Pro-Life website columnist taking issue with South Dakota legislature sandbagging Noem heartbeat measure

A columnist on the pro-life website “Live Action” has an article up today regarding the South Dakota State House State Affairs committee putting the brakes on Governor Kristi Noem’s fetal heartbeat bill.  And in particular, the author, Mike Feuz, is taking issue with politics getting in the way of the Governor’s initiative, as House members refused to allow the measure to be given a hearing:

According to the Leader, South Dakota legislative committees typically give every governor’s bill a hearing. Instead, the governor’s proposal has been blocked since Day One by the same lawmakers who say a more stringent bill will endanger unborn children. This is a ridiculous argument, akin to Kasich’s argument that taxpayers shouldn’t fund every effort to protect innocents and their families from the predatory abortion industry.

Like in Ohio, opponents to the South Dakota heartbeat bill now consist of certain pro-lifers as well as abortion supporters. Prominent opponents to the Texas version include pro-abortion groups including Planned Parenthood and the Center for Reproductive Rights. It makes zero sense for the two most pro-abortion groups in the nation to agree with South Dakota conservative pro-life legislators against heartbeat bills.

When elected officials put byzantine politics ahead of protecting the unborn, bad things happen and good things are prevented.

Read the entire article here.

What do you think? Should legislators have at least given the bill a hearing?

31 thoughts on “Pro-Life website columnist taking issue with South Dakota legislature sandbagging Noem heartbeat measure”

  1. Who cares what this clown has to say about SD? He knows zilch about our laws and the strategy taken by the pro life community in SD over the past 50 years.

    Pro life leaders didnt like this bill. Pro life legislators didn’t like this bill. the governor knew that and chose to go it alone.

    That is more of a strategic error and she also put pro life legislators in a position that none of them want to be in.

    She should learn that the first rule of governing is establishing trust. And if you take people who are 100% prolife and make them vote against a pro-life bill and then publicly shame them (all while knowing they did not support it in advance)you erode trust.

    The Senate told her it was DOA and the House told her it was DOA. She should have known better.

    She has a serious trust problem on her hands.

      1. Maybe this is the best possible outcome. It generates publicity for the heartbeats of children in the womb without jeopardizing the current court battle.

        Everyone take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

        1. Why is the governor pulling a Lautenschalgger and turning the pro-life movement against each other?

          1. Division. It’s what she does.

            The soundness of the legislation will always take a back seat to the national headlines she craves.

  2. Never heard of this website either

    Like the Governor they don’t understand the law or strategy—her actions would have undermined current litigation

    1. I’m sure the author never heard of you either, especially since you apparently don’t possess courage enough to own your own statements, do you?
      But more importantly this is not about strategy, it’s about saving the lives of innocents right here in South Dakota.
      Which litigation would passage, or even just a fair hearing, would be endangered? Roe v. Wade? How so?

      1. 💥

        Good to have you back Ed. The gov did this knowing the outcome. Sad the folks who are 100% pro life are nothing but props now. Not what the movement is about, really. Is it?

      2. Right… I didn’t put my ndd add me as I didn’t want this Governor to do illegal robocalls against me also

      3. Ed you are a former leader of FHA. You know this is dividing the coalition. It only serves the left.

        1. As a former leader of FHA intent upon advancing the RTL cause, I would have wholeheartedly supported the Heartbeat bill and I certainly would not have tried to block a committee hearing of it. If the “coalition” (your words, not mine) has become more important than the cause, then we must question the “coalition’s” commitment to the cause.
          The “coalition” should glance to their left to find that some of their allies in their camp on this one are the supporters of Roe v. Wade.
          If the “coalition” had a problem with supporting the bill, they should have made their case in committee as they have done on numerous occasions. but the problem for them is that they do not have substantive argument against this bill.
          So Mr/Ms Anonymous, who is serving the left here???

            1. Now that makes no sense at all. You have no argument. You hide behind anonymity and make foolish statements. I’ll suffer you no longer.

      4. Pro life legislators should not have to vote against a pro life bill if it is bad law. She knew it was opposed by legislators and she put them in a terrible spot. She jeopardized the work of tens of thousands for a chance to go on FNC.

        She lost the trust of the movement.

