It’s a bit anti-climactic by now, but as I’d heard from Dakotafest and as noted on-line today, apparently State Rep. Taffy Howard is making little secret that she has already scheduled her announcement for Congress:
With that as a clearly confirmed fact by Taffy herself, the claim of “considering” and “exploring” the race as noted in her speeches and media interviews seems a bit silly.
There are a lot of fellows in the Rapid City area planning to attend the announcement party in hopes of being able to dance with Ms. Taffy later in the evening, when the slow dances start going on. I just wish it would get locked down.
Isn’t that how all politicians do it these days…they form exploratory committees and consider it and then announce so they can raise money and get multiple news cycles?
Isn’t that what Rounds did for the US Senate race?
nobody wanted to slow dance with Mr. Rounds
Rounds did it over 2 years prior to the election. Not exploring one week, dropping a website a couple days later and telling people of the impending announcement a couple of days after that.
Ms. Howard may or may not do a better job. There is only one way to find-out.
I met Dusty for the first time this week. I like Dusty.
But he’s wrong on important issues, indicating he’s not thinking enough for himself (he’s pretty sharp).
1 – Vaccines
2 – 5G
3 – Safety nets
Let’s see what he does about the political prisoners being tortured for simple or nonexistent crimes on 1/6.
Joe Biggs got a letter about regarding the conditions of incarceration.
Dusty cannot allow our government to jail and torture people. They are being held without due process. They are not flight risks.
Is there an issue that John Dale hasn’t adopted the crazy ass view on? Those idiots and jerks who stormed the US Capitol deserve to be in jail. Vaccines & 5g? Enough said.
It appears Mrs. Howard is going to honor family commitments before candidate Howard makes formal announcement. This is, as it should be.
It also appears the ground work is being laid so when there a formal announcement, the campaign can get going without much delay. Websites being built, banners printed, fair appearances, are all part of this prep work.
Until the formal announcement it’s a good idea to keep the media, including the reporter from the South Dakota War Collage, at arms length. After the announcement, the campaign should entertain any and all media requests, I hope the assignment editor at the South Dakota War College will assign a quality reporter to follow the Taffy Howard for Congress campaign, after the formal announcement. Just as assigning reporters to follow all the major campaigns after their announcements.
I might agree with you if Taffy wasn’t telling audiences that she was considering running at the same time she’s launching an actual campaign. Just another inauthentic politician.
does she actually have fans who are waiting, breathlessly, for the long-awaited announcement?
I don’t know why anybody cares if she’s running or not.
That’s a dance card I think I’ll pass on. Bottom line, when South Dakota went from 2 to 1 rep. in the House, our influence and power diminished at the same rate. It’s tough to get anything done in DC, it’s even tougher when you’re alone on your own island in the midwest. That’s why we need a coalition/partnership builder. Even so, it really is difficult to identify what any of our House members have truly accomplished (on their own) over the past couple of decades. Sure, they’ve introduced a ton of legislation that would have been beneficial for South Dakota. However, again, without any firm backing from the power brokers, it is hard for anyone to get anything done. I don’t think Ms. Howard could do any better. Her ideology and overall thought pattern is a bit too far right. Which in turn, will alienate fellow Congressional members while leaving nothing to show for her efforts. Although I believe he is incorrect on a few issues, Dusty is a hard worker and deserves another term to see if he can muster the support he needs for the various problems facing South Dakota. After which, I think that will the time to analyze his effectiveness.