Light posting for a couple. I’m back south (hopefully for the last time)

Greetings from excessively humid Bella Vista, Arkansas!

No, I’m not vacationing. My pickup is loaded up, the estate sale people are coming today, and I’m hoping I’m on my last trip to clear out my in-laws’ home in preparation for sale.

We’re breaking for lunch at the moment, as you can tell from a couple of my dining/working companions:

They’ve been ‘toting that barge,’ and ‘lifting that bale’ since 7am, so they’re entitled to be fed at least once today.

Packing boxes, unloading cabinets, moving furniture, loading trucks – It’s just like the 20-plus years I spent in the auction business again. And a reminder why none of my daughters had any interest in it. Not even clerking! My boys still have a smile… for now.

So, light posting for a bit. It’s time to get back to the grind.

AFP Calls For Overturn of EPA Water Rule

AFP Calls For Overturn of EPA Water Rule

Thanks South Dakota Delegation for Doing Their Part To Repeal This Onerous New Regulation

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Americans for Prosperity South Dakota issued the following statement on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) newly finalized “Waters of the United States rule” which will drastically expand the power granted to the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Water Act (CWA).

“The amount of regulatory overreach coming from the EPA is astonishing,” explained Ben Lee, State Director of Americans for Prosperity South Dakota. “The Waters of the U.S rule threatens property rights and drowns land owners in red tape. This new rule will have a serious impact on the South Dakota’s economy– particularly in agriculture. It’s important that our lawmakers support efforts to overturn the rule. We thank Senators Thune and Rounds as well as Congresswom Noem for their efforts to stop this regulation and for standing up for the rights of South Dakotans all across our state.”

The new rules proposed by the EPA will drastically expand the reach of the EPA to regulate water on private property. By redefining the “waters of the U.S.” from its current definition in the Clean Water Act to “navigable waters” the EPA now has the ability to regulate conceivably any area water flows through. This would include dry creek beds, irrigation ditches, and even simply standing water. This new rule would come with significant compliance costs for South Dakota landowners and family farmers and infringe upon their rights.

Bosworth attorney: Appeal to SD Supreme Court coming

Here we go again! From AP/Brookings Radio News:

An attorney for a former South Dakota U.S. Senate candidate who has been convicted of felony election law violations says they plan to appeal to the state Supreme Court. Bob Van Norman, an attorney for Sioux Falls physician Annette Bosworth, said Thursday they plan to appeal after her planned July sentencing.


Van Norman says Bosworth is “devastated.”

Read it here.

Ugh. Can we get off this carnival ride already?

Jackley on proposed sentence: “No jail” could “be overcome by the defendant’s conduct.”

From the Argus Leader, it sounds as if Bosworth is on notice that her behavior matters, and that she isn’t guaranteed no jail time:

Her medical license could be jeopardized. She faces a maximum punishment of 24 years in prison and $48,000 in fines.

Marty JackleyAttorney General Marty Jackley said prosecutors will review mitigating and aggravating circumstances before making a sentencing recommendation.

“Under South Dakota law, non-violent felonies such as these carry a presumption of no or limited actual jail time,” Jackley told The Associated Press. “The presumption may be overcome by the defendant’s conduct.”

Jackley said one mitigating factor would be if Bosworth accepted responsibility.

Read it here.

With Marty noting that there’s a presumption of no jail time, and the fact that a $48,000 fine might be chump change for someone raising money nationally, is jail time necessary to make an impactful statement that such behavior won’t be tolerated?

5 questions with…… District 25 State Senator Scott Fiegen

Coming as the second in a pair of recent legislative appointments from Governor Dennis Daugaard, State Senator Scott Fiegen is no stranger to government. Scott_fiegen

According to his bio, the replacement for outgoing District 25 Senator Fiegen has been serving as the mayor of Dell Rapids. After serving as a city alderman from 1998 to 2001, Scott Fiegen served as mayor from 2001 to 2007 and returned to the office in 2009. He works as director of software engineering for Meta Payment Systems in Sioux Falls.

Also according to his bio, Fiegen and his wife, Teri, have two grown children. They have been actively involved in their community and attend St. Mary Catholic Church in Dell Rapids.

That’s all standard biography material, so let’s dig a little deeper and find out more. And please enjoy 5 questions with ……………. Republican State Senator Scott Fiegen:

1. Can you give us a brief rundown of what in your background you believe has prepared you best for serving in the state legislature?

I have served as an alderman on the Dell Rapids City Council from 1998 thru 2001. I have served as the mayor of Dell Rapids from 2001 thru 2007 and 2009 thru the present. This gives me the perspective of both the legislative and executive side of government. I have been meeting with other mayors for several years, which has allowed us to share issues facing our community. Through this experience I have learned what is needed in the communities I represent.

2. With your appointment to the office by the Governor, you were quickly thrown into elections for caucus leadership. Was the process anything like you’d would have anticipated?

I think it was much more relaxed than I thought it would be. All of the Senators were very friendly and welcoming.

3. A lot of times, people have an opinion of GOP State Senators, that they can check off a list of where they stand on certain issues, and anticipate how they’ll vote. Are there any issues where you might stand apart from a majority, or that people might be surprised to learn?

This was a tough one. I think I stand firmly on traditional GOP issues, but I like to think I have an opened mind. I would say abortion is a possible issue. I do not believe in abortion. The federal government ruled on the legality of abortion with Roe vs. Wade in 1973 and has upheld it all these years. Because of the federal government ruling I don’t think the state should pass legislation we know will be overturned and waste taxpayer dollars.

4. Are there any specific issues or areas that you anticipate focusing your energies on during the upcoming legislative session? What committees are you hoping to serve on?