  3. The Governor knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She knew her actions would fracture the trust she had with South Dakota’s pro-life organizations. And that’s exactly what’s she has done.

    She is the one who screwed up. It is up to her to mend the ill-will she created.

  4. Noem, the supposed leader of the Republican Party, is ginning up national media against her own party members. This is called failed leadership.

    1. Um….What, X2? You and Anon above you really don’t make any sense, go figure. You both are wishful thinkers.

  5. if they had given the bill a hearing the pro-life libby could go on record explaining why they opposed it.
    Since they didn’t do that, the rest of us are left wondering what that’s all about.

    How would this have affected pending litigation?

    1. I asked my legislator to explain it to me and he had no idea. He just was told to be against the Governors proposal because it would interfere with court cases. He had no understanding or explanation of why. I told him he has an obligation to make them explain “why” to him so he can explain it to me. If we know the truth this is all political to block a big win for Noem in prep to propel Haugaard in the primaries. Make her look bad and ineffective…that was the goal and they really didn’t care about babies with a heartbeat…just about pushing Haugaard forward.

  6. Yes, the bill should have received a hearing. I’ve spoken to many SD citizens recently about this and they don’t understand just how this bill would have impacted the pending Supreme Court case. Perhaps if someone could explain exactly how it would, it would soften the impact.

  7. This bill was part of the State of the State Address and all legislators stood up to applaud it. Why wouldn’t she bring it? Dale Bartscher sang it’s praises when Texas passed it. Last year’s Downs Syndrome Bill flew through and passed. Why wouldn’t she? Shame on Right to Life for not standing up for this or at least keeping quiet. Shame on Spenser Gosch for playing his little games and leaving most of his committee in the dark about this bill. Chris Johnson was the only one who knew to at least try to hear the bill, yet the motion received no second. To not receive a hearing is just wrong. Wouldn’t RTL, or any true pro-lifer like to see this discussion brought up to enlightening people and bring awareness at the least? RTL has had huge internal problems for years. This is a big one. I for one, am done with them. If one is truly pro-life, it’s time to make your voices heard, but not through an organization that won’t allow anyone else’s opinion or legislation. For the pro-abortion groups to be in the same camp as RTL on this should tell us all something. Think about it.

    1. Remember this when you go to support or donate to Right to Life Groups………they would not stand up for babies with a heartbeat……..and they would not come forward and explain why. Sometimes groups are so busy making money and pushing a cause that they don’t want that cause to go away……when it does…they all loose their jobs, income, and goals. Its a thought.

  8. This bill was part of the State of the State Address and all legislators stood up to applaud it. Why wouldn’t she bring it? Dale Bartscher sang it’s praises when Texas passed it. Last year’s Downs Syndrome Bill flew through and passed. Why wouldn’t she? Shame on Right to Life for not standing up for this or at least keeping quiet. Shame on Spenser Gosch for playing his little games and leaving most of his committee in the dark about this bill. Chris Johnson was the only one who knew to at least try to hear the bill, yet the motion received no second. To not receive a hearing is just wrong. Wouldn’t RTL, or any true pro-lifer like to see this discussion brought up to enlightening people and bring awareness at the least? RTL has had huge internal problems for years. This is a big one. I for one, am done with them. Could it be that if a bill so strong should pass that the organization wouldn’t be needed and some may be out of a job? If one is truly pro-life, it’s time to make YOUR voices heard, but not through an organization that won’t allow anyone else’s opinion or legislation. For the pro-abortion groups to be in the same camp as RTL on this is telling. Think about it.

  9. Noem is a fraud. It was explained to her in detail why not to bring the bill… and she did it anyway… then plays the victim….when did Republicans come out for the play the victim strategy.

    She tried to put legislators in a tough spot and when they turned the tables on her she cried about it

    Not a leader. This Republican will never vote for her again for any office

  10. Because it didn’t get a hearing the public will never understand why the right to life group joined forces with the pro-abortionists to kill it, and Noem can complain about it not getting a hearing.

    Whether or not it was explained to the Governor what was wrong with it, it hasn’t been explained to the rest of us, and none of you who are complaining about Noem are helping.

    what are you planning for an encore?

  11. 1) What pending litigation would this bill have interfered with?
    2) How would this bill have interfered with that legislation?

    Opponents need to answer these two questions.

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