The SD GOP is in Trouble
Joe Kirby, Chairman of South Dakota Open Primaries announced, “Many Republican party loyalists are planning to vote No on Amendment H in the mistaken belief that they can go back to business as usual in South Dakota politics. They couldn’t be more mistaken. The SD GOP has undergone a significant change in the last few years that many Republicans have not noticed.”
“It began with the uprising at the 2022 Republican party convention in Watertown when the incumbent Secretary of State was not renominated. Then, 48% of the convention voted to not support Thune, Dusty, and Noem in the fall election. It continued in the June 2024 primary when a dozen incumbents were primaried. The party is engaged in an internal civil war.”
“Because of the uncertainty and infighting, fundraising for the Republican party and candidates has dried up. Many candidates received no or only minimal support from the party.”
Kirby continued, “Mainstream GOP traditions and history are under attack from a fringe group of ‘conservatives’ who aren’t really conservative at all. The only solution on the table is Amendment H. If it passes, the party will find itself recommitted to traditional South Dakota values, and answerable to the majority of our conservative populace.”
Republican SD Senator Michael Rohl said, “If Amendment H doesn’t pass, the future of our party and state looks murky. It could be a political train wreck. The decision is clear to me: A Yes vote means I need to listen to my district, a No vote means I should listen to party bosses.”
Republican SD Senate Leader Lee Schoenbeck said, “The Republican party we have built over the last fifty years is being taken over by fringe people that Bill Janklow, Jim Abdnor and George Mickelson wouldn’t recognize. Republican leaders were practical conservatives we could be proud of. The new fringe that’s taken over the South Dakota GOP are not conservatives, they are crazy. If Amendment H fails, we lose our party to extremists.”
Kirby added, “Amendment H is on the November 5th ballot. All candidates for an office would be listed on a single ballot. All legal voters would get that ballot. The top two vote getters would move on to the general election. Most importantly, all voters would get to vote. Democracy works best when all voters get to vote. Vote YES on H!”
They are right. Many mainstream SD Republicans are unaware of what has been going on in their party. The future is not bright if Amendment H fails.
Donald Trump will get 65% of the vote in SD.
Most South Dakota voters support him. It’s just a fact that Trump Republicans are the future of politics.
The greater majority of people that will be voting for trump in SD are in now way part of the extremist right that has taken over many of the county executive committees.
This clown 🤡 opposing Amendment H is actually the best reason yet we’ve heard for voting YES on H.
If a proud flunked out of school, conspiracy nut, election denier, anti-vaxxer, anti-mask even during surgical procedures, holocaust denier, alleged NAZI supporter pretending to be republican, Toby Doeden and his affiliated Doeden Dumpster Divers are opposing something, all you need to do is go the opposite direction. This guarantees you will almost always be correct.
Michael Rohl is a terrific legislator – who also loves everything conservatives stand for. VOTE YES on Amendment H.
Our state is going to have a serious problem on our hands for years to come if H doesn’t pass. H should pass simply because it’s a more fair system. I wish more Republican lawmakers and leaders could put self-interest aside and support this important initiative. Even if they don’t care about fairness, they should care about the future of their party and the state.
H will be a win/win for some, a lose/lose for others.
Like a finely crafted turd sandwich.
Like a very lively night crawler you’re trying to get a grip on.
Seems to me:
The people that really ran the party in the ground through arrogance and exuberant bravado are trying to scuttle the ship with a “YES” vote.
How does this create a future proof economy?
If a YES vote creates a future proof economy for South Dakotans and self governance for South Dakotans, that I’m a YES. Otherwise, if a NO vote does these things, then I’m a NO vote.
Also, the price of T-Bone steak is too darned HIGH!
Non relevant word salad again.
Every reason cited by proponents is exactly why H is not needed….if their premise is prophetic and the party as it stands fragments those who move on will simply move to a different flag(s). At least under current law they would have to correctly identify themselves with whatever party they may choose to register with, a level of transparency H erases
No on H
There is no litmus test for being in a party currently either. It’s literally checking a box and signing a piece of paper. That’s a scape goat answer to a measure that would increase voter rights. You don’t have to join a union to work, you shouldn’t have to join a party to vote.
The Conservatives with Common Sense are actually considering such an initiative, as our internal polling shows that the Amendment lettered “H” is likely to fail. We have a 1.2% margin of error. So if we formulate the Conservatives with Common Sense party, and then relabel it as “The Real Republicans”, we will quickly take over the legislatures.
