $30
Private reception $250

The Minnehaha County Republicans are asking sponsors not to sponsor the party this year, but to Sponsor veterans. Buy a full or partial table for veterans and the tickets will go to the Veterans group of your choice! Call Dave for details or order on Eventbrite.
Contact Gabrielle to order tix over the phone (605) 661-4064


Kris “Tanto” Paronto
Former Ranger, 2nd Battalion, 75th Regiment
Security and Military Consultant
Hero of Benghazi Attack

Kris Paronto – “Tanto” as he is affectionately known in security contracting circles – is a former Army Ranger from 2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment and private security contractor who has deployed throughout South America, Central America, the Middle East and North Africa. He also worked with the US Government’s Global Response Staff conducting low profile security in high threat environments throughout the world.

Mr. Paronto was part the CIA annex security team that responded to the terrorist attack on the US Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, September 11th, 2012, helping to save over 20 lives while fighting off terrorists from the CIA Annex for over 13 hours. Mr. Paronto’s story is told in the book “13 Hours” written by Mitchell Zuckoff and his five surviving annex security team members.

Awwww…. No more Svarstad Files. Svarstad drops out of race less than 2 weeks before the election

Awww man! Just as I was thinking about the next episode of the Svarstad Files, this had to happen! From today’s Yankton paper (dead tree edition).


Seriously? Svarstad decided to pull a Heidelberger and drop out with less than 2 weeks to go before the election? Is he kidding? I still have a TON of material I wanted to use.  It didn’t even take Rushmore PAC to drive him out.

Interestingly, he’s citing his reason of leaving as going home to Aberdeen to “help with his younger brother who is having problems.”

Given his extensive criminal history, somehow, I’ve got to wonder who has the problems…..

South Dakota Taxpayer’s PAC flies again! Still a PAC of lies.

You probably don’t remember the scummy “South Dakota Taxpayer’s PAC” from 2 years back, so I’ll provide the reminder:

IMG_0793If you look at 2013’s House Bill 1199, it doesn’t really reference Obamacare. In fact, it’s a bill to “prohibit the sharing of patient records in a health information exchange by the state without written authorization from the patient.”

And then there’s the other thing. Anderson wasn’t one of the 10 votes in committee to send the measure to the 41st day.

In fact, on the day the vote was taken – on January 21, 2013 – David Anderson wasn’t present in the legislature.  In fact, he wouldn’t be appointed to the legislature for another 4 months.

Read that here.

Yes, in the last election, this questionable organization ran by a Ken McGregor of Box Elder did hit jobs on various candidates, and they’re back again. Funded Singularly by South Dakota Gun Owners in the past, they have yet to file a pre-primary report for this campaign season.

But, while they haven’t filed a report yet, they’ve started the same nonsense this election cycle that they were guilty of 2 years ago – Flat out lies.


For example, the bill cites Senate Bill 150 in 2015, as one of several bills she cast a vote on the card author cites as partial evidence that she voted 7 times for “Higher taxes on your car and your fuel.”

The problem? This bill which would have required electric car owners to pay a minor fee for their share of using the roads (since they don’t really pay gas taxes like the rest of us)…


… It never made it to the floor of the Senate.  Haverly never voted on it. She never even came close to voting on it. But, they’re citing it as the SD Taxpayer’s PAC flies again in the 2016 primary races.

How do you attack someone on the basis of things they never did? On votes they never made?  Don’t ask me, but I’m sure Ken McGregor can tell you.

Ken McGregor of 15148 225th St in Box Elder (605-593-4541) still remains the committee chair and treasurer for this PAC. Ironically, it appears to still be a PAC of lies.

And we’ll see if it remains solely funded by the SD Gun Owners again.

Sad News out of Brookings.

I was just informed that State Representative Scott Munsterman’s wife, Mary Jeanne, who has bravely battled cancer for many years, passed away this morning.  Visitation is planned for 5pm-7pm on Thursday, June 2nd. Her funeral will be Friday, June 3rd at 10:00am. Both will be at at GracePoint Wesleyan Church in Brookings, SD.

South Dakota Republican Party to Host Regional Platform Committee Meetings


South Dakota Republican Party to Host Regional Platform Committee Meetings

PIERRE – The South Dakota Republican Party will begin hosting regional meetings across South Dakota for the 2016 South Dakota GOP State Convention Platform Committee next week. The purpose of the field hearings is to solicit input from those party members with an interest in our platform. The locations and dates are listed below.

Aberdeen – May 31, 5 pm CT at Mavericks Restaurant
Rapid City – June 2, 5 pm MT at University Center
Sioux Falls – June 6, 5 pm CT at SF Downtown Library
Telephonic – June 9, 5 pm CT – Dial (563) 999.2090 Access Code: 799039

The South Dakota Republican State Convention will take place on June 24th and 25th in Aberdeen, South Dakota. For questions or additional information, please contact the South Dakota Republican Party at (605) 777.0467 or email Ryan Budmayr at [email protected]

Noem 2016 Pre-Primary FEC Report: 106K Raised, 98K Spent, $1.65 Million Cash on Hand.

