Rounds Statement on Democrat Filibuster on Iran Deal Provisions

RoundsPressHeaderRounds Statement on Democrat Filibuster on Iran Deal Provisions

“Protecting Americans’ lives should not be a partisan issue, nor should
supporting our longstanding friend and ally, Israel.”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today made the following statement after Senate Democrats again blocked consideration of legislation related to the Iran deal, denying the American people a voice on the president’s nuclear concession deal with Iran:

“Once again, a minority of Senators are denying the elected representatives of the American people an opportunity to vote on one of the most consequential issues of our time,” said Rounds. “In doing so, they are putting the President’s legacy ahead of the lives of the Americans who are currently being held hostage in Iran and threatening our national security here at home. Protecting Americans’ lives should not be a partisan issue, nor should supporting our longstanding friend and ally, Israel. Yet our president and a minority of his party in Congress are insistent on dealing with an Iranian regime which continues to call for “Death to Israel” and describes the U.S. as the Great Satan. It is politics at its worst.”

This morning, Senate Democrats blocked consideration of legislation that would require Iran to recognize Israel as a state and release the Americans held hostage in Iran before any U.S. sanctions with Iran could be lifted. This comes after Senate Democrats twice blocked consideration of the Iran deal itself, despite overwhelmingly supporting the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act earlier this year, which is based on the principle that Congress should have a say on whether the U.S. should adopt the President’s nuclear deal with Iran.

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4 thoughts on “Rounds Statement on Democrat Filibuster on Iran Deal Provisions”

  1. Standard Republican thing to do. Complain about someone else doing what your own party is best at! Mike, this will probably work with the numb-brained. But you’re going to have to try harder to engage people who can think for themselves and have a sense of history longer than your tenure in the US Senate.

      1. JaDee, they just don’t get it. Some of them don’t want to get it – just absolutely will not acknowledge the Truth, even if it’s kicking them in the teeth.

        And sadly, some of them don’t get it because they simply don’t have the intellect.

        Kind of sad, really.

        I used to be disgusted, now I’m just amused.

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