Penn. Co. Convention delegates claim phone tossing was grudge. And they can’t locate a delegate who was iBonked with an iPhone.

The “Save Reggie saga” from the Republican National Convention seems to have gotten a whole lot sillier this afternoon, with the complaining delegate claiming that it was a Hatfield-McCoy-type feud which culminated in an angry phone grudge toss, when reality seems to be more like annoying influencers trying to get video of themselves at the expense of the crowd at large.

But the best bit of information is – despite what reads like a dime store novel – is that they can’t actually find a victim who was iBonked by an iPhone:

Lauschke claimed Larry Rhoden had a more boisterous reaction at the Fort Pierre rodeo center on May 2. Lauschke said he witnessed the lieutenant governor having what he described as “an absolute fit” after failing to claim a delegate spot, and that he was directly confronted by Larry Rhoden after the regional election.


Lauschke claimed he was laying on the ground as the state’s delegates were congregating around Rhoden to capture video of Howard, who had asked Lauschke to film her taking part in the roll call using her cell phone. Lauschke explained he was attempting to capture a “dramatic,” low-angle shot of Howard and the group.

That’s when Reggie Rhoden allegedly pushed past two female delegates to insert himself in front of the group and stand next to his father before the studio cameras went live for the vote, Lauschke claimed. In the process, Lauschke said Reggie Rhoden allegedly instructed him to stand up before “wrestling” the phone out of his hand and tossing it toward the Maryland group, which hit a delegate in the legs. Lauschke said his right wrist was “hurt a little bit” as a result.


Lauschke said. “I made slot No. 3 for the entire state, and Larry got nothing … and I think that is part of the anger that Reggie Rhoden, his son, had, part of that anger just discharged at that moment.”


The state’s Republican Party Executive Director Adam Wood told the Argus Leader none of the Maryland delegates reported being hit by a phone and that he had learned about the alleged incident when this paper contacted him on Sept. 19.

Read the entire story here.

What the iHell did I just read? Because the tales of revenge and violently thrown iPhones given to the media by the alleged victim seems completely and utterly ridiculous.  How about an alternative guess of what may have transpired that seems closer to reality…

Man with iPhone lays on the ground in front of Republican Delegation in the middle of the Republican convention to get video for self-important person who wants to mug for the camera. Party employee notices older person laying on the ground in front of delegation moments before the national convention camera comes over for the live spot for national TV, and goes you can’t lay on the ground in the middle of the convention, and hauls him up and out of the way, while guy drops phone.  Man who laid on ground in middle of crowded group of thousands of people doesn’t get video, phone is scattered to wind in crush of crowd, and he throws fit.

Because that seems like a much more plausible story than the tale of delegate jealousy and revenge that’s being spun.  And you can’t help but notice as reported in the story that “none of the Maryland delegates reported being hit by a phone.” Despite the drama ridden tale that they’re trying to sell for sympathy.

If we should take anything away from the story, it’s that if you lay down in a crowd of 2500 people, someone is going to tell you to stand up, and may help get your fool rear-end out of the way.

And you might drop your phone if you’re trying to film the whole thing.

11 thoughts on “Penn. Co. Convention delegates claim phone tossing was grudge. And they can’t locate a delegate who was iBonked with an iPhone.”

  1. The Lt. Governor should have had a delegate slot reserved for him. The Lt. Governor’s son shouldn’t throw “fits” or cell phones. Ms. Howard, who holds no important legislative or Party office but is just another delegate, shouldn’t try to seize camera time for the massage of her own ego. Only small children lay on the floor in the middle of an important adult meeting. The Leadership of the delegation and the State GOP should have carefully scripted this one time exposure on national television and members of the delegation should have fully cooperated with the leadership. Instead, we had one minute of Chaos. What more can we expect from South Dakota Republicans.

