Have you ever noticed that there’s a lot of legislators who preach small government & local control. Until they want to grab attention. And then they typically dump unfunded mandates on school districts. Because we have another example of it.
Someone explain to me what schools exactly, are asking for legislation to install religious volunteers in public schools? Because House Bill 1054 was just dropped to do just that:
And, you can consider this yet another unfunded mandate that taxpayers will have to swallow, as schools will be required to publish a list, and for these people to submit to a criminal background check, and for space to be found.. with the bill going to taxpayers.
Of questionable constitutionality, it seems to reflect the rise in Christian Nationalism that we’re experiencing in this years’ legislative session where the lines of church and state are not just being pushed, but completely ignored and ran over with a truck, as with Senate Bill 51, the unfunded mandate for schools to print the ten commandments and hang them in every school classroom. Because everyone needs to learn about honoring their father and mother in gym, welding and accounting classes.
If a person wants to send their child to a religious or parochial school, by all means do so. I am a product of St. Joe’s in Pierre myself, and I enjoyed my elementary education. I have an Augustana Grad and a St. Scholastica grad among my kids. And they received fine educations.
But when we all attended in a public school setting, there is an expectation that there is a wall there – one that separates church & state. I don’t get to expect my religious values are pushed on others, and there is the same expectation about others’ pushed on me & mine.
Yet some want to ignore Wednesday being viewed as church night, and make every day in school church day. A disturbing trend where principles that our country was founded on and ensconced in the first amendment are just being ignored. We don’t live under sharia law. We don’t live under biblical canons – we are governed by the constitution, and the first amendment says that is not the way to act.
This bill, like several others, need to keep it in church. Religious counselors are fine on Wednesday church night when most students receive their religious instruction elsewhere. But they don’t belong in our schools.
this legislative session promises to be an embarrassment to the state
I volunteer to be a representative of The Satanic Temple for my local District. Stop by my office and say hi!
So what will Rep. Novstrup say when Muslim students, or Buddhist students, or Hindu students, or even Satanist students want a religious leader posted in the school, as well?
These “freedom fighters” forget that freedom means freedom for all. And just as our constitution guarantees our freedom, it also guarantees equality.
Weekly PA announcement at local public school system.
This week due to a SD taxpayer paid court decision equal time for all faiths our school Chaplain of the week will be Minister of Satan Schmidt from the local Satanic Temple of South Dakota. He will bring his spiritual Hell Hound Spike.
Next week a Chaplain representing the Old Norse religion Norse talking about cosmology which revolved around a world tree known as Yggdrasil, with various realms existing alongside that of humans, named Midgard. These include multiple afterlife realms, several of which are controlled by a particular deity. Many Gods to share about.
Norse paganism would be popular with Thor and Loki. I hear they made a few popular movies about it a couple years’ back.
Kids would love it! More Marvel movies are coming. Btw! Hell Hound Spike is great with kids and can fetch.