I am not going into the office with any preconceived notions. I will focus on small government, no unnecessary taxes or legislation. I will also focus on municipal government issues. As far as committees, I would have an interest in serving on local government and taxation. I would also be interested in government operations & audit, judiciary and legislative procedure. I guess I will have to wait and see where they place me.

5. If it’s not referred by the voters, a change in state law this year could have you collecting petition signatures in December, and starting out your 2016 political campaign before you travel to Pierre for your first session. How are you preparing your first race as a Republican candidate for State Senate?

My plan is to speak to former Senator Tim Rave and ask him many questions. I will also speak to others I know within the legislature for advice. The rest I will figure out as I get closer to the race.


And those are our 5 questions with District 25 State Senator Scott Fiegen. What do you think?

Jackley: Hughes County Jury Convicts Bosworth of Election Law Violations

Hughes County Jury Convicts Bosworth of Election Law Violations

PIERRE – Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today that a Hughes County jury has found Annette Marty JackleyBosworth, 43, Sioux Falls, guilty of 6 counts of offering false or forged instrument for filing and 6 counts of perjury.

All counts are class 6 felonies punishable by a maximum sentence of 2 years imprisonment and/or $4,000 fine.

“I want to thank our citizen jurors for their service, the prosecutors and the witnesses for preserving the integrity of our election process in South Dakota,” said Jackley.

Bosworth was indicted in June 19, 2014, on multiple counts of perjury and filing false election documents for attesting to voter signatures for her nomination petitions for United States Senate while she was out of the country.

The case is being investigated by the Division of Criminal Investigation and prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office.



I was trying to listen while at and end of year soirée with my better half, but it sounds as if Bosworth was found guilty on all, it not most of the counts leveled against her.

A plus for her, it sounds as if she doesn’t have to get the perp walk, and is free until her sentencing in July. Bad for Boz, sounds like they might be requesting that she turning over her passport.

Attorney General Explanations Released for Initiative Petitions Relating to Maximum Finance Charges and Constitutional Amendment to Referendum and Initiative Process

PIERRE, S.D.- South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today that two Attorney General Explanations for initiated measures have been filed with the Secretary of State. These statements will appear on petitions that will be circulated by the sponsors of the measures. If the sponsors obtain a sufficient number of signatures (13,871) on the petitions by November 8, 2015, as certified by the Secretary of State, the measures will be placed on the ballot for the November 2016 general election. 1. An initiated measure to set a maximum finance charge for certain licensed money lenders.

2. An initiated amendment to the South Dakota Constitution to allow referral of state and municipal laws affecting public peace, health, safety and the support of government and also to limit the ability to amend or repeal initiated laws.

Under South Dakota law, the Attorney General is responsible for preparing explanations for proposed initiated measures, referred laws, and South Dakota Constitutional Amendments. Specifically, the explanation includes a title, an objective, clear and simple summary of the purpose and effect of the proposed measure and a description of the legal consequences. It is anticipated that additional Attorney General Explanations for initiated measures will be filed in the near future.

To view the Attorney General Explanations for the measures, as well as the final form of the measures submitted to this office, please click on the link below:

(Or, you can view here: )

2015 Initiated Measure to Set a Maximum Finance Charge

“Baby, do you dare to do this? ‘Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse.” (Katy Perry)

I still believe the Republican Presidential Primary is a race between Jeb Bush and . . . . .  (with my gut telling me the “and” is Rand Paul) and the General Election will be against Hillary Clinton.

However, three things recently happened which might give us a new “and-”  Carly Fiorina:

1)  MSNBC limosine liberal Andrea Mitchell and Hillary sycophant thinks she has a gotcha question for Fiorina regarding Iraq and Carly turns it around and says “every single Republican candidate has been asked about their vote for the war in Iraq. The one person who’s not been asked  that question, because she won’t answer the question is Hillary Clinton. One person who was on the job in 2011, when Iraq started to fall apart, was not the Republican nominees or — candidates for president, it’s Hillary Clinton. she hasn’t been asked yet. What would she do now in Iraq?”  Reminded me of Reagan’s take-off on Teddy Roosevelt when he said about Iran and the hostages, “(Carter) speaks loudly and carries a fly swatter.”

2)  As we all know, Hillary Clinton has become infamous for not taking questions from the press.  Anyway, Hillary is hosting a roundtable OBSERVABLE by the press in a South Carolina hotel.  Florina decides to have a press conference in the same hotel on the same day where Florina will actually take questions from the press.  Reminded me when Reagan took his anti-Communism to the Berlin Wall and dared Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.”

3)  Not only was Carly given the biggest kudos for a recent Iowa Lincoln Day Dinner (11 GOP presidential candidates were there), she didn’t pretend to be “Iowan” as she found it remarkable breakfast in Iowa was “huge cinnamon rolls” or going to a Pizza Ranch (she called it “Pizza Palace”).  Reminds me of when Reagan was asked what he thought about Clint Eastwood running for Mayor and said “What makes him think a middle-aged actor who played with a chimp could have a future in politics.”

Few people can use pointed rhetoric, take the fight to their opponent, and remain personally humble.  Might the dark horse to take on a former Secretary of State be a former Kelly Girl secretary?

Sidenote-  Current Vegas odds on the next US President (different sites have slightly different numbers):

1/1 (even odds)-Hillary Clinton, 4/1-Jeb Bush, 7/1-Scott Walker, 8/1-Marco Rubio, 16/1-Rand Paul, 33/1-Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney, Joe Biden, 66/1-Carly Fiorina, Rahm Emmanuel.

Update:  Former Governor of NY, George somebody just announced.  He is definitely a guy looking to be Veep or in the cabinet.  Traction out of the NE is definitely not likely and puts a damper on Christie.