Rapid City School Board candidate “ready to die” taking out Democrats, calling for their execution.

And Rapid City bubbles to the top of the crazy bucket another time this week, in a far worse way than someone shimmying up a billboard to vandalize it.

In a breaking story from the Rapid City Journal, a School Board Candidate had apparently tweeted in 2019 that he was “Ready and willing to die taking out evil Democrats.”

Local businessman and Marine veteran Gerald Alvin Harvey II replied to a post from Barbara Lee, a California Democrat and then-candidate for House, on Twitter June 13, 2019, writing: “There will BE ANOTJER[sic] CIVIL WAR…AND EVER[sic] DEMOCRAT WILL BE EXICUTED[sic]..YOU HAVE F***ED MY COUNTRY UP ENOUGH. IM READY AND WILLING TO DIE TAKING OUT EVIL DEMOCRATS FOR MY VOUNTRY[sic] AND MY President…” That same day, also in response to Lee, Harvey wrote: “THERE WILL BE ANOTHER CIVIL WAR AND ALL OF YOU EVIL DEMOCRATS WILL BE EXICUTED[sic].. GO MAKE YOU EVIL C**TS.”

Harvey admitted to the Journal during a nearly hour long phone call Wednesday night that he wrote those tweets and “was probably drinking” at the time.

Read that here.

And yes, it is still there on Twitter...

But it’s ok. He told the Rapid City Journal “was probably drinking.”

But the rollercoaster of crazy doesn’t stop there. Because we also have allegations and an admission of domestic violence. (and protection orders)

When asked if there were any domestic abuse cases filed against him, Harvey said he had “a domestic thing” with a separate woman “about 35 years ago,” where he slapped her. He followed by saying he doesn’t believe hitting women is right, but that he grew up “in a different time.”

“Why did I do it? I slapped her. She, uh…whatever. I lost control,” Harvey said.

Go read the article here.

Threatening to kill people while he’s drinking, protection orders, and slapping women.. OF COURSE he’s running for the Rapid City School Board. Because that’s what we need more of in our schools today.

If you read one article today, go read this one.  Good god.

31 thoughts on “Rapid City School Board candidate “ready to die” taking out Democrats, calling for their execution.”

  1. Guy is deranged. Probably will bitch and moan about conspiracies when he loses, as is the MO for those that have detached themselves from logical thought.

  2. Somehow, I’m not surprised at the poor grammar and profanity. I wonder if the CFL folks will distance themselves from him now.

  3. Where he excels in motivations, he lacks ability to target. I’m all for letting loose the dogs of war, but on whom? Where? How?

    I’m not scared of his message, but then I’m also not a democrat, in the deep state, or part of a secret society that has been promulgating evil on the normies for hundreds of years.

    Don’t be violent, folks, unless in direct constitutional self defense of yourself, your family, and your property (depending on the state).

    So, what you’re saying is .. that we should ban alcohol, then?

  4. If my choices are a b-slapping pro-America tough talking alcohol swilling patriot vs someone who wants to teach the kids to cut their members of to save the environment, I think I’m going to get some popcorn and kick up my feet.

    1. popcorn is appropriate. your proposal to halt the election of one kind of loon, so that our schools can be guided by a totally different kind of loon, has entertainment value.
      i realize you all hate to hear from people who think trained experts should be doing things like setting and guiding school policy – but i’ll say it anyway. and by expert i don’t mean teachers union cronies and private sector professionals who’d have conflicts of interest – i mean people who have an interest in serving and have prepped for it with a long history of working with schools and teachers to really understand the problems in education and ways to improve them.
      if you bring a freedom caucus candidate in my school area, i’ll want more of the expertise, and less of the promises to keep boys and girls out of each others restrooms, or whatever other fighting words get people all riled up fer votin’ time.

      1. note – most times the great choices will be former teachers and administrators, and people from the professions. not always of course.

  5. Wow, that’s almost like reading a post on herr shortyberger’s propaganda blog.

      1. HA HA! No… The threats and generally incivility of his twitter post resembles that of which appears and is condoned by herr shortyberger on the (d)umb (f)reaking (p)eople propaganda site.

  6. Is he another Kristi Noem out of state Q recruits to see their “FreeDumb”?

    He was a big supporter of our current Sec of State.

    Great Faces! Great Places. South Dakota!


      1. Apparently you didn’t read the post – or cannot comprehend it – but the dude literally is talking about executing democrats… Do better, or if you are at least trolling – don’t be such a stupid troll.

        1. So are you seriously telling me that the DFP propaganda blog doesn’t have low-class vile comments similar to those tweets? Apparently, you are one of shortyberger’s sycophants who will lie about anything.

          1. LOL, this guy, Anon at 7:46am.. Read the article. Seriously, Read. The. Article. Your whataboutism, then jumping to “You LIE cuz Heidelburger” is comical… Please, do better. Or, maybe just not comment – because you just look silly.

            1. “Whataboutism.” The often used term that liberals love to throw around to deflect when confronted of the fact their side has committed the same actions (or worse) than what the liberals are accusing the other side of committing.

              I. Did. Read. The. Article. I don’t agree with what he stated but I do find it curious that you liberals who visit this website and are so infuriated by his comments, at the same time, have no problem with comments of the same vile/low-class nature appearing on the DFP. Oh, I know, this is whataboutism, right?

              1. LOL, got your goat! Hey, your post doubled down on the “whataboutism” – but heck, you do you. And side note, Its been a loooong time since I have read the DFP blog… This one is more fun. You get folks like you who contradict yourself while trying to support some sort of angst on how “those darn democrats” do the same thang. Seriously, you need some self-reflection.

                1. Wow, your arrogance is showing. I never contradicted myself and your “whataboutism” crying doesn’t make what I stated any less true. Would you like some examples, Cory?

                  1. Dude, you’re fun. Its comical that Heidelberger lives rent free in your melon.

                    1. But yet you can’t/haven’t disputed anything that has been stated and are avoiding doing so by your little quips that you somehow think is a substitute for intelligence. So once again, tell me how “whataboutism” makes what I posted any less true and would you like some examples?

  7. “I was drinking”, just doesn’t make it as an excuse. It’s a typical South Dakota fall back position, but has been worn out by our Legislators.

  8. Looks like Democrats are getting scared. A marine is my kind of candidate.

    1. A barely literate tough-guy who has a history of threatening women you mean. This turd is an embarrassment to all who’s served.

    2. Scared of what? A domestic abuser who cannot spell? Yeah, lets vote for that tough guy… He will show those teachin’ ladies who’s boss.

    3. People tend to get antsy when others threaten to murder them, yes. And I wonder if this tough guy was 0311, because if he is comms or something, I will lose it laughing.

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