Press Release:
State Senator Neal Tapio Calls on South Dakota Secretary of State Shantel Krebs to Take a Position on Kobach Muslim Registry Program
Former South Dakota Trump Campaign Director Neal Tapio, calls on South Dakota Secretary of State, Shantel Krebs to clarify her own stance on Muslim immigration and refugee resettlement, and to reveal whether she agrees or disagrees with the policies of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, more specifically, dealing with Kobach’s concept commonly known as a “National Muslim Registry.”
Kobach, who recently endorsed Krebs in her race for South Dakota’s lone Congressional seat and will be appearing at a Krebs campaign fundraiser, is a former Trump campaign advisor most famous for his calls for a creation of a Muslim registry. Tapio, Trump’s campaign director in South Dakota, believes Kobach’s endorsement may be a case of mistaken political identity.
“I’ve known Shantel Krebs for nearly 20 years, I was quite surprised when Kris Kobach endorsed a candidate that would be afraid to even utter the words ‘Muslim, ‘Islam’ and “Terrorism” in public, let alone in the same sentence,” Tapio said.
“The truth is, Shantel Krebs has made a nice, comfortable career being a politician who is much more likely to disavow people who boldly try to solve problems in the way President Trump and even Secretary Kobach does and has, especially on this very important topic.”
“To determine if this newfound boldness is a real conversion or just typical election year pandering, I will definitely offer to work with Shantel this upcoming legislative session to craft stringent new laws addressing Islamic refugee vetting and resettlement, as well as curtailing foreign investment in South Dakota businesses and organizations by nations that embrace the hateful and extremist implementation of mainstream versions of Islamic Law. We must protect all people, regardless of faith, from the dangerous laws of apostacy and blasphemy, where fellow adherents of extremist ideologies will kill you for leaving or even criticizing Islam, as practiced and endorsed by 14 Islamic countries.” Tapio said.
“We need candidates who have a strength of purpose and a boldness of conviction to publicly state what needs to be said and then stand and take the heat, just like President Donald Trump,” Tapio said.