Robocall defense lawyer back in the news.

Shawn Tornow, who defended Dan Willard in the infamous Robocall case by saying Stace Nelson could have done it, (and last we knew still represents Nelson in the civil Robocall lawsuit) now has a new gig in court: 

In a motion filed earlier this month, Rasmussen’s lawyer, Shawn Tornow, said local media coverage has “negatively reflected on my client.” Attached to the motion were several articles referring to Rasmussen as one of the “homicide players” in the LeBeau murder. 
 Tornow wrote that “nearly all of such stories” have “this young defendant in a negative light — arguably a negative and wrongful media-generate inaccurate projection of (the) defendant as some type of more calculating and/or more mature ‘Black Widow’.” 

Read it here.

Tornow is moving from misdemeanor election violation cases to drug robbery conspiracy cases?

4 thoughts on “Robocall defense lawyer back in the news.”

  1. Defense lawyers are critical to justice. I don’t know how they muster the fortitude to do so but am grateful they do.

  2. New gig? Last I was aware this is an old gig and he has been her lawyer from day 1. Must be a slow day

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