  2. HEADLINE: Local Candidate’s Attempt to Sabotage RNC Thwarted by Executive Director.

    She is really trying everything in her power to lie lie lie and destroy a young South Dakota family because the RNC wasn’t all about her, isn’t she? We were all there, who does she think she’s fooling?? Certainly a bit sad and pathetic behavior for someone running for state leadership. Just because you were in another state doesn’t mean you get to fabricate a bogus hit-job like this, the SD Delegation has eyes and ears too.

    Did anyone mention the ED and several other delegates like myself had to ask Taffy Howard to move from behind the microphone stand and she refused? I’ve never seen that behavior from any adult, not ever in my life!

    Has anyone mentioned the bogus wrist injury that magically went away? Andreas wore sunglasses every day of the RNC but never a wrist cast, because he clearly wasn’t touched.

    Has anyone mentioned there were 40 police officers on every street block but Lauschke didn’t make a report until afterwards on the advice of Taffy Howard because she didn’t get her way?

    [RNC Delegate – unless you can cite a verifiable source or put your name to it, I’m not going to allow this portion of your comment. – editor PP]

    How about the simple walking hazard of a grown man lying flat on his back in the only walkway right in front of people carrying thousands of dollars in equipment. They’d need only point their camera downward for 2 seconds and boom, we’re automatically the Laughing stock of the Nation. Or they trip and Lauschke is facing charges of his own. Sounds like Rhoden was more of guardian angel to Lauschke despite his own stupidity. Some folks can’t be helped.

    Why has nobody mentioned the camera crew were pressing their feet into his backside 30 seconds before filming and were clearly trying to get closer for the shot? Or how distracting that could be for the speaker? Did they get permission? No? Then sounds like Rhoden did his job.

    Why has nobody mentioned that Lauschke was ordered to stand up and refused the orders of the Executive Director of the party, the only person with the credentialed authority to tell him that he couldn’t lie down in front of the camera crew 30 seconds before filming? Who among you with a shred of common sense thinks it normal behavior to jump in front of the cameras and lie down on your back to film? There was not one other person to lie down on the floor, and honestly should be reason enough for Lauschke and Howard to be charged with disorderly conduct, not our ED. Everyone else in the delegation was standing exactly where we were directed to stand so we could fit as many folks in frame as possible. What does Executive Director do if not “direct” with “executive” authority?

    How about the fact that the phone never hit anybody? I saw it, it was never thrown into another delegation’s seating and never made contact with anyone. It didn’t even break, otherwise that would’ve been the headline. We were all on our feet ready for the cameras at any moment, there were about 6 open rows where the phone landed where the SD delegation had been sitting. Pretty sure it landed near Lauschke’s original seat just a few feet away and didn’t come close to hitting anybody or the Maryland delegation.

    How many lies can two stooges fit into one story and for what ends? To politically bully a 20-something year old for doing his job? Her intentions to embarass the party only ended up embarassing herself, so she drags it out on the kid? Does Taffy Howard not know that South Dakotans can smell bullsh*t from a mile off?

    This whole story reeks of jealousy from what I’ve read. That family doesn’t give two damns about the Taffy Howards of the world, but clearly she cares about them. I know whose word I’ll be taking on this gigantic pile of manure. Thank you to our ED for preventing a Statewide embarrassment at his own expense. South Dakotans are better than this.

  3. Reggie, welcome to the world your father and I have been dealing with. It’s hard for those of us not trained in dealing with the insane, to know how to gingerly thread the needle of their unique world . The folks you dealt with would exhibit A. Tough gig you’ve signed onto. Godspeed to you as you deal with those heathens

    1. You reap what you sow. And to continue to support characters like Donald Trump – or to stay silent in protest – only emboldens these fringe wannabes/delegates/candidates/legislators (and the people who elect them) even more. I’m not calling out Lee here as he has been one of the few to speak up at times. I’m just disappointed in general with my Grand Old Party as a whole for its complicity over the past 8+ years.

  4. Taffy Howard is the type of woman to trespass in your back yard to steal your dog, then sue you when she slips on a leaf running out the driveway.

  5. This is journalism? I was waiting for the part that he murdered someone with his eyes. Must have been a slow day in the hit piece dept.

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