Release: South Dakota Board of Regents to meet on Wednesday

(For those of you looking for the official release on the “drag show” controversy. – PP)


PIERRE, S.D. – The Board of Regents President Pam Roberts announced that the Regents will meet telephonically on Wednesday, December 21, to discuss the recent “drag show” at South Dakota State University. The special meeting follows the Regents’ regular meeting, held earlier this month, where the issue was raised.

“We respect the First Amendment, but none of us are happy about children being encouraged to participate in this event on a university campus,” said President Roberts. “I have asked our presidents to place a moratorium on minors attending events sponsored by student organizations on campus, for now. In addition, I have instructed our staff to work with the administration and legislative leaders on legislation to clarify the law in this area.”


19 thoughts on “Release: South Dakota Board of Regents to meet on Wednesday”

    1. Elk it doesn’t matter who saw it, the problem is that drag is the new blackface. Drag is demeaning to women: drag queens take the most obnoxious qualities of high maintenance women, exaggerate them, and ridicule them. If this is acceptable, why not a Minstrel Show?
      The second problem is that this is what college students do while amassing huge debt which they expect the rest of us to pay off for them? Not a good look. While the taxpayers don’t care what people do with their own money, we don’t want to foot the bill for this kind of frivolity. When I went to college, between classes, time spent studying and my job, I didn’t have time for entertainment, not even television. If their parents want to pay for them to waste time like this, fine. But when recent college graduates start telling us we should pay off their loans for them, don’t be surprised if there is more scrutiny of what they did for four years.

        1. Anonymous at 5:19 that’s an interesting question, how far I had to walk to class, in snow, so I googled the size of the UMass campus: 1400 acres. It was 1.7 miles from my dorm to the building where most of my classes were conducted. The town averages 42″ of snow a year. As an undergraduate there was only one place I could park my car, way out by the football stadium, so It just sat there getting covered with snow. We all walked everywhere, through the snow. Trudging through snow was the only entertainment we had.

      1. Let’s see. Events like this are held on campuses as fundraisers several times a year. They raise several hundred thousand dollars that are donated to places like Childrens Miracle Network. So I guess some good comes out of all of this depravity.

    2. They invited kids. I hope parents had enough common sense not to bring them. Liberals clutched their pearls over Trump’s pu$$y-grabbing comment, but they’re just fine with kids stuffing dollar bills into drag queens’ so-called pu$$ies.

      1. Glad you brought that up. Trump said: “And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” “You can do anything … Grab them by the pu**y. You can do anything.”

        You voted for that.

        But whoah! Somebody does drag and you’re beside yourself. And somebody said it would be ok to bring kids – but as far as I know, there weren’t even any there. For that, you demand that the Board of Regents and the legislature get involved?

        Another fake issue. On top of all the other fake issues we’ve seen lately.

        1. “Another fake issue. On top of all the other fake issues we’ve seen lately.”

          Fake issues…coming from elk, this blog’s fake issue expert.

        2. I bet Elk voted for the actual pussy-grabber himself: Bill Clinton. “Somebody does drag” sounds a lot like Ilhan Omar’s famous “some people did something” line.

  1. Nice try, Anne. Blackface has a nasty, racist history.

    Drag is harmless. Even if you want so desperately to be offended.

    1. it’s the same principle: drag queens ridicule women. It’s curious form of entertainment. Why does anybody consider it amusing? They’re clowns. Why?

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