5 thoughts on “Rick Perry getting into race for President. Might he be “the one?”

  1. Lindsey Graham will be the darkhorse in the GOP primary. The Iraq Way vet and true conservative will surprise many.

  2. Nope he is not the one neither is grahm,it will be Bush Then Hillary runs unless photo op basketball Thune gets in the race.

  3. He was the guy in 2012 but he had health issues that derailed him. He is a great candidate. I feel he missed his window but he is probably going to be the dark horse in Iowa and SC. I’ve heard few work harder than he does on the trail.

  4. He has money, question is can he raise more throughout the campaign. The more candidates there are, the more likely it is that Bush gets the nod simply because it’ll be too difficult for anyone else to break through and establish national name ID. Here’s my opinion (based on nothing but gut) on name id and ability to raise money for the current field, not to say who’s better or worse (on a scale of 1 to 10, name ID followed by money):

    Bush: 10-10
    Walker: 5-6
    Perry: 5-6
    Rubio: 4-4
    Carson: 2-1
    Christie: 6-5
    Cruz: 5-4
    Fiorina: 2-6
    Graham: 2-3
    Huckabee: 4-4
    Jindahl: 2-3
    Pataki: 1-1
    Paul: 6-4
    Santorum: 3-2
    Kasich: 3-5

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