The Dakotawarcollege Unofficial chart of 2026 SDGOP Candidates – Summer 2024 edition!

With few statewide races on the ballot for the fall of 2024, the bigger speculation is what’s going to happen in 2026.  Because it’s going to be a big, big election with a significant turnout. And the results are not going to be what you might expect if the top-two/jungle primary measure passes.  Without further ado, let’s push the season, and talk about what you might expect 2 years from now:

Attorney General Jackley Joins Attorneys General Group in Opposing Biden Proposal to Reschedule Marijuana as Schedule III Drug

Attorney General Jackley Joins Attorneys General Group in Opposing Biden Proposal to Reschedule Marijuana as Schedule III Drug 

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley joins other Attorney Generals in opposing a Biden Administration proposal to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III under the federal Controlled Substances Act.

Attorney General Jackley is one of 11 Attorneys General to submit a public letter opposing the proposal. If approved, the classification would be a step towards fully legalizing marijuana at the federal level.

“South Dakota voters have legalized medical marijuana and will have the opportunity this election to determine whether to legalize recreational marijuana in our state,” said Attorney General Jackley. “The Biden Administration’s attempt to reschedule marijuana right before the election without proper authority will be harmful to states like South Dakota that have not fully legalized both medical and recreational marijuana.”

Attorney General Jackley said if the reclassification occurs, it will not impact the way local authorities enforce the state law.

Other Attorneys General who are part of the public comment letter are: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, and South Carolina.

The letter can be found here:


Congressman Dusty Johnson points out to State Rep. Scott Odenbach that ‘principles matter,’ in light of his ‘selective outrage.’

This weekend, Congressman Dusty Johnson took to facebook and read District 31 State Representative Scott Odenbach chapter & verse on how principles matter in the face of what Congressman Johnson termed Odenbach’s ‘selective outrage,’ when Johnson refused to go along with money already appropriated elsewhere being spent on a border wall.

Somehow I doubt Dusty is going to be Team Odenbach in the 2026 elections. 

Another symptom of SDGOP problems: 2024 Teenage Republican Camp Canceled

I caught wind of this last week, and had it further confirmed today.

The 2024 Teenage Republican Summer Camp which (except for COVID) has been convening in the Black Hills every summer for decades to help train our state’s future leaders isn’t meeting this year.  Going back well over 30 years I’ve gone to it as a party employee, or speaking. Or even more importantly I’ve had six of my seven kids attend at one point, with my #4 daughter being a counselor many years.

Literally, this has been a Republican institution and one of the Republican Party’s greatest success stories over decades for getting the next generation of young people involved and participating the political process.

It was supposed to start today. Now you can’t help but wonder if it’s forever gone.

With it not being held for lack of interest, effort, or organization, or whatever, it’s kind of shocking.  They had a registration page, and Republican Women had been promoting it, but the effort seemed to end there. The SDGOP didn’t really talk about it. Nothing from most county groups, including the Minnehaha & Pennington GOP.

This is yet another symptom of the malaise that has infected the South Dakota Republican Party. Too many people are concerned with using the Republican Party organization to make pronouncements, and not enough are concerned with making sure there’s a functioning GOP organization in 5 years.

At this rate, it may dissolve into dysfunction sooner than that.

July FEC Reports for R’s and D’s – SDDP $56k raised, $41k spent, $80k cash on hand. SDGOP $577k raised, $554k spent, $57k cash on hand

As we inch closer to the fall elections, both Democrats and Republicans are raising money through their Federal accounts. This month, Democrats had a nice bump with money coming in in the lead-up and post State convention period, with a big influx of in-state donations that don’t seem to be coming the way of Republicans in their latest report:

July 2024 Sddp Fec by Pat Powers on Scribd

Dems raised a total of $56,329.82 against $41,020.86 of expenditures, leaving them $80,491.04. in cash on hand to fund their activities.

Big takeaways – regular donors. Look at the report. They have lots of in-state donations rolling through. Their people are writing checks and being involved.

South Dakota Republicans tell a tale of fundraising that we saw last month from Democrats, where national funds passed through and they got to catch a little of it as it went in and out:

July 2024 SDGOP Fec by Pat Powers on Scribd

The SDGOP Federal account brought in $577,189.50. But don’t get excited, that’s all presidential money that rolled through, as $559,293.36 in expenses instantly went back out the door. $550,352.27 was for “Transfers to Affiliated/Other Party Committees.”   

BUT, that little accounting trick left the GOP with nearly $18,000 more in cash on hand than it ended last month in, with $57,370.02. 2 donations went into the party for the state convention fundraising ($5k for John Thune, and $500 for Heidi Engelhart), but otherwise everything was from out of state via the Trump campaign, as Dems did with Biden last month

That small cash injection was important for the SDGOP, as intra-party chaos has literally shut down many donations. So this allows them to keep paying staff and expenses for another 2-3 months.

Again, I hate to be the canary in the coal mine, but I have to point out that the SDGOP has a SERIOUS donor problem. Looking at the FEC report – they don’t have any. Rolling presidential donors through brings in a little one-time cash, but there are no regular donors sustaining the GOP, and it’s going to catch up at some point.

Add staff expenses, as well as all of the other costs of running a party, and there’s trouble in River City. Trouble that starts with T, which rhymes with D, which stands for donations!

The hard right wave of populism that has been roiling the SDGOP might be bringing in new people who take over county GOP groups, but they have no interest in a healthy Republican Party. If they somehow manage to take over next February, they may find themselves trying to dig up someone to sign a promissory note to keep the party afloat.

Stay tuned.

President Biden drops out of Presidential race

The landscape of the 2024 elections just completely rewote itself in one fell swoop as President Biden has announced he is dropping out. From Fox News:

President Biden announced Thursday that he will suspend his 2024 re-election campaign amid mounting pressure from his Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill, top donors and Hollywood stars after a disastrous debate performance last month.

The unprecedented announcement came as an increasing number of Democrat lawmakers had begun to publicly call for Biden to step aside and the party’s leadership reportedly was engaged in efforts to convince Biden, 81, he could not win in November’s general election against former President Trump, the 2024 GOP nominee who Biden defeated four years ago to win the White House.

Read the entire story here.

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