Rounds Statement on President’s Decision to Exit Paris Climate Agreement

Rounds Statement on President’s Decision to Exit Paris Climate Agreement

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today issued the following statement on President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement:

“The Paris Climate Agreement placed costly new energy restrictions on the United States, which would be passed on to consumers in the form of higher electricity prices,” said Rounds. “President Trump understands that we cannot put the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage with the rest of the world, thereby shackling our economy and raising electricity costs without even meeting the agreement’s goal of having a tangible effect on climate change.

“In fact, under this agreement, major polluters like China, Russia, India and Iran are allowed to increase their greenhouse gas emissions, while our emissions reductions are estimated to cost 6.5 million American jobs and $3 trillion in economic output by 2040. Good energy policies include an ‘all of the above’ approach that will strengthen our economy, create jobs and enhance our energy independence. I am pleased with the president’s decision today to leave the misguided Paris Climate Agreement.”   

Earlier this year, Rounds wrote a weekly column about the misguided Paris Climate Agreement and, along with a number of his Senate colleagues, sent a letter to the president encouraging U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.


13 thoughts on “Rounds Statement on President’s Decision to Exit Paris Climate Agreement”

  1. Senator Rounds,

    You are spot on! The Paris Climate Accord was, next to the Iran Deal, absolutely the worst decision ever made by an American President. Finally, you and Trump are bringing back America’s greatness!

    God Bless you Senator Rounds!

  2. Except China and India are ahead of their targets. Renewables like solar are far cheaper in those economies, and they’ll actually peak their carbon output a decade ahead of the Paris schedule. The good ol’ US of A will now join the two non-signatories Nicaragua and Syria, along with Russia as a fellow back-out.

    Trump also wants to cut $2 Billion in aid for developing countries to help meet their targets under the Paris agreement, meanwhile the US taxpayer remains on the hook for weekly golf outings and at least 3 homes for the President.

    Priorities, anyone?

    1. It’s not too hard for China and India to be meeting their targets since they are allowed to increase their greenhouse gas emissions. I like what the Trump administration is saying; let’s hear from the climate scientists who have no government grants to cause them to skew their results so they can get more grants. Thank you Trump for pulling us out of the flawed Paris Agreement!

      1. Stupidity, elected him and you people own him….

        ” let’s hear from the climate scientists who have no government grants to cause them to skew their results so they can get more grants.”— Can you post ONE gnat fart worth of evidence of that statement…. You can NOT– Just the usual conservative conspiracy theory crap lapped up by the gullible… If cons. had the human capacity of embarrassment they might once try to do something about their ignorance

        1. Well, not too many years ago the world was heading to another ice age. That didn’t materialize, right? And then it was global warming and the seas were going to rise etc, according to Gore (who didn’t care enough to ditch his private jet and mansions that spew more greenhouse gas and carbon that most people do in their lifetime). And then the libs settled on something that even they couldn’t screw up – climate change. Fact is that the climate is always changing so how could they go wrong!??! And it was admitted that this climate accord wouldn’t affect the climate more than a 10th or less of 1%, but it would cost the USA tons in money, jobs, higher energy costs, and solve nothing; but it was admitted that this was nothing short of a scheme of wealth redistribution.

          Trump was CORRECT!!!!

          1. Springer, you can’t get through to someone like JD. People like that listen to MSNBC and think they have the “facts”. The truth is that they want to be controlled by an almighty global government, but I guess I’d prefer freedom.

        2. In your opinion, JD. I would say stupidity elected Obama the first time and illegal actions of Obama to use the IRS as a weapon elected him the second time. The Algore and Leo Dicaprio-pushed climate change story is not a scientific fact, no matter how much you want to believe it is, and there is not consensus on it. If you had one gnat’s gart worth of intelligence you wouldn’t eat this all up with a leftwing spoon.

          Let’s see, first it was global cooling, then it was global warming, both pushed with a lot of pseudo-science and, frankly, a political agenda.

          If you would quit going to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s site for your “information” you might come off as more intelligent, but I guess that is too much to ask.

        3. Jaa Dee: I too have heard what “Bill Nye the Science Guy” says about climate change, the difference is you believe him.

  3. The $3 billion we were going to give the Chinese (or whomever) as part of the Paris Scam works out to about $9 each.

    Everybody who is having conniptions about this should just write a check for $9 X the number of people in their household and mail it to the Chinese embassy in Washington.

    You won’t halt the current Milankovitch Cycle but you’ll feel better about yourself.

    1. Anne, that’s a lie pure and simple. The Paris Agreement has the US giving aid to developing countries. China is not on that list – in fact, they’ll be sending aid to other nations as well. By pulling the US out of the agreement, nothing stands in the way of China becoming the world leader on “green energy”, and we’ve lost our standing, technology edge, and the moral high ground.

      But yeah, complain about $9.00 to make the world safer for billions of our children.

      1. So, you agree with China becoming a green energy leader by the end of a gun, which is the way things are done in your favorite red country. In America we let innovation, self-reliance, and intellectual curiosity drive things. I guess freedom is a foreign concept to your ilk.

  4. Had zero teeth and was a feel good measure with the exception of a 100 billion dollar transfer of wealth to developing countries. It was an agreement to get an agreement and pat each other on the back. The study from MIT claims a .3 degree change if everyone follows through. The CEOs who are complaining had figured out how to make money on this deal and just got their hand slammed in the door.
    Many countries were meeting these benchmarks before the deal but allowed them to be major polluters for the next 15 years. I thought if we didn’t do something 10 years ago we would all be dead or swimming by now? States and businesses will and should decide our policies not collections of foreign governments looking to stick it to the USA. The US will impose these policies meanwhile most of the countries that signed on won’t or lie and worse yet, get paid to do do nothing. But hey, at least they signed on right?
    I’m not against clean energy but imposing drastic regulations that always mean higher prices immediately when half the people in this country are broke is not good policy.

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