Somehow, I don’t think Paula Hawks’ campaign is going to look this good moving into the fall.

Noem Pre-primary 2016

I’ll be curious to see what Hawks reports, but in this latest report, Congresswoman Noem is reporting $105,888 raised, $97,907 spent, and an incredibly strong $1,656,408.51 CASH ON HAND.

Little wonder the pundits are calling this race “Solid Republican.”

(BTW, 1.6M on hand? Just let me throw this concept out there – Did I mention I have the ad space up top available?)

Of South Dakota? Yeah, that’s not a thing.

Today I heard something odd about Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether. Although, after you hear this you may gag, and declare him to be “Mike Puker.”

Apparently, on more than one occasion when outside of the Sioux Falla area, he has taken to referring to himself as “Mike Huether, Mayor of South Dakota.” As if that intentional slip was going to pass by unnoticed.

Huether may not be talking yet, but it certainly sounds like someone’s ego is already off & running for the 2016 democrat nomination for governor.

Stuff is going on… Some negative, some… well, you decide.

I probably won’t win any math awards, but it’s pretty clear that the amount of blogging one does is directly proportional to how busy a person is at their employment. And as of this week, I think I’m officially on overload.

Big project at my day job, combined with my busiest primary ever for political work, plus not one, but two listings popping up for me at once, and trying to get a home sale put together successfully. And since I’m on overload, it’s a great time for the family dog to… um, go away, & have a kid get into a car accident at the exact same time I’m trying to get my dad to a doctor’s appointment.

I have to admit I was starting to have a panic attack today that the Minnehaha County Lincoln Day dinner I’d committed to attending was tonight. (Thankfully, it’s next week – Whew!)

That leaves me finally tapping things out on my iPad at midnight – 1 AM now,  as I try to settle in to recharge my batteries. Because I’m off to Sioux Falls, Madison, and parts unknown up north all before Friday. 

That’s not a lot of time to read, contemplate and “philosophize” about politics in general.

So, what do I have time to notice? What has punched through the chatter?  Stuff.. 

Foremost, negative campaigning seems to have taken sway in a few races, but (mostly) not from campaigns. It mainly seems to be coming from PACs designed for attacks. 

Stan Adelstein shook off the cobwebs, and wrote a check or two and had someone do a piece for one of his several PACs. Rich Hilgemann’s PAC in Aberdeen did Stace Nelson’s bidding, and went hard negative using photos of Nelson’s opponent at a charity fundraiser at SDSU.  As mentioned in an earlier post, the Lautensclager gun group is attacking from Colorado, and a South Dakota Right to Life affiliated PAC is sending out attack postcards.

Some are poorly done, but the tone may lead us back to the primary of 2014, where much of that started to backfire. The only negative piece I was commissioned to design last primary ended up being pulled before it went to homes because it could have cost the candidate the lead. The candidate won, so, it may have been a good call.

This spring, I haven’t been asked to prepare any pieces to take the bark off of any fellow Republicans, and I’m ok with that. It just may be because of public distaste for it is growing, as some of what’s being used seems to have gotten more personal, some are outright falsehoods, and some of what they’re using is less related to the job performance of politicians.

We’ll see in the two weeks left.

The other thing that is getting my attention is the amount of complaining I’ve been hearing about what had once been a good read on candidates, but seems to have fallen on hard times in recent years – the South Dakota Right to Life Voters Guide.

Like the 2014 primary election edition, this years’ primary edition in at least one case seriously misrepresented a candidate’s position using questionable sources. Again. When they very easily could have picked up a phone.

Last election in one instance, they relied on a NARAL website (of all sources) to comment about a GOP candidate. And they got the candidate’s position flat wrong. This year, it was sourcing a candidate assessment from a pro-choice, liberal atheist Democrat State Senate candidate. And again they badly missed the mark.  

But it’s not just questionable sources when a candidate doesn’t respond. Legislators themselves are grumbling that SDRTL is rating them on legislation SDRTL took no public position on, but omitting bills that they did. As one legislator noted to me “how can you support them on their legislation when you don’t know what it is?” 

Yet, an affiliated PAC is sending out negative postcards based on that same potentially  flawed rating.

I asked one of their longest time legislative supporters over the years – one who had carried a lot of water for them – about it. He remarked that he personally got busy an election ago, and forgot to send his survey in. SDRTL ended up with a statement of support for his opponent, because he didn’t get the survey in, despite a decade of being one of their more vocal advocates. Suffice it to say he was not impressed when a survey negated a decade of activism. 

SDRTL needs to take a hard look at their legislative outreach, as well as how they survey lawmakers. When they correctly list “did not respond” for some, and whether intentional or not, instead do a hit job on others who did the same thing, there’s a problem that needs to be addressed.

Lest they find out what a loss of prestige & moral authority costs them when they really need to count on it.

And that’s what I know tonight.