This goes to prove it’s a fight between facists and conservatives about who get’s to be called “Rich” and who has to be called “Dick.” Richy, Rich, Richard, Dick and little Dickie are all having a party.
H will get defeated by double digits according Keloland polling. As it should.
H should pass but it likely won’t. This press release is absolutely correct. The party has been hijacked by a bunch of nut jobs. This should have been the message of the H supporters from the start. The ads should have pointed out what this press release did, rather than some of the weak arguments they were using. They were never going to get the wacky right, so they should have went right after them from the beginning. I suspect the message is too late now.
Kirby wants to burn the house down. After trashing the house, owner says here’s the gas. Rich. You just can’t make this up.
An earlier commenter was right that the crazies should have been targeted and used as prime examples of why we need Amendment H to begin with. That embarrassing for South Dakota and disgusting Mark Robinson event should have been in the campaign ads followed up with who attended and the candidates and activists that refuse to answer questions and be accountable. Win or lose with Amendment H those far right fringe candidates and their supporter/activists basically get a free pass this cycle.
The next couple of years with our new legislature could just be a harbinger of darker times ahead. At some point, systemic change needs to occur.
Or maybe do a better job of listening and communicating? Quit blaming the voter. You sound like Hillary always wanting to rewrite rules to get your desired result. On the playground, it is called being a whiner.
Another example of why we need Amendment H is Logan Manhart running in District 1.
Logan displays behavior unbecoming of a potential legislator and the immaturity of a 13 year old with his response of “Womp Womp” to questions about Mark Robinson event mailers plus deleting voter comments. Given he shares the same behavior of his primary endorsee a more appropriate campaign sign would be Logan ManChild* for District 1 House.
‘Manchild’ is the son in law of a giant family of deniers in McCrazy McPherson. Also Bro-in -law to Ding Dong Dinger in Brown county. We’ve got problems folks, please advise all D1 voters and tell your friends ‘Yes on H’
It’s worse than we thought. Will share. Thank you!
If H doesn’t pass, people may have to wake up and let the thoughts implanted in their mind (that everything wrong that has happened is the Dems fault) go away. If SD would consider the other party, this wouldn’t be needed, but media has done a great job at demonizing one party, however when one eliminates that party, and we have what we have here in SD, problems. Checks and balances are not a bad thing, pick the best candidate regardless of their party affiliation. We know that would be a tough sell, so we have amendment H. It is a scary scenario to be in, honestly.
You think the media has demonized the SDDP?! As a Republican, I’m so grateful to have media that’s even neutral towards the SDGOP, much less supportive!
We win elections by showing up, not by diluting the vote. If you think the SD GOP was damaged by the crazies, just wait until registered Democrats select our “conservative” candidates! Sure, state party has been heavily influenced recently by more extreme candidates. So what’s Amendment H? It’s nothing more than this, the Main Street candidates got angry and said “hold my beer.”
“Kirby continued, “Mainstream GOP traditions and history are under attack from a fringe group of ‘conservatives’ who aren’t really conservative at all.”
Exactly what I thought, this amendment is about attacking those who believe principles found in our constitutions are more important than money and Establishment Republicans trying to buy us off. And that is exactly what is going on with RL21 also.
From the SOS Pamphlet, AG explanation regarding H ” A candidate may list any party next to their name on the ballot regardless of party affiliation or registration.” So this allows deception by a candidate? You can run as a Republican, but be registered as a Democrat? Or vice versa? Or something else? Not good policy for anyone IMHO.
Again …. That’s a false premise – you can do that today with a piece of paper – but you would still need that party to sign your petitions – this is shallow arguement that caves at even the slightest analysis.
Under our current system, the legislature does not really represent the will of the people. A subset controls politics in the state and they hate the idea that could change.
H would give the people of SD representative government. If you don’t get that, you must have slept through civics class.
We could have solved this problem in 2020 by requiring all members of the legislature to be vaccinated, like the military. That would get rid of the crazies.
If H fails, let’s have a ballot measure to do that.
Pat. Great suggestion!
Actually requiring proof of vaccination for anybody who wants to enter the Capitol would make it safer for everybody in the building, in addition to keeping the crazies out.
Perhaps the SD Department of Health could order such a requirement in time for Christmas at the Capitol. It’s respiratory illness season, after all.
A mobile immunization clinic can be deployed in the parking lot.
The crazies will lose their minds.