Rep. Johnson Introduces Legislation Honoring Ben Reifel

Rep. Johnson Introduces Legislation Honoring Ben Reifel

Washington, D.C. – This week U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) introduced legislation that would designate the United States Postal Service building in Rosebud, South Dakota as the Ben Reifel Post Office Building.

“Throughout Ben Reifel’s career at the Bureau of Indian Affairs and for a decade in Congress, he worked tirelessly to further economic opportunity for American Indians,” said Johnson. “He celebrated education, hard work and self-determination. I filed a bill asking for Ben Reifel’s name to be added to the Rosebud Post Office. It is my hope that young American Indian boys and girls will see that name and realize that great American leaders can come from anywhere, including the sacred ground they call home.”

Former Congressman Ben Reifel was a strong proponent of the Indian Civil Rights Act and fought to ensure that tribes received proper compensation for native land transfers. He was a leader in Congress on Indian Affairs and the first person of Lakota Sioux descent in Congress.


12 thoughts on “Rep. Johnson Introduces Legislation Honoring Ben Reifel”

  1. Since no one could answer on the previous post about this same topic – I’ll post again.

    This was his 1-minute floor speech about the 4th bill he’s introduced now more than 4 months as a member of Congress.

    While his recognition of former Rep. Reifel is laudable, instead of doing something more than renaming a post office, why not introduce a bill with co-sponsors that promotes economic development on reservations?

    Of his 4 bills, only one has any co-sponsors at all, none are likely to be taken up.

    If he’s hired so many of Noem’s staff, including her then Chief of Staff and her Ag staffer, why hasn’t he taken up any of the bills she introduced?

    His team seems to be dropping the ball and just not very active. It shouldn’t be that hard to find cosponsors when there are 434 other members to pick from.

    He’s not the hard worker he talked about during his campaign, he then voted against the President, and he’s picking fights with 1st term State legislators; why type of person did we elect?

    I think we were all sold a bill of goods that just isn’t what was advertised.

    1. ” type of person did we elect? ”

      Don’t blame those of us who didn’t vote for him. I said from the get-go that Dusty was not the right person, but was shouted down.

  2. Yeah, I don’t think that this legislation means a whole lot to the majority of South Dakotans, so I don’t know if it is worthy of a lot of note. Nothing against the legacy of Mr. Reifel, but I never heard of him and I would bet the majority of Dusty’s constituents haven’t either.

    I would urge Dusty to work on more important legislation.

  3. Anon 8:16, call Dusty’s office and ask what he’s worked on. This is what I heard:

    He was a leader in getting the big “lands bill,” with his Custer County provision included, passed. Getting a bill passed (as part of a package) is unusual for a freshman.

    He is an original cosponsor of the child abuse prevention bill that passed unanimously out of committee this week.

    Leadership has made him a key leader on whipping freshman votes for USMCA.

    He’s been named the top Republican on the subcommittee that oversees the implementation of the 2018 farm bill. I can’t tell you the last time SD had a subcommittee leader in the house. It’s an unusual honor for a freshman.

    He’s been named to the national executive board for the NRCC. Also not a regular job for a freshman.

    He’s been working on getting votes for his new resilient forests bill, which provides more flexibility for active forest management.

    He’s done all this while being there for just 100 days. Given that he’s a freshman in the minority, I’d say he’s doing fine.

    1. Anon 8:16-

      Having actually worked for a member of Congress- the example of getting something included in a land package that was already moving isn’t a big deal, neither is becoming an original cosponsor- all you need to do is read an electronic dear colleague that gets emailed around or subscribe to the Western Caucus email list.

      Being named to the NRCC is fine- but it’s not like he was the only one named. He’s also not a leader on a Subcommittee while in the minority. At beast he’s a Ranking Member and I don’t think that’s the case at all.

      Getting votes? That’s not leading – that’s his and his staff’s job.

      I think you over-inflate what he’s actually doing vs what he could be doing.

      1. In reading this post and others it is easy to criticize those in office…while thy stick their necks out their for us to chop off

  4. Yes, actually he IS a ranking member.

    What’s more, he’s the ranking member of the subcommittee that oversees the implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill.

    1. Every subcommittee on the House Ah Committee has oversight of the Farm bill. Objectively thinking though- he got the worst Subcommittee Chair.

  5. Remember he is in the minority in a hyper partisan era…hard to get things done.but he is doing well…plus give him a chance it has only been a few months

    1. And what’s happened within those few months?

      He votes against securing our border where hard-core illegal aliens are pouring in and living in our communities – Moises De Jesus Ruiz-Mejia. Where deadly drugs are pouring in and ending up in our communities killing our young people. Where unvaccinated illegal aliens are pouring in and filling up our schools. Why did he vote against our safety… meh, take our guns lies.

      Most recently he has been accused of bullying a fellow politician who may run against someone who should retire from their political career. What a great start! It’ll be interesting to see how he votes on H.R. 